Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday April 1, 2013

Boy April came in with a cold blast. We had snow on the grass this morning. It was very windy with wind chills in the teens. I am glad I wore my long underwear this morning. This is Spring Break week so the MAC was empty. The Tigers open their season in Mn this afternoon. I would not want to play, let along watch, a baseball game on a cold day. I had my coffee at the Kava House today. I was so cold when I got home I turned the electric blanket on full blast and spent about 20 minutes getting warm. Now for the good news. The construction of the new Christian school at the old Iroquois has made homes in the OHNA hot property. Every week we get letters from real estate agents letting us know they have buyers for our house. Well last week Jack Lensink let us know that he had a buyer that was interested in our house. Jack stopped by with the buyer. As the saying goes: they made an offer we could not refuse. I was surprised how much Nancy was for the sale. Now for the good news: today we made an offer on a house located on Lake Huron south of Alpena. The house was owned by an old classmate of mine, Maury Cohen. I have been to the home and it is perfect. Four bedrooms with a great sand beach. Our agent in Alpena is also a classmate of mine and she said that she is positive the owners will accept our offer. We have to be out of our house by the end of July. We are under a tight schedule but it is do-able. As the saying goes: you must strike while the iron is hot.

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