Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday April 12, 2013

We had another cold rainy day. When I left for the MAC I thought the drizzle was too mild so I did not put on my rain pants. Big mistake. I did put on my rain pants when I left the MAC for the Kava House. Todays DFP had several articles on the troubles our Governor is having getting his projects approved by the legislature. His biggest obstacle is his own party. The Gov wants to raise the gas tax to fund road and bridge construction. Poll after poll have shown that the citizens want better roads but raising any tax is not on the lunatic fringe's agenda. Actually a gas tax is not really a tax but a user fee. We pay user fees for water, sewer, electric and gas services. The Gov also wants to join the medicaid program under Obamacare. I think it would be foolish not to join the program since the Feds will pay 100% for several years and then 90% after that. We need a third party! I do think we will have an immigration soon. I think most folks think it is long overdue. Good news the State got their permit from the Feds to build a new bridge to Canada. When I got home I had a quick lunch and then took Ms P on a long walk. It stated raining halfway through our walk. I had to towel Ms P off when we got home. We have all our accounts changed over to the new trust so I took the original trust documents to our safe deposit box at Macatawa. I then headed to Woodland Mall to get a birthday card for Ed Namey. Ed is turning 75 on the 18th. I was real tired when I got home so I took a 30 minute nap. Nancy fixed soup and her chicken/rice dish for dinner. I watched the news and was sorry to learn of Jonathan Winter's death. When he first came on TV my mother, who always watched the Tonight Show, thought he was really funny. I think I will see if any CDs are available of his performances. It is now 2035 and I will head downstairs to watch Vegas at 2100. The weather folks say we could get some snow tonight. Think Spring!!

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