Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday April 23, 2013

It was sprinkling when I headed out for the MAC. I put on my rain suit. The temperature was very mild, 45. I did the tri today in average time. I did not need my rainsuit when I left the MAC and headed to the Kava House. The DFP is really getting bad. They had only a few stories dealing with Michigan or the metro area. I might have to cancel my subscription. The WSJ was loaded with stories on the remaining Boston bomber. Jack Kirkwood an old neighbor came in for coffee and we chatted for several minutes. Everything is ok with the Kirkwoods. It felt like rain when I headed home so I had a quick lunch and then took Ms P on her mile walk. We had perfect timing because it started raining as we were walking up the drive. I spent the afternoon setting up my MacBook Air. I have an appointment at the Apple store tomorrow to make sure I did everything ok. It is 1800 and it is raining hard. The last thing we need is more rain. I saw that the flooding in GR made the Today show. The fish in the window shot is at our eye doctor's office. Nancy is fixed some pulled pork for dinner tonight. We will read the GRP and watch NCIS before heading upstairs.

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