Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday April 15, 2013

Finally we are having a warm day with no rain until late in the day. No lined pants, long underwear or rubber boots were required. I only wore a light jacket. After the MAC I stopped at the Starbucks in Gas Light Village for my coffee. I thought it might be crowded with EGR high school kids but it was not. I used my iphone app to buy the coffee. When I got home it felt like rain so I took Ms P on a one mile walk. I am reading a book loaned to me by the husband of Becky Verker. He knew I was in Viet Nam so he gave me this book. It is really good and I must have it finished by Sunday. Ken and Becky are coming over to dinner along with the Mastins and Hartmans. I talked with Debbie this afternoon. She spent some time in England. It was good talking to her. ABout 1500 I got a message on my iphone that there was a bombing at the Boston Marathon. I checked for the story but could find no follow up. Around 1600 Nancy called me down to look at the TV. They were starting coverage of the bombing. I am alway appalled when innocent people are injured in an act of terrorism. What does it accomplish? It is a sad ending to what was going to be a pleasant spring day.

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