Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday April 22, 2013

Weekend Update: Saturday April 20 was a cold windy day. It was in the 20s early this morning with snow on the ground. I bundled up and rode the bike to Bill's for oatmeal. After breakfast I rode around Reeds Lake. We have had so much heavy rain that flooding is everywhere. The road around Reeds Lake was flooded in four spots. Luckily the water was not very deep so I could pedal my bike through the water. I had to change my pants and shoes when I got home. After I got home I got in the C2 and headed out to look at all the flooding and inspect a few bridges. The Grand River reached a record flood stage this weekend. The water exceeded the 1904 record. The good news is that since 1904 the City has constructed flood walls that prevented any serious flooding. It looks like all the bridges on the Grand are not in danger. I looked at several bridges that I had designed on Buck and Plaster Creek and could see no problems. Nancy has been experiencing some email problems so she had to go to the Apple store to try and fix her problem. She might have a virus. She had to contact ATT to change her password. Saturday night Nancy and I headed downtown to have dinner with the Namey's at Leos. It was a birthday party for Ed and myself. Eds birthday is on the 19th and mine is on the 22nd, Earth Day. We all had an excellent dinner. It was a great evening. Sunday April 21, 2013. We are up at 0655 and ready for the MAC. However, today we cannot go swimming because the pool is being used for a triathlon. I did some exercises and walked on the treadmill. Nancy walked on the treadmill. We did go to Miejer's to get some supplies. This evening we are having three couples over for dinner. After a breakfast of Nancy's world famous scrambled eggs we started getting ready. Actually Nancy is getting ready. She has everything all planned. For starters Nancy has four kinds of cheese and crackers. We also had fruit. I bought some Bell's Oberon and Fat Tire beer. We also had wine. For dinner Nancy had pulled pork sandwiches, a barley/apricot dish and a green salid. The pulled pork was a big hit. Nancy had a cheese cake for dessert. After dinner I offered some Springbank scotch from Campbelt, Scotland. All the men wanted a taste. The party was a big success. Monday April 22 and my 75th birthday. In 1938 the year of my birth a new home cost $3,900, a car $860 and gas was $0.10 per gallon. Life expectancy was 59.7 years. On this day in 1938 by Great grandfather Sanborn noted my birth in his diary. He also noted that it was a Friday and very cold in Ossineke, MI. GGF cleaned his chicken coop and had 3 loads of manure. Today, 2013, Nancy is going on a buying trip to the Detroit area. She is going with other buyers from the Gift shop. I headed to the MAC and after had coffee at the Kava House. It is a beautiful day with sunshine and temperatures in the mid 60s. I got several nice birthday presents. I got an Apple Air computer and will start setting it up this evening. I also got a fruit basket and scotch glasses. Nancy got home at 1700. I did not expedt her until later this evening. We will have a light dinner before heading to bed.

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