Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuesday April 2, 2013

Like yesterday it was cold and sunny this morning. The wind was above 10 mph so the wind chill was in the low 20s. I, of course, wore layers. I did have a PB on my 1,000 yard swim this morning. Nancy and I have a busy afternoon so I stopped at Breton Village Starbucks for my morning coffee. I used my Starbucks app on my iphone to pay for the coffee. I read both the WSJ and DFP. I can read the DFP in less than 10' but the WSJ takes over an hour. I got home a little after 1300 and had a quick lunch. Nancy and I then took our new Trust papers and headed out. Our first stop was Wells Fargo to change our accounts from our individual trusts to our joint trust. Did you know that the first bank Nancy and I had a joint account with was Wells Fargo. We were living in CA at the time. After WF we stopped at the Kent County Credit Union. It took about 20' to make the change. After the KCCU we stopped at Fidelity on 28th Street. It took about 40 minutes to make the change. Except for New York Life we have changed all our account over. We are glad that it is done. I have a Grand Rapids Building Authority meeting tomorrow. It is our first meeting of the year. I had to read our Annual Financial Statement. The Statement was over 50 pages. For dinner tonight we finished the ham, potatoes and beans from our Easter dinner. It was real good. It is now 1956 and I am heading downstairs to watch a rerun of NCIS. According to the weather report we will have two more nights when the temps are below freezing. After that no more freezing temps. I hope Spring is finally here! I did get my 30 in today.

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