Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday April 17, 2013

Today is Breakfast Club day. A more apt name would be sinful Wednesday. For breakfast I had scrambled eggs, hashbrowns and biscuits and gravy. It was real good. After BC I headed to Martha's Vineyard to buy a bottle of wine and some cheese for Ed Namey who turns 75 tomorrow. They have a great bakery so I bought a cranberry scone. Speaking of birthdays, today is my grand daughter's fourth birthday. Happy Birthday Alessandra. Nancy and I will try to face time her this evening. Today also would be my Dad's 107th birthday. The weather man said that it will rain this afternoon so when I got home about 1000 I took Ms P on her one mile walk. After the walk I headed to Meijer's to buy some beer for our Sunday night dinner. After Meijers I stopped at the Nameys to leave Ed's birthday gift. Next on my errands was Home Depot. Yesterday when putting up the side and back door screens I noted what bad shape the storm doors were in. I found a door that I think will meet our needs. I stopped at Macatawa Bank to get some money for our trip to CA. They offered cookies to their customers so I had one. They were so good that I had another. Sinful Wednesday continues. My final stop was at the Starbucks in Breton Village. I bought a coffee and read my papers. The bombing in Boston, the situation in Korea and Congress' efforts to pass a gun and immigration bill dominated the news. I got home at 1330 and the rain had not started yet so I put on my rain coat and walked 3.34 miles. I beat the rain but despite my efforts to walk fast I cannot get my speed below 17 minutes per mile. As soon as I got inside the thunder and lightning started. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon and she got drenched just getting to her car. This evening we will have a light dinner and watch some TV. I face timed my Sister today. We always talk on Mom and Dad's birthdays. They are leaving Tucson next week for Gaylord.

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