Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday April 10, 2013

Today is my biweekly easy Wednesday. I took advantage of my easy day by sleeping in. Is is suppose to rain all day today so I wore my rain suit for my bike ride to Bill's. I had oatmeal and spent about 90 minutes reading the DFP and WSJ. Are you impacted by the Sequester? This was a questions asked of me by the Fox News watchers at the MAC. I don't think across the board cuts are the best way to reduce a budget but at least we are cutting. This is probably the best that our legislators can do. Speaking of budgets I really like the way our Governor attacks budget problems. However, he is having a real problem keeping the right wing legislators in line. These folks are idiots. It was raining when I left Bill's but I was dressed properly so I was going to ride around Reeds Lake. As I got underway the thunder and lightning started. I changed plans and headed home. Nancy and I still needed to get forms from NY Life to change our beneficiary to reflect our new trust. I had tried several times to contact NY Life. I was unsucessful. So today I got in the C2 and drove to their office. A woman in the office knew exactly what to do and she had the forms prepared for our signature in about ten minutes. I also stopped at Costco to purchase some eye drops and contact lens solution. It had stopped raining when I got home so I took Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk. Nancy had to work at the Gardens this afternoon. She has book club this evening so at 1600 I had to heat up the soup in the crockpot. I am picking Ed Namey up at 1745 and we are going to Harmony for pizza and beer. Ed and I were both surprised at how busy Harmony. Not many empty tables when we got there. The pizza was very good as was the beer. I got home at 2000 and book club was still going on. After the meeting I will help Nancy with the dishes and then head upstairs to continue with my Pancho Villa/Gen Pershing book.

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