Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday April 9, 2013

The weather folks said that the rain would arrive at 1200. It was a pleasant dry ride to the MAC. I had a good swimming time today. As I was leaving I looked out the window at the MAC and saw that it was raining hard. I had packed a pair of rain pants so I put them on. I pedaled to the Starbucks at Breton Village. I used my super duper app on my iphone to buy my coffee. Unlike other days today I read the DFP first. It took about 5 minutes. The only thing I learned was that a consultant had recommended that the Detroit City Council should reduce their salaries and fire their staff. Each council member has a staff of seven. The annual savings would be $37M. It sounded like a good idea to me. I find that I like the WSJ's general news reporting. They give me a good feel of what is going on in the world. I left Breton Village at 1230 and headed home in a heavy rain. At 1300 an inspector from the City's Building Department arrived to inspect the water heater installation. It took him about ten minutes. I stayed up late last night wtaching the UM game so I was tired. I took a short nap. At 1430 it had stopped raining so Ms P and I took a 1.5 mile walk. Nancy had a denist appointment this afternoon and she got home about 1600. At 1700 we had a heavy thunder storm roll through. Tonight Nancy is fixing soup and sandwich. I will watch NCIS and read the GRP. We only get the GRP delivered three days a week so I look forward to reading a hard copy. I wish I could get it on my Kindle. The DFP is also only delivered three days a week. Will we see a day when the newpapers stop printing paper copies? Seventy five years ago today Great grandfather Sanborn wrote that the Devil's River had a big run of smelt. He walked 1/2 mile upstream. The smelt run is very important to the folks in Ossineke and this was all GGF reported.

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