Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday April 24, 2013

Today is my easy day. I had an appointment at the Apple store for 0900. At 0830 I hop into the C2 and head to Woodland Mall. I have scheduled a 30 minute one-on-one section. The instructor was able to transfer my contacts, email and book marks to the Apple Air. However he said that I cannot transfer my tunes that I did not purchase at the Apple store to the AA (Apple Air). I find this very confusing because I have all my tunes on my iPhone. Last year I purchased the old TV series Victory at Sea. The entire series is on 4 discs. Once again I was told because I did not purchase the CDs through Apple I cannot load them on the AA. I don't believe this. I will have to do more research. I am typing this blog on the AA. It has spell check. After my session I headed to the Omlette Shop for breakfast. I had oatmeal and read the papers. I got home as Nancy was leaving for the Gardens. She has the afternoon shift. I played with my AA and started to pack for our CA trip. The sun came out at 1500 so I took Ms P on a mile walk. After her walk I went on a 3.3 mile walk. Tonight we will have a light dinner and watch the news. What else is new? I will read the GRP downstairs on my AA. I might also do some packing. I just started reading a book on Catherine the Great. I got my 30 in today.

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