Sunday, June 26, 2011

Saturday June 25, 2011

Ms P and I went out at 0430. The stars and moon were bright. Today is going to be a great day, weather-wise. I pedaled to Bill's and had their super breakfast. I read the WSJ and DFP. The DFP had an article on the DPS's Headstart Program. It appears that this program has been a spectacular example of mismanagement. Detroit might lose their $50 million grant to run the program. The mismanagement has been going on for years.

When I got home I put my kayak rack on the C2 and loaded up and headed to Saugatuck. I put in at Douglas and paddled around Kalamazoo Lake. I paddled as far as the channel to Lake Michigan. It was a great day to be on the water. A lot of boats were heading out into the big lake. I did notice some homes along the lake for sale. I might check out what they are asking. I also saw some houseboats. I always wanted a houseboat. I spent 2.5 hours on the water.

When I got home I unloaded the C2 and then Nancy and I loaded it up again with all the items we could not sell at the garage sale. I took the items to Good Will. The drop off area was jammed. Today must have been the day to take your unwanted items to Good Will.

We spent a quiet evening at home. Nancy fixed a chicken breast for dinner. I read the GRP and watched some TV. Lately I have been taking a 1.25 mile walk at dusk. Today was no exception. We were upstairs by 2130.

Navy OCS, Newport, RI, 1961: By the last weekend in June I think I had finally figured out what the Navy wanted of me. I shined my shoes their way and made sure I had all my buttons buttoned. We are settled into a routine of classes, drills and duties. We marched everywhere and I can now keep in step. On several Saturdays we had a "Pass in Review". A "Pass in Review" means that we put on our dress whites get our rifle and head to the parade ground. First our Company stands in formation, at attention, and we are inspected by the Commanding Officer. We then march in formation past a reviewing stand. It is all very formal. After a successful "Pass in Review" we are allowed to head to town. In fact we are allowed an overnight pass. I think the first time we had an overnight I stayed in a motel with several classmates. We splurged for a lobster dinner and then headed to the Viking Hotel. My pay in OSC was $80 per month. I still had enough money for a motel room, lobster and beer.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Friday June 24, 2011

Today is officially the first Friday of summer. It was real cool last night. Today rain is not forecast but the temperatures will still be only in the 60s. I finished my exercises at home and then instead of going to the MAC, I rode my bike 15 miles. I ended up at the Kava House.

I got home about 1300 and after a quick lunch, I fired up the mower and stated cutting the lawn. I started at 1400 and finished at 1700. Nancy and I had dinner at Panera Bread. After dinner we stopped the Dollar Tree and then Kohl's. Kohl's was having their super duper sale but I could not find anything that I needed. We came home and watched some TV. I did take a 1.25 mile walk. Nancy went to bed at 2100 but I stayed downstairs and started watching a Jason Bourne movie. I think it was the first. I love those movies.

Thursday June 23, 2011

Thursday Morning and I slept in until 0600. It was raining outside so Ms P stayed in bed. I was groggy this morning and I did not want to get on the rowing machine. Surprise! I set a PB in the 4K row. I wore my raincoat to the MAC but I really did not need it except for warmth. High temperatures today are in the 60s. After the MAC I pedaled right home because I have a 1230 lunch meeting with Jennifer Dougherty.

It started to rain hard as I was driving to Lowell. We have had a lot of rain this week. I have a make shift rain gage and my gage said we have had 2" this week. Lunch with Jennifer was great. She gave me an update on her family. We also talked about a project she is working on. I agreed with her approach to solving the project's problems.

After lunch I stopped by Juhas-Sullivan Jewelry to see if they could get my Rolex repaired. They said, yes, so I left the watch in their care. Jeff Juhas, the owner, gave me an appraisal of the watch. I was shocked.

Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. It was cold and rainy so we ate inside. On our way home we stopped by the ATM and a clothing store. We watched some TV and read the GRP. Like most old folks, we were upstairs by 2130.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday June 22, 2011

Tuesday June 21, 2011: Today is the first day of summer and the temperature at 0430 was in the 70s. Today I did my exercise routine at home. I did not do the 1.5 mile run. I elected to go on a long bike ride in lieu of the MAC. I rode to Ada and then back to the Kava House, a distance of 21 miles. It was very hot and humid. I did not get home until 1330. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to work on the OHNA Street Light project. I am having a hard time downloading the City's aerial map of the area. I called the City and Allen Brock told me that he would put the data on a disk. I immediately got Ms P and headed downtown. When I got home I viewed the aerials and they look great, however, I cannot put them in ACAD LT. So what do I do when I have a CAD problem, you guessed it, I call Jennifer. I did put my inspection report of the 53 lights on excel. I even came up with a condition rating system for the lights.

Nancy fixed a chicken salad for dinner. It was a great summer meal. It started getting very dark about 1800. In fact the weather folks kept broadcasting right through the national news. It started raining hard about 1945. I think we got over an inch in about an hour. We headed to bed about 2100 and the thunder and lightning spooked Ms P. She gets real hyper during a thunder storm. I took her into a spare bedroom and left the light and radio on to try and quiet her down. She kept bugging me but I ignored her and finally she fell asleep.

Wednesday June 22, 2011: Today is my easy day. Ms P and I went out at 0600. We then went back to bed and finally got up at 0800. I pedaled to Bill's for breakfast. The weather folks say that we might have some showers today. However, it is summer and warm so rain will not kill me. I loaded the bike on the C2 and headed to Holland. I stopped at the River Street bridge and walked around to see how it was holding up. Everything appeared ok. The river was very muddy from last night's storm.

After the bridge inspection I headed to Holland State Park. The parking lot at the park was about 60% full. It was cool and very windy. I looked out at the beach and did not see anyone in the water even though the beach was crowded. I left the Park and headed to Lakeshore Drive. I was 5 miles into the ride when it started raining. It rained very hard for about 5 minutes. The rain stopped and soon the sun came out. I rode 10 miles north and then turned around. I wanted to ride 20 miles so my odometer would reach 600 miles. I have put 600 miles on my bike since April.

Nancy worked at Meijer Gardens this afternoon. She was already home when I arrived at 1700. I walked Ms P around the block and then started on this blog. We had cereal for dinner tonight. I also finished the rhubarb sauce that Nancy fixed for me yesterday. We watched the news and then I went on a 1.5 mile walk. I did watch the President' speech tonight. I think he should bring the troops home faster. At 2100 we all headed upstairs.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday June 20, 2011

Friday June 17, 2011: My computer crashed and I lost my entire weekend blog. bummer!!! This is a brief version. Friday and I followed my normal morning routine. When I got home at 1330, I had a quick lunch and then cut the grass. I want the yard to look nice for our Father's Day Brunch. I gave the yard some extra treatment and did not get done until 1730. After a quick shower Nancy and I headed to Brann's on 28 and Kraft. We sat in the sports bar and had a great salad.

Saturday June 18, 2011: Another nice day, Nancy heads to the MAC and I pedal to Bill's for pancakes and eggs. When I get home I load up the kayak and head for Ada. Today I am going to paddle on the Grand River. I head upstream and pass under the M21 bridge under construction. Hardman is the contractor and he was working on a Saturday. It looks like he is having trouble removing the existing concrete piers. I arrive at the outlet for the Thornapple River and take the river to the Ada Dam. I then head back downstream and paddle about an hour upstream on the Grand. I did see two deer and a lot of turtles including the biggest snapping turtle I have ever seen. I spent 2.5 hours on the water. It felt good but I did have some shoulder pain. This was my longest paddle in a year.

When I got home Nancy was busy preparing for the brunch. She is working very hard. In the afternoon we drove over to Gaslight Village to see the Art Fair. We spent about an hour looking around. They appeared to have a large crowd. It was a perfect day for an Art Fair.

We did not go out for dinner because we were waiting for a neighbor to deliver some pastries and cookies he had made for our brunch. The neighbor had just started a bakery and we wanted to give him some business. We had pizza for dinner and then watched a movie on TV.

Sunday June 19, 2011: Father's Day and Nancy and I slept in until about 0730. Nancy got busy cooking her egg dish and I did some chores. The Brunch started at 1030 and by 1035 all ten guests had arrived. We started with a champagne cocktail and some pastries. Everyone was in a good mood. The Brunch was a smashing success. Nancy got a lot of compliments. The last guest left at 1300. It took us about one hour to clean up.

All the kids called today to wish me a Happy Father's Day. It made me feel good. About 1600 I took a 5 mile walk. We did not eat much for dinner because the brunch was so filling. We headed to bed early. It was a great day for Nancy and Bob.

Thursday June 16, 2011

It was still raining when Ms P and I went out at 0445. I went back to bed and got up for good at 0700. I did not leave home for the MAC until 0900. It was cool with rain possible. It did not rain on my trip to the MAC. Today I added another routine to my dead lifts. In addition to doing 3 sets of 110# dead lifts, five reps per set I added 3 sets of 135#, 3 reps per set. I read several articles that said if you only have time for one weight exercise it should be dead lifts. Us old folks need resistance training. I hate to lift weights.

At the Kava House I read in detail the WSJ. I find the problems in Greece interesting but confusing. The WSJ does not like ObemaCare. They claim that many employers will opt out of health insurance and take the $2,000 per employee fine. The fine is cheaper. I think every employer should at a minimum provide health insurance for every employee. I think ObemaCare is too complicated.

This morning I got a call from Ryan at Scott Engineering. He wanted me to come in and talk about their 6th Street Bridge project. I arrived at SCECO at 1400 and we discussed the project. I think they have the project pretty well thought out. I just wish GR would make 6th Street one way. The bridge is much to narrow.

For dinner Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside and listened to the music. We both had the prime rib sandwich. It was great. We have a busy weekend coming up so Nancy and I head to bed early.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wednesday June 15, 2011

Today is Breakfast Club. My alarm goes off at 0545 and I get right up. I arrive at 0655 for Breakfast Club. Today's speaker was the Director of the West Michigan Environmental Action Council (WMEAC) and his assistant. This organization back in the 70s sued my employer the Kent County Department of Public Works. We were the bad guys who did not care about the environment. Of course we disagreed. They took us to court several times and they always lost. Based on the talk today I don't think the organization has learned much in the past 30 years. They just do not understand the proper solutions to environmental problems. I don't think that either of the speakers had ever had a science class in college. On a happier note the breakfast was great.

After Breakfast Club I stopped at Rylee's to buy some weed eater string. When I got home I loaded up my AT and headed to the Muskatawa Trail. It was a great day for a ride. I rode 28 miles.

Nancy worked at Meijer's Garden in the afternoon and in the evening she went back to help at an orientation class. I stayed home and had cereal. It was cool and raining when I went to bed. In fact it rained all night.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tuesday June 14, 2011

Tuesday and everything is back to normal. Ms P and I go out at 0430, I go to the MAC and end up at the Kava House at 1200. As usual I read the WSJ and DFP. The papers have a lot of interesting reading so I do not get home until 1400.

After a quick lunch I put my kayak rack on the car. I load up and head for Reeds Lake. This is my second time kayaking this year. It has been very windy this spring and today is no exception. My little 12' kayak bounces around in rough water. It felt good to be on the water and I paddled about 90 minutes.

Nancy fixed a fruit salad for dinner. It was very good. We watched reruns of NCIS and at 2100 headed upstairs.

Monday June 13, 2011

Saturday June 11, 2011: Today is a travel day for me and Ms P. We are going to Lakewood, Ohio to visit Melissa and AJ. Before leaving home I helped Nancy finish setting up for the garage sale. I also headed to the Kava House to get us some scones and coffee. Nancy was already very busy selling things when Ms P and I headed out.

The drive to Lakewood was uneventful. We did not stop until we hit the Ohio Turnpike. Ms P and I had to do our bidness! I got to Lakewood about 1600. It is 290 miles from GR to Lakewood. We got to Lakewood while Missy and AJ were running errands. Ms P and I made ourselves at home. They arrived home shortly after us. I must be getting old because all this traveling exhausts me. I took a short nap. After the nap we got in Missy's car and had dinner at a place called "Around the Corner". We sat outside and had a light fare. After dinner we headed to the ice cream store so Grandpa could buy AJ an ice cream cone. The place was full. Everybody gets an ice cream cone on a warm summer night. We all went to bed early because Sunday will be a busy day.

Sunday June 12, 2011: Today we are going on a bike ride through Amish farm country. The ride is call a "Sunday in June". They are estimating between 800 and 1,000 rider. This is the third time Missy and I have done the ride. The first time we did 50 miles. Last year Missy carried AJ on her bike so we did 27 miles. This year we are planning on going 27 miles again. It is really hard carrying another person on your bike even if she only weighs 30 pounds.

The ride starts and ends at Burton, Ohio. Burton is about a sixty minute drive from Lakewood. It is ESE from Cleveland. We got to Burton about 0845 and had trouble finding a parking place. We picked up our ride packet and at 0850 we headed on the ride. It was a nice cool day for a ride. The wind was a little brisk but did not really slow us down. I think most folks when they think Ohio think Rust Belt. Ohio also has a large agricultural industry. We traveled on lightly traveled roads through the Amish farm country. The Amish farms are large and look very prosperous. The area is very hilly so I got some practice climbing hills. At the end of last year's riding season I had a five speed internal hub installed on my AT bike. Today for the first time I used all 5 speeds. The last two "Sunday in June" rides I used my single speed bike. Let me just say 5 is better than 1. It took 2h 17' to do the 27 miles. The last mile was a steep hill. I made it without having to walk. We were provided with an Italian lunch after the ride. We had pasta, meatballs, salad and cookies. AJ thought the cookies were the best part of the ride.

I fell asleep on our ride home. We did stop at Trader Joes to buy some ginger snaps and lemon curd. For dinner we went to the Leaping Lizard. I had salmon and a beer. After dinner we relaxed and I read the Cleveland paper. I was in bed by 2100. It was a great day. A "Sunday in June" has become a tradition.

Monday June 13, 2011: Today is a travel day for Ms P and I. It is also a travel day for Missy and AJ. They are driving to NY to visit Nancy's sister Peg. AJ calls her Grandma Peg. Peg and DeWight live on Owasco Lake near Auburn, NY. Owasco is on one of NY's finger lakes.

Ms P and I leave first. The drive back to GR was smooth. We stopped twice and got home about 1500. Nancy and I have tickets tonight to attend an exhibit at the GR Museum. It is a Civil War exhibit and is called "Thank God for Michigan". Apparently President Lincoln said this when Michigan supplied a lot of troops after his first call for volunteers. It was an great exhibit.

And that folks is how I spent the second weekend in June, 2011. On the second weekend in June in 1961, OCSA Scott was given his first liberty. We took a Navy bus into Newport, RI. and spent the evening at the Viking hotel eating, drinking and dancing with the Fall River, MA girls. I had to be back to the Navy base by midnight (2400).

Friday, June 10, 2011

Friday June 10, 2011

It was a great night for sleeping. The temperature got down to the high fifties. In fact it is now 1800 and the temperature is only 58. It was raining hard early this morning so I drove to the MAC. I only had an hour on the parking meter so I could not finish the DFP and WSJ. I did read an article describing how the Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission put a stop on the study about the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste disposal area. The study was alleged to be in favor of using Yucca Mountain. The Chairman at one time worked for Nevada Senator Reid an opponent of Yucca Mountain. Nancy and I attended an Elderhostel in Utah and our guide was a retired geologist for the Energy Department. He was involved in the study to find a place for nuclear waste. It was his opinion that Yucca Mountain was far and away the best location. Senator Reid supports the studies that support global warming but fails to support the scientific studies for Yucca Mountain. The same can be said of our President.

When I got home from the Kava House I had a quick lunch and headed upstairs to start working on the OHNA street light project. About 1500 I got a call from Ken Lotterman, our computer guy, and he said he had time to check Nancy's email problem. It took Ken two hours to get everything squared away. So much for the trouble free Apple computer.

Tonight Nancy and I attended a fund raising event at the Zoo. The event started at 1900. They had a silent auction and Nancy and I bid on several items. We will know Monday if we won. They had an Italian buffet and of course a cash bar. The animals must have known that this was a big fund raiser because they were very active. We left at 2100. It has been a long day so when we got home we headed to bed. Actually Nancy headed to bed and I sat down to watch the hockey game and fell asleep.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. Nancy is having a garage sale in the morning. The sale is part of the OHNA's annual garage sale. Ms P and I are heading to Cleveland. Missy and I are riding our bikes in a ride through Amish country on Sunday.

Thursday June 9, 2011

Ms P and I did not go out until 0530 this morning. It was much cooler than yesterday. In fact the first thing Nancy and I did this morning was to open windows and turn off the AC. My morning followed my typical Thursday routine. I did not complete the WSJ because I wanted to get home and get the grass cut. The weather folks said that rain it will rain all day Friday and maybe later this afternoon.

I had a quick lunch and started mowing. It has been relatively dry this week so the grass was not as long as past cutting. I completed the yard about 1600. Nancy still does not have her email problem fixed. We are waiting for a call from Ken Lotterman our computer guy to see if he can come this afternoon. We stayed home this evening and I had several PB&J's with a big onion slice. Before going to bed I took a 1.5 mile walk.

The massive forest fire in AZ has been getting a lot of press. According to the news reports the smoke has drifted as far as Texas.

When I was about 10 (1948) on a Sunday in late August my Grandmother and I were home alone in Alpena. It was very dark in the morning and even at 1000 we had to have the lights on. Goody Aikens who lived across the street from us was one of my Grandmother's best friends. Both Goody's and my Grandmother's fathers were doctors. They were the first doctors in Alpena. Goody noted the darkness and thought it was the end of the world. She came over to our house and asked my Grandmother if she could finish her days at our house. My Grandmother said yes. Goody wanted to get some valuables from her house so I went with her across the street. I guess you could say I was riding shotgun. Goody got some jewels and cash. She thanked me profusely for my protection. We finally turned on the radio and we were informed that the darkness was caused by smoke from forest fires in Canada. In fact the Tigers were playing Cleveland in Cleveland and they had to turn on the lights for a daytime game. Another example of the Power of Mother Nature.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wednesday June 8, 2011

Ms P and I went out at 0400 to answer natures call. I went back to bed and got up at 0700. Today is my easy day so I got on the bike and headed to Marie Catrib's. I thought I would try another place for breakfast. Boy was I disappointed. I had burnt toast and only one piece at that, lukewarm oatmeal and tepid coffee. Goodbye Marie.

After my disappointing and expensive breakfast I pedaled home and loaded the bike on the rack and headed to Kent Trails/Millennium Park. It was very hot but the nice thing about these trails is that they have a lot of shade. I rode 15 miles in 1h17'. I got home at 1300 and had to quickly shower and get dressed so I could make the 1400 GRBA meeting. The meeting started promptly at 1400 and was over by 1500. I was surprised to learn at the meeting that the City Engineer's office had a major downsizing. The Engineer who usually handles the meetings was one of the engineers let go.

I spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on my blogs and mail. At 1730 I got in the C2 and headed to Fred's for pizza and beer with Tom Moleski. Yes tonight is book club night. I got home about 1930 and immediately fell asleep. I slept for over an hour. The heat must be getting to me. We think we will need the AC only one more night. The Weather folks say a cold front is moving through.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tuesday June 7, 2011

Ms P and I slept in until 0530. It was 76 when we went outside. The temperature is expected to get to 93 today. Heat advisories are in place.

After I completed my at home routine I decided not to go to the MAC. Instead I took a bike ride around Reeds Lake (2 times). I had pedaled 11 miles by the time I got to the Kava House. I was real sweaty from the heat so I sat outside away from the AC. I got home about 1200. After a speedy lunch I grabbed Ms P and headed to the beauty shop. Ms P is getting her summer do today.

While Ms P was in the beauty shop I visited Grand Rapids Bicycle Company. I bought a high visibility shirt and a pair of padded bike gloves. I next stopped a Meijer's to get some sun screen. I got home about 1330. At 1340 the beauty shop said Ms P was ready. I picked her up and brought her home. Nancy was surprised at how much fur they had removed. I think Ms P looks cool.

Nancy wanted me to pick up a book at the OH Library for her. I got on my bike and picked up the book. I then pedaled around Reeds Lake. I have just finished reading all the material for tomorrows GRBA meeting.

It was 93 at 1800. We had a light dinner and Nancy spent the rest of the evening talking to Apple about her email. She lost her email service and Apple or ATT were not much help. I emailed my guru and asked for his help. Computers, we have a love/hate relationship with them.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Monday June 6, 2011

Today is the 67th anniversary of the D-Day landing. I knew several men who took part in the invasion. The youngest is now 85 years old.

Monday morning and Ms P and I start the day at 0430. It was warm at 0430 and the weather folks say that it will be another warm sunny day. I followed the normal routine and ended up at the Kava House at 1130. Today's WSJ did a good job on reporting on the troubles in the Middle East. I also find very interesting China's cyberspies and the efforts they go to in order to obtain sensitive information. I am assuming we are doing the same.

I did not know that John D Rockefeller was a major player in getting the 18th Amendment passed. He was against drinking alcohol. According to the WSJ tomorrow is the 79th anniversary of the beginning of the end for the 18th amendment. John D sent a letter to the NYT saying that the ban was not working and the amendment should be repealed. The purpose of the article was to point out that a lot of present day leaders are saying that the "War on Drugs" is a failure and drugs should be legalized. I firmly agree.

It is also good to hear that many current leaders are saying that the war in Afghanistan is too costly and not providing the results we want. Bring the troops home. Once again I firmly agree.

I got home about 1300 and after a quick lunch I headed to Veenstra's to get a adobe file made of the 1972 street light plan. I hope to superimpose my street light data on the file. I also stopped by the ADA bike shop on Fulton to see if they had any high visibility vests. They did not. I walked Ms P around the block and then took an 8 mile bike ride.

Tonight was cereal night and after watching some TV and reading the GRP we headed to bed. Before going to bed we turned on the AC. This is the first time this year that we needed the AC.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday June 5, 2011

Sunday morning and Ms P and I slept in until 0500. It is going to be another warm sunny day. Nancy and I went swimming, followed by our trip to Meijer's. I bought gas today and it was $4.11 per gallon. I also returned 48 bottles. I think MI's bottle bill has worked well.

Of course Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I also took my Sunday nap. After the nap I grabbed my clipboard and continued inspecting street lights. If finished about 1700. Nancy is grilling hot dogs for dinner. We will finish reading the GRP, watch 60 minutes and then head to bed to finish our books. Nancy must have her book finished soon because Wed is book club.

Today I watched GR lip dub and "You Tube". It was great and I highly recommend anyone with any ties to GR to watch it.

Saturday June 4, 2011

First weekend June, 1961: Navy OCS, Newport, RI: This is first weekend that OCS cadets have liberty. Everyone put on his white sailor suit and headed to town. Everyone except me. I put on my white sailor suit with gaiters, picked up a 1898 Springfield rifle and headed for the grinder. I marched for four hours. These silly rules are getting me down. If I hear "in attention to detail" one more time I will scream. The Navy does not believe in partial credit. On a brighter note I am actually doing ok in my classes, especially navigation and operations. These classes have a lot of math and my classmates who majored in English are very confused. Navigation is just surveying on water.

June 2011: Today being Saturday I get on my bike and head to Bill's for breakfast. I only read the WSJ because today I am going on a long bike ride. I get home, load up the bike and head to Riverside Park. It is very warm today so I have on shorts and a light shirt. I also put on a heavy dose of sun screen. I pedaled to Cedar Springs. I really like my 5 speed bike but since I have an odometer that gives me all kinds of data I wonder if I would be better off with a ten speed. I am really getting into the science of riding. Is counting cadence my next step. I rode 38 miles. 43 miles if you count my trip to Bill's.

I take a shower and short nap. At 1700 Nancy and I get in the Taurus and head downtown. We walk around festival and enjoyed watching all the folks. We stop at the Bosnian food booth and get some kabobs. I tell Nancy that we will be in Bosnia in Oct as part of our river cruise. After the Kabobs we need something sweet so we each get a butter pecan waffle cone. Life is good. We finished our stay by listening to a Dixie Land band. They were good.

Friday June 3, 2011

Man it is Friday morning already. How come on the nicest part of the year the days go so fast. It is not fair. This morning I did not deviate from my schedule. The WSJ loves to write about the flaws in the President's Health care plan. This morning was no exception. Today is another warm dry day. I hope that the fields are dry enough so farmers can get their planting done. It has been a very wet spring. Speaking of weather it has been warmer in GR than in CA. I fact I think CA is downright cold.

Today is grass cutting day. I had trouble getting my new mower started today. I went inside and read the manual. I tried again to no avail. Finally I figured out that I was holding the self propel bar and not the power bar. I felt stupid. Our grass continues to grow at a record pace. However, with the recent dry days I might have to turn the sprinklers on.

We stayed home for dinner tonight. Nancy grilled hamburger. We had a relaxing evening at home. I watched Kelly's Heroes for the 14th time on the Military channel.

Thursday June 2, 2011

Ms P and I are in a groove as it relates to our morning routine. I usually get to the Kava House about 1130 and today was no exception. This week the WSJ has had some very interesting articles. I find the development of Mongolia's coal resources to be especially interesting. They do not appear intimated by their big neighbor. I read the articles on the bail out of Greece but I don't know if I fully understand it. Of course who knows how the Middle East will shake out.

I had a busy morning and did not have lunch until 1330. This afternoon I took my clipboard and started walking around the neighborhood inspecting the street lights. It was a great afternoon for a walk. The City says there are 53 ornamental street lights in the OHN. I think I inspected about 30.

This evening Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. We sat outside and listened to their Thursday night entertainer. This year they have a young man and his guitar. It was ok. I continue to watch Civil War Week on the History channel.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Wednesday June 1, 2011

Ms P and I are wired to get up at 0430. After doing our bidness I went back to bed and got up with the alarm at 0545. Today is breakfast club and I headed downtown at 0630. It was bright and sunny. A major storm was suppose to roll through last night. However, except for some high winds we did not get a drop. The temperature did drop significantly so it is very pleasant.

The speaker today was the new Solicitor General for MI. He is a young, 38, attorney from GR. He gave a very interesting talk. In fact this guy could talk an arm off anyone. After breakfast club I stopped at the Kava to read my morning papers. I got a call on my cell telling me that the GR City Engineer's officer had run the plans for the OHN street lights. I headed downtown to get the plans. Tonight the OHN Street Light committee is meeting at our house to discuss improvements to the street lights.

Right now I am waiting for Jacobson's maintenance man to stop by and do a PM on our air conditioner. We are anticipating a hot summer. He arrived right on time and did his PM check. He said that the AC is 20 years old and is nearing the end of its useful life.

I completed the afternoon with a 7 mile bike ride. The OHNA Street Light Committee had six members in attendance. We met at our house and Nancy made chocolate chip cookies for the members. We came up with a plan of attack and agreed to meet later in the month. My assignment is to prepare a base map for all the members. The meeting ended at 2030. I think we have a good committee.

Nancy and I watched a little TV and finished the GRP. Nancy went to bed at 2100 but I channel surfed until 2230.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tuesday May 31, 2011

I can't believe it is the last day of May. My day started at 0430 when Ms P and I had to answer nature's call. It was 66⁰ at 0430. I went back to bed and got up for good at 0700. I followed my normal routine and ended up at the Kava House about 1200. It was over 80⁰ at 1200. I read both the DFP and WSJ. The WSJ had an article about Germany's plan to close all its nukes by 2022. This is a gutsy call because they gets 25% of their power from nukes. I think the problems with nuclear power is the size of the plant. They are so big that if an accident happens it impacts a huge area. I think nuclear power should not be abandoned entirely. I keep reading about building mini plants like they have on nuclear submarines. These plants are less costly and are easier to operate and protect. The impact of an accident is localized.

Speaking of going nuclear I saw Bobby Kennedy Jr. on Morning Joe this morning. He was foaming at the mouth about the evils of coal. I find it interesting that when a wind farm was proposed near the family's summer compound on Cape Cod that Mr. Kennedy thought the idea was evil. I understand that despite Mr. Kennedy's objection that the wind farm is being built. Cooler heads prevailed.

The DFP reported on the DPS schools and a growing feeling that the schools are too far gone to survive. It was recommended that the schools be all turned into charter schools. I don't think this idea will fly even though it has some merit.

After lunch I checked my email, called Debbie to find out how things are in her world. I also made reservations for a Museum event. The weather man said that a major storm will roll through GR in the afternoon. I decided to get a bike ride in before the storm. I rode around Reeds Lake twice a distance of 11.4 miles.

We had a light dinner and then read the GRP and watched a rerun of NCIS. At 2100 Nancy headed upstairs to watch Law and Order and I watched a bio on Generals Lee and Grant on the History channel. It was very interesting although I did fall asleep during the 2200-2300 segment.

May 31, 1961: Navy OCS, Newport, RI: We spent the weekend on the base. No liberty until next week end. Navy personnel aboard ship works 4 hour shifts. Actually a shift is called a watch. Our instructors have developed a watch list for all us OCS cadets. We have to stand watch guarding everything from the chapel to barracks. This week I served a 0400-0800 watch guarding some building. I was not excused from any class and had to rejoin my company after the watch was over. I was not very lucky during my OCS days I think I worked only the midnight watch or 0400 watch.