Thursday, September 28, 2023

September 25, 2023

 Monday September 25

Blog time 1700 on Wednesday September 27.

Monday morning slept in until 0800.  The pool is still closed at MVP so Nancy did the treadmill/stationary bike.

I did my at home calisthenics.  In fact I now do all my calisthenics except pull/chin ups at home.  I biked 5 miles to MVP.  Lately I have had to change my route because of all the underground cable work along East Paris.

I make a quick stop at MVP.  Total time for pull/chin ups is about 15 minutes. Get back on bike and pedal 2 miles to Forest Hills Foods.  Buy coffee at Starbucks and a donut in the bakery section.  Settle down with my treats to read the morning papers and check email. 

The bike ride home is about 2 miles. Total miles = 9. 

This afternoon I have a big dentist appointment.  The purpose is to remove an old crown, clean out the decay and put in a new temporary crown.  I spent 2 hour in the chair.  

I do not have a lot of confidence in my new dentist.  He has a lot of high tech toys but seems clumsy when working in my mouth.

We did attend Happy Hour tonight.  Dinner in the Main Dining Room.  Tonight all I had was a bowl of soup.  

We watch and episode of “Mr and Mrs Murder”. Finished the evening reading the WSJ.  Turned in at 1030.


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

September 24, 2023

 September 23, and 24:  weekend update

Blog time 1630 on Wednesday October 27.

Still playing catchup.

The weekend of the 23 and 24 was typical summer weekend.  Actually it was a Fall weekend.

The great weather continues:  I was able to bike both days.  Typical ride between 9 and 10 miles.

Saturday morning we had breakfast as usual at “The Gathering Place”.  Western Omelette for Nancy and oatmeal for me.

We took our Saturday after breakfast ride through Ada.  Progress is being made on the big new addition to the Village.

At home Nancy did the laundry and I took a bike ride. Another great day for a ride. Today I rode to Ada, total miles 12.

I only watched a small part of the UM game.  The newspaper have been having a field day with the problems of MSU’s football coach. It almost looks to me like he was set up my his accuser. 

Every Saturday I check the Alpena News to see how my old high school’s teams are doing.  Bottom line it has been a miserable season.

Sunday September 24.

Up at 0730 and get ready for church.  I fixed a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.

Big turnout at church today.  Always glad to see so many young folks involved in church activities.

After church we took a ride south on Kalamazoo Ave to Barry County.  The leaves are just starting to turn.

At home I took a 10 mile ride followed by a nap.  I did read the GRP.  I look at the obits and sports.

A lot of news on the mess the GOP has made in Ottawa County.  It is such a mess that I no longer call myself a Republican.  

Light dinner tonight followed by the news and some Netflix streaming.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

September 22, 2023

 Friday September 22, 2023

Blog time 1700 on Tuesday September 26.  Playing catch up.

Today the internet went down.  We were without service for most of the day.  

To the best of my memory I did take a bike ride and a nap.

We had dinner in the dining.  Nancy played Mexican Train this evening.  I read the papers on my iPad.  No streaming tonight.

September 21, 2023

 Thursday September 21, 2023

Blog time 1630 on Tuesday September 26.  Yes I am way way behind.  

Checked my email and I had a message from USPS saying that they could not deliver a package.  I was confused.  I thought a check that was mailed from the Michigan Education Savings Program to UC Irvine had the wrong address.

I made several calls and did not receive a answer as to the location of the check.  Finally I drove to the USPS office and showed them the email.  They looked at it and said it was a spam message.  I was tricked.  Found out the check had made it to UC Irvine.

The rest of my day was normal.  Bike ride, nap, dinner in the Main Dining Room.  Watched  a show on Netflix, read the WSJ and then headed to bed.

September 20, 2023

 Wednesday September 20, 2023

Blog time 1450 sitting in office.  Actually I am writing this on Tuesday September 26.

Wednesday my easy day.  I slept in until almost 0800.  Today for breakfast I had a yogurt parfait at Forest Hill Food.

After breakfast took a short ride.  Total mile = 10.

This evening we attended Trinity Lutheran’s over 60 dinner at Rio Grande steakhouse.  About 30 folks in attendance.

We headed to bed as soon as we got home.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

September 19, 2023

 Tuesday September 19, 2023

Blog time 2130, sitting in den.

Slept in until 0730.  Nancy was already up and dressed.  She left for MVP before I had my breakfast.

I did my at home calisthenics and then fixed  oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.  Temp was in 40s so I dressed in 4 layers for my trip 5 mile bike trip to MVP.  

Today I attached a speedometer app that was on my iPhone to bike.  It provided a nice map of my route but was a power hog.  Ran out of power before I got home.  Deleted app.

At MVP I did my pull/chin-up routine before biking to Forest Hills Foods.  At FHF I bought donut and Starbucks coffee.  Read the Michigan papers before heading home.  Total bike miles today = 10.

Yogurt with granola lunch.  Finished the afternoon with nap.

We attended Happy Hour before having dinner in main dining area.  Tonight I had the salmon and Nancy had shrimp cocktail.  For dessert I had a scope of ice cream and Nancy had apple pie.

We watched an episode of “The Commander”.  Nancy headed to bed and I did some work on blog.

It is now 2145 and I hope to have the WSJ read before 2200.  Did not happen.  Bed time tonight 2230.


Tuesday, September 19, 2023

September 18, 2023

 Monday September 18, 2023

Blog time 1645 sitting in office.

Up at 0730.  Sunrise today 0726. Temperature was a cool 45 but with sun.

Nancy headed out at 0830 for MVP for her treadmill/stationary bike routine.   She really misses her Monday morning swim.

I did all my calisthenics except pull/chin ups.  After I got on bike and pedaled 5 miles to MVP.  I did my chin-ups and pull-ups.

Pedaled 2 miles to Forest Hill Foods.  I bought Starbucks coffee and a yogurt parfait.  Read the Alpena and Detroit News.  Left for the 2 mile ride home at 1230.  Total miles = 10.

At home showered and then started errands.  I want to buy a lap counter,  a bike handlebar holder for my iPhone, granola and wine.  I was only successful purchasing the handlebar holder at Dunham’s.  I will put the holder on my bike and use a speedometer app on the phone.

Nancy has a 1420 dentist appointment.  She is getting a new crown.

As soon as Nancy got home we headed to Forest Hills Foods.  I was able to get granola and wine.

We attended Happy Hour tonight followed by dinner in the main dining room.  We ate with our next door neighbors the Reese’s.  My sister, Helen, is friends with David.

Tonight we watched a show on the British Spy Kim Philly.  Not very good.

Monday, September 18, 2023

September 17, 2023

 Sunday September 17.

Blog time 1800 sitting at office desk.

Slept in until almost 0800. Dressed and fixed oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.  

We attend the 0915 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Arrived at 0900.  We partook of the coffee and cookies offered.

Large crowd at church.  Everyone must be back from cottages.  

After church we took our Sunday drive.  Today we drove through downtown to see what was happening with Art Prize.  Todays drive took about 2 hours.  Finished the ride at Panera for coffee and a scone.  We did stop at Meijer’s to fill up the Escape.  I filled up with Premium.  Cost was $4.65 per gallon.

At home I put on bike clothes and took my Sunday ride to inspect progress on the Burton Street Bridge project.  Progress is very slow.  With the bridge out we have to make long detours.  Total miles 9.

Showered and then a short nap.  Nancy and I finished the afternoon with a mile walk around Cook Valley’s wetland.  Saw no critters.

We were both on our own for dinner tonight.  I had yogurt with granola.

Tonight we watched and episode of “Call the Midwife”.  Missy called tonight.  Tomorrow is her big day.  AJ starts a special school in San Diego tomorrow.  Missy will drive her and they will stay in an extended stay hotel for the first week while Missy looks for an apartment.    We wish them well.

It is now 2130.  Nancy is in bed and after I take my pills I will join her.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

September 16, 2023

 Saturday September 16, 2023

Blog time 1915, sitting at office desk.

I slept in until almost 0800 this morning.  Temp in high 40s and cloudy.  This morning we had breakfast at “The Gathering Place”.  Light crowd, we had our standard Saturday fare.  Omelette for Nancy and oatmeal for me.

After breakfast we took a ride north on Thornapple River Drive.  Drove through the new Ada Village under construction.  Progress is being made.  Some of the new apartment are now occupied.

We made a quick stop at Meijer’s for supplies.  Ended the morning we our free coffee at Panera.  Also shared a croissant.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I put on my bike clothes.  On today’s ride I rode north to Cascade Road east on Cascade to Forest Hills Ave, north to Ada Drive.  Rode 5 miles on Ada Dr before heading home.  Total bike miles = 11.  

I did see a deer taking apples from a tree in a resident’s front yard.  The deer would also drop an apple for her fawn.

Showered, shaved and then a nap.  I did not watch any football today.  Is my lack of interest in sports because of low testosterone.

For dinner tonight we drove to Culver’s.  Ordered their frozen custard.  I have no idea of the sugar or calories in the custard.  I suppose I should look up.

Debbie called this evening.  We got caught up.

Tonight we watched a BritBox show whose name escapes me.

We were both in bed by 2200.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

September 15, 2023

 Friday September 15, 2023

Blog time 1635 sitting in office.

Woke at 0725 today.  It was a cool 45 with sunrise at 0722.  

Nancy left for MVP at 0800.  No MVP for me today.  I did all my calisthenics at home.

Fixed oatmeal for breakfast.  No blueberries so I put a small box of raisins on the cereal. Put on bike clothes and pedaled the 5.5 miles to the Lake Eastbrook Panera.  Ordered coffee and baguette.  Started reading the Michigan papers when Nancy joined me for about 5 minutes.

Nancy had a 1230 lunch today.  I took a nap while she was dining

The Michigan news today was dominated by the UAW strike.  I sure hope the strike is a short one.

As soon as Nancy got home from lunch we headed to Meijer’s.  We replenished our larder.

Tonight Nancy and I attended Happy Hour, small turnout.  For dinner we drove to Culver’s for a frozen yogurt.

It is now 1900.  Mexican Train starts in 15 minutes.  Nancy likes playing.  I will stay home.

On this date in 1938 Ossineke, Mi.  Great Grandfather wrote it was cool but no frost.  He spent the morning digging potatoes.  Great Grandmother Sanborn and Aunt Julia picked beans.  GGF helped shell the beans.

Nancy attended Mexican Train but found out they’re two Mexican Train groups at Cook Valley.  Tonight was not her group.

Tonight we finished watching “Who is Erin Carter”.  Bob rated the show A-, Nancy a C+.

After the show Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and read the WSJ.

Friday, September 15, 2023

September 14, 2023

 Thursday September 14, 2023

Sunrise today at 0721.  The sun woke me up.  Temp was in high 40s but will climb to 70 today.

I fixed an oatmeal breakfast with blueberries.  Also completed my at home calisthenics.

Nancy left at 0830 for MVP.  Treadmill and stationary bike today.

I left about 0900.  Pumped up bike tires and pedaled the 5 miles     to MVP.  Small crowd at MVP.  I did my chin-up/pull-up routine.  Biked 3 miles to Forest Hills Food.  Bought a Starbucks coffee and donut.  Settled down and read the Alpena and Detroit papers.  

Left FHF at noon and pedaled home.  Total miles today = 9.9.

Our apartment was cleaned today.  They did a great job.

I made a special trip to the front desk to tell them our thermostat does not work.  Set the AC for 70 but temp has remained at 77.

It is now 1500.  I will take a short nap.

Tonight we will attend Happy Hour followed by dinner. At 1915 Nancy and I will play bingo.  Happy Hour was well attended.  

We had dinner in the main dining room.  Tonight we had the chicken special.  We said the chicken was dry.  I finished the meal with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

It is now 1900.  In fifteen minutes we will go down to the community room to play bingo.

About 12 folks were at bingo. It was fun but we did not win anything.

At home we watched another episode of “Who is Erin Carter”.  I like this show.  Nancy is luke warm.

Read thenWSJ before turning in.  The digital edition of WSJ has changed.  I do no like it.

Thursday, September 14, 2023

September 13, 2023

 Wednesday September 13, 2023

Blog time 2105 sitting in den

Breakfast Club Wednesday, alarm off at 0545.

Dressed quietly so as not to disturb Nancy.

Drove to Embassy Suites in GR.  It was pitch black.

Speaker today talked about the health monopoly in GR.  The speaker was a major loser when Spectrum Health consolidated it position.  The talk was biased but interesting.

After BC drove to Forest Hills Foods and bought dry skin lotion, yogurt, fiber sticks and two cake donuts.  Ate donuts in store while reading paper.

At home put on bike clothes and took a 9 mile ride.  I did see two deer taking apples from a tree.  No time to take photo.

This afternoon drove to Mr Thanh’s tailor shop picked up vest with new buttons.

Took a short nap before attending Happy Hour.  The main dining room featured Liver and Onions.  Nancy and I enjoyed the liver.

Watched “Who is Erin Carter”.  Good show.

I was in bed by 2230.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

September 11, 2023

 Monday September 11, 2023

Blog time 1311 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0730.  Checked outside and it was raining.  My app said rain all day, so no bike.

Nancy left before me.  No swim today so she will do the treadmill and stationary bike.

I do my calisthenics at home before driving to MVP.

Rest of day’s activities:

Do the MVP routine 

Drive to Panera for quick coffee

Get home at 1015

Showered and make in time for Cook Valley’s 1100 men’s meeting.  Best part of meeting were the jokes.

Make a quick trip to Mr Thanh’s to pick up vest.  Not done, pick up Wednesday.

Visited Dentist at 1400.  Got teeth cleaned.  Rate Dentist at C.

Got my flu shot.  

Attend 1700 Happy Hour.

Dinner in main dining room.  Salmon for me, hamburger helper for Nancy.

Watched episode of Endeavour on Prime.

2130 Nancy heads to bed, I start the WSJ.  Finished WSJ at 2200 and headed to bed.

Monday, September 11, 2023

September 10, 2023

 Sunday September 10, 2023

Blog time 1708 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0730.  The temperature was in 50s but will reach 75 later.  The days are getting shorter today we have 12h44’ of daylight heading to 12h0’ on the Autumn Equinox on Sep 23.  Dressed and then fixed microwaved a bowl of oatmeal.  Added blueberries to the bowl.  

We headed to Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Good crowd at church today.  Next week Sunday School starts so the attendance will be even bigger.

After Church we took our Sunday ride.  Nancy has several lunches this week.  We made dry runs.  However, I told Nancy I will drive.  We ended our ride with a stop at Panera for coffee and a baguette.

As soon as we got home I put on my bike clothes.  Today I headed to the Burton Street bridge project.  Burton Street is an important connector.  It has been closed all summer.  It looks like we will have another three week wait.  Bike ride miles = 8.

Showered and then took a nap.  After the nap I read the Detroit News.  Skimmed the sports page.  Both MSU and UM had good games yesterday.  However, several articles were on MSU’s football coach’s suspension.

I can’t open the GRP.  They are having technical problems. However, I was able to open using my mini, go figure.

Yogurt for dinner tonight.  We watched an episode of Endeavour on Prime.  It was filmed in late 90s.  We were both in bed by 2200.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

September 9, 2023

 Saturday September 9, 2023

Blog time 1630, sitting in office.

Up at 0730.  Quickly dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  The restaurant was closed last week so I was good being back.

It was extremely foggy this morning making driving difficult.  The temperature was in low 50s. 

The restaurant place was not crowded.  We ordered our usual.  Nancy had a Western Omelette with raisin toast and I had oatmeal with scrambled eggs and raisin toast.  We both has coffee.  

The sun broke through lifting the fog while we were having breakfast.  After breakfast we took our standard after breakfast ride.  North on Thornapple Drive to Village of Ada.  Quick drive through the new Village construction.  When completed the Village will not look the same.  We stopped at Panera for our free coffee.  Final stop this morning was at Kohl’s.  It had been awhile since we were last at Kohl’s.  Took some time walking through the store.  Good selection but we did not purchase anything.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I put on my bike clothes and took an 11 mile ride on Ada Drive.  Showered and shaved after the ride.  Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I drove to Culver’s for a frozen custard.  Very good.

Tonight we watched the last episode of “London 1”.  Finished reading the WSJ before turning in about 2200.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

September 8, 2023

 Friday September 8, 2023

Blog time 2030 sitting in den

Up this morning at 0730.  Temp in 50s and cloudy.

The pool at MVP is being repaired so Nancy stayed home today. 

I did the at home calisthenics and then biked to MVP.  It was misting so I cut my ride short.  Did my chin-ups/pull-up routine.  When I exited MVP the threat of rain had passed so I biked to Panera on Lake Eastbrook.  I ordered a yogurt parfait to go with my coffee.  Panera’s parfait is not in the same league as Forest Hills Foods parfait.   In fact the atmosphere at Panera is not as pleasant as Forest Hills Foods.  The only positive about Panera is the low cost coffee.  I read the Alpena and Detroit News before heading home.  Total bike miles today = 9.

Nancy has book club today.  It is at Linda Moleskis which is quite a distance from Cook Valley.  I volunteered to drive.  

At home I showered and lotioned up.  The book club starts at 1315 and we made it with time to spare.

While Nancy was at BC I ran some errands.  First stop was Mr Thangs tailor shop. I have a leather vest that I dearly love but the buttons are coming off.  Ordinary sewing needles do not work.  Ms Thang has the equipment to secure the buttons.  It will cost $30.  I told her to fix it.  Pick up Monday.

Book Club meeting ended at 1500. Nancy was ready.  We drove to Meijer’s so Nancy could pick up a prescription.  We also spent time buying groceries.

No time for a nap today.  At 1700 we drove to “Shepard’s Grill”.  The place was jammed.  We got the last table.

Nancy ordered a hot dog and I had a fried perch sandwich and glass of wine.  The food is always good at Shepards.

Tonight Nancy is playing “Mexican Train” at the Harbor Inn room.  It started at 1915 and it is now 2050 and Nancy is not home yet.  “Mexican Train” is very popular among Women folks at Cook Valley.

This and that:

The big talk at MVP today was the Lions win over Kansas City.

I have a problem with folks making accusations about famous folks.  Most don’t seem credible.  Wouldn’t it be nice is we had a truth machine.

While Nancy was at Mexican Train I read a book about the folks that founded Alpena.  Very interesting.  My sister, Helen, sent me the book.

Nancy got home at 2200.  She went straight to bed.  I read the WSJ before turning in.  

Thursday, September 7, 2023

September 7, 2023

Thursday September 7, 2023

Blog time 2045 sitting in office.

Up at 0730 today.  Did my at home calisthenics before dressing. Temp in low 70s with mist.  Weather folks say rain should stop by 0900.

Waited around until 0900 and then hoped on bike and rode 5 miles to MVP.  When I walked in Nancy was just finishing up.  It took me 20 minutes to compete my chin-up/pull-up routine.  Got back in bike and pedaled three miles to Forest Hills Food.

I bought a yogurt/granola/blueberry parfait.  Best parfait in GR.  Also bought Starbucks coffee and settled down to read the Alpena and Detroit News.  

AHS has a tough time winning any sports, girls or boys, with Traverse City, Petoskey or Marquette.  In 1956 it was easy.  Times sure have changed.  Speaking of Alpena my sister, Helen, today sent me a history book about Alpena.  Very interesting.

Left Forest Hills Foods at noon.  Nancy was not home.  I remembered she had a lunch date with several women living in Cook Valley.  

Today I shaved my head and face before showering.  As soon as Nancy got home we ran errands.  We got our IRA quarterly checks yesterday so we made stops at our banks.

I also filled the Fusion up.  I think gas was $3.75.  Most of our fill ups are less than $50.  

Nancy and I attended Happy  Hour this evening.  Lately we have more folks at HH.  I think most folks are back from their summer cottages.

This evening at dinner I was talking football with David Reese.  He mentioned that the last Ivy League player to win Heisman was Princeton’s Dick Kashmir (sp?).  I mentioned that a lineman on this team Brad Glass was the freshman wrestling coach at UM when I was on the team, 1956.  Marsha, one of our table mates, said she dated Brad Glass, small world.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Liverpool 1”.  We have 1 episode left.  

Debbie just called.  She was on her way home from work.  It is now 2130 and as soon as I finish reading the WSJ I will join her.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

September 6, 2023

 Wednesday September 6, 2023

Blog time 2000 sitting in office

I just plain forgot to write yesterday’s blog.  Must be an old man thing.

This morning, Wednesday, I got up at 0730.  Today is my easy day.  My iPhone said it will start raining at 1000 so I left at 0800 to get my bike ride in before the rain.

I was about 30 minutes into the ride when it started to pour.  Immediately I turned around and headed home.  I was soaked when pulled into the garage.  Total soggy miles today 7.

Took a nice hot shower and dressed in warmer clothes.  Our 90 degree days are over although high temp today was 82.

I made a quick trip to Woodland Mall.  I wanted to buy a handlebar attachment for my iPhone.  The Apple Store did not have such and item.  I was told to check on Amazon.

Walked around the Mall but did not see anything I wanted to buy.  I got my morning coffee at Panera.  Nancy was also filling up so we sat and talked for a bit.

While at Panera I did read the Michigan papers.  Nothing much happening.

I have created a college savings fund for the Grandkids.  Today I wanted to make a payment to UCI for Lucas’s tuition.  

I called the Michigan Education Savings Program and found I needed more data.  Veronica will help me make the first payment.

Took a short nap this afternoon.  We attended Happy Hour followed by dinner in the main hall.  I had the salmon and Nancy had her favorite shrimp cocktail.

After dinner we usually take a walk around the Big House.  Tonight a big deer stood right in front of us and did not move.  It watched us for several minutes before deciding it had better things to do.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Liverpool 1”.  2 episodes left.

It is now 2145 and I am just finishing the WSJ.  Good Night. 

September 4, 2023

 Monday September 4, 2023

Blog time 1600, sitting in office

Happy Labor Day, 2023

Up this morning about 0800.  I slept ok because of having the AC on all night.

Today I decided no bike rides or walks.  It will truly be a relaxing day.

For breakfast this morning we drove to Sundance.  The place was not crowded.  Nancy ordered a western omelette and I had eggs and pancakes.  The food was good except for the pancakes.  They were tough.  I had to cut them with a knife.

This morning we made a trip to Tanger’s Outlet Mall.  It was near 90 and very sunny.  

We walked around and I spent some time in Brooks Brothers.  I was not dressed properly to try on clothes but later this Fall I will return and buy a blue suit.  I presently do not own a suit.  Every man’s wardrobe, I have been told, should have a basic wool blue suit.  

Nancy used her Talbot’s birthday credit cards.  She bought some cords. 

As we were entering Cook Valley Blvd we saw a falcon on the side of the road sitting on a rabbit it had recently killed.  It was not going to move and give up next weeks meals. 

We got home and since I promised no bike ride I took a nap.  Tonight at 1700 we are attending a Cook Valley Labor Day Pot-Luck.  We are taking shrimp and cookies.

52 folks attended the pot-luck.  Plenty of food for everyone.  The desserts were especially good.

Tonight Nancy and I watched an episode of “Liverpool 1”.  It was ok.

I did not think the WSJ published today but I have already read several articles.    

Sunday, September 3, 2023

September 3, 2023

 Sunday September 3, 2023

Blog time 1311 sitting in office.

I really slept in this morning.  (Did the AC help?) Got up at 0800.  Nancy was already up and ready for church.  

I dressed and fixed a breakfast of yogurt/blueberries and grape nuts.  I am tired of oatmeal.

Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  As you might expect on a Holiday weekend Church was empty.

After church we headed to Costco.  Cook Valley is having a holiday pot luck tomorrow and we have to bring a dish to pass.  Originally we planned on pinwheels but Costco did not make any today.  Bummer!  Bought cookies and shrimp.  Costco was jammed.  They already have Christmas trees for sale.  Talk about rushing the season.

At home Nancy and I checked our locker see if we had any ketchup or horse radish.  We had them but we’re outdated.  Will buy new this afternoon.

The 1200 temperature was in high 80s.  It will reach 90 later according to my super duper app on my iPhone.  I put on bike clothes and took a 7 mile ride.  Showered after the ride and took a short nap.

For dinner tonight we headed to Culver’s for a frozen custard.  On way we stopped at Forest Hills Food and bought ketchup and horse radish.  We sat In Culver’s parking and ate our frozen custard mixer.  Very good.

I made a quick read of the GRP.  It is now 2200 and I will take my MG pills with prune juice and head for bed.

Tonight we watched the last episode of “The Red Dahlia”.  It was ok.

September 2, 2023

 Saturday September 2, 2023

Blog time 1616 sitting at office desk.

Up this morning at 0715.  Our Saturday restaurant is closed today.  We had breakfast at Nonna’s in Ada.  Nancy had Quiche and I had 2 fried eggs with potatoes, sausage, and toast.  Of course we both had coffee.  Nonna’s is a pleasant place but the food is only C.  

After breakfast we took a short drive.  Today is another warm pleasant day.  We ended up at Panera for our free coffee.  

At home Nancy started the laundry.  The size of today’s laundry is huge.  I took the Escape to get it filled up.  I can’t remember the price of gas.

While Nancy is working hard on the laundry I got on my new Surly bike and took a 10 mile ride.  The highlight of the trip was I encountered a young buck deer with a new set of antlers.  Another sure sign of fall.

After the ride I showered, shaved.  My skin is so dry I have to apply lotion after every shower.  Nancy does my back.  I took a short nap.  

It is now 1630. I checked the Detroit News and found out both UM and MSU won their football games. Does anyone care?

In several minutes Nancy and I are driving to Culver’s for a frozen custard.  This will be our evening meal.

My weekend project is to make a payment from Lucas’s Michigan Education Savings Program for his first semester’s payment at University California Irving.  It does not look to complicated.  

Cancel Culver’s! because we wanted real ice cream.  We drove to Scooper’s in Ada.  I had two scoops of vanilla and Nancy had a single dip of a blended chocolate ice cream.  Scooper’s has great ice cream but it will close for the season in a couple of weeks.

Tonight we watched two episode of “The Red Dahlia”.  Should be done soon.

Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up to read the WSJ.  Turned the AC on before bed hoping it will help me sleep better.

Friday, September 1, 2023

September 1, 2023

 Friday September 1, 2023

Blog time 2109 sitting in den.

Today is the first day of meteorological fall.  Temps in 50s with sun.

Nancy had a tough night.  She was going to forego her swim but later decided to go.  Left home at 0900.

I did my calisthenics at home, sans pull/chin ups.  Oatmeal breakfast with blueberries.  Headed to MVP at 0930, 2.5 miles.

Did the chin/pull-up routine and then back on bike and headed to Panera.  Got coffee and baguette, settled down to read the Michigan papers.  

Bad news, AHS lost their football game to Marquette 49-0.  Major league disappointment.  

The Detroit News has reported that our Governor has been making several USA policy statements.  They speculate that the Gov is positioning herself as a possible presidential candidate if President Biden should stumble.

The USA also has several senior Senators who have big health problems.  Sen Feinstein of Ca and Sen McDonnell of Kentucky. Neither has indicated that they will resign. 

1230 I pack up my gear and pedal home.  Total miles today = 10.2.

Because of oatmeal breakfast and baguette at Panera I did not have lunch.  Took a short nap after a shower.

We attended Happy Hour outside today.  Temp in low 80s with cloudless blue sky.

Dinner tonight was a burger with tomato bisque soup.  Nancy had her favorite shrimp cocktail. 

Tonight watched an episode of “Red Dahlia”.  After the show Nancy headed to bed.  I still have to read the WSJ before turning in.