Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Monday July 30, 2018

Monday July 30, 2018

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Spent a restless night and I really don’t know why.  At 0400 I got up walked around the condo and then emptied the dishwasher.  I read that my restlessness is common in old men.  

Finally got up at 0645.  The sun was out and temperature was a nice 58.  The courtyard sprinklers go off on MWF at 0645 and end at 0715.  So we avoid leaving via the front door until the sprinklers go off.  Who wants to get wet first thing in the morning?

I have been using the downstairs slider to take Ms P out on sprinkler days.  If we don’t get her out as soon as we get up accidents happen.

Nancy headed to a class at MVP and I headed out after breakfast.  My normal morning departure time is 0810.  I did see some wild Turkeys in a large field off of Spaulding.  No other critters were seen on my hour ride to the Y.

Every morning at the Y, the staff posts a question of the day.  Today’s question was “what is your favorite swimming hole”.   The first thing that came to my mind was the deep hole under the Scott Road bridge over South Branch of the Thunder Bay River in Hubbard Lake, Mi.  On hot summer evenings I would walk the 1/2 mile from my Grandparents farm to the River.  I remember the water was cold but very clear.  A great way to cool off after a hard day working on the farm.

A sure sign that fall is not far off.  Every morning on my ride from the Y to Panera I pass MVP’s large out door fields.  This morning I noted a football camp for pre teen kids.  It was sponsored by the Detroit Lions.  Estimated about 100 boys in attendance.

At Panera I spent some time making appointments.  First call was to the Vet.  Ms P has been experiencing some incontinence so we have an appointment for Wednesday.  I have to bring in a urine sample.  I asked how do I collect a sample from a 6” high dog?  She provided no good answer.

I also scheduled an appointment to meet with our financial adviser.  We meet August 16.

POTUS is still trying to get his stupid wall built.  Forget the wall!

The forest fires in Shasta County, Ca are huge.  Forest fires in CA and Greece, volcano eruptions in Hawaii and elsewhere must be creating huge smoke plumes.  I would think the smoke might impact climate change?  Global cooling?

I have been thinking of buying a kayak.  My big problem is transporting the kayak.  Picking up a 10 foot, 45 pound kayak and putting it on a roof rack is too much.  A 10 foot kayak is too long for my Escape’s back seat.

I recently had a trailer hitch installed so I could attach my bike rack to it. I had an idea that if I make an extension and attach it to the hitch I could let the end of a kayak rest on it.   I could not close the hatch but since I would be transporting the kayak only a short distance I don’t think this is a problem.

After lunch I head to Tractor Supply Company in Lowell.  I found a hitch extension.  Also bought nuts and bolts that are needed for the kayak extension.  Now I just have to buy the kayak.

I found time this afternoon to take a short nap.  We had a light dinner.  Dishes and then my nightly walk.  After our cheese and apple snack we watched another episode of Endeavor.  

Ms P was really off her feed today.  She did not eat, even her nightly cheese snack, and spent the most of the evening curled up in a corner.  However, right before bedtime she bounced up and seemed fine.  Go figure!

Monday, July 30, 2018

Sunday July 29, 2018

Weekend Update

Blog started Saturday at 1600 while sitting on our deck drinking wine.  

Woke up to bright sunshine this morning but it was cool, 58.  First Saturday in July that we walked to Panera for breakfast.  I had my usual, oatmeal, banana, bagel with peanut butter and coffee.  Nancy just had a cup of hazelnut coffee.  Hazelnut is the most popular coffee at Panera.  I prefer the bold roast. 

This morning my plan was to titivate around the house.  Titivate was a favorite word of my old boss on Midway Island, Lt Commander Tinklepaugh.  He would send me blue memos telling me to titivate my areas.  Titivate means to clean up or spruce up.  

First job this morning was to clean the concrete slab below our upstairs deck.  I took a broom and removed cobwebs from walls before sweeping the concrete deck.  Nancy worked in the same area weeding our lower level flower bed.  We accumulated several bags of dust, grass and weeds.

Next job was removing cobwebs on the walls of our front entrance and garage.  Also swept our front walk.  

Spent several hours making minor adjustments to my three bikes.  I swapped seats on San Jose and Bad Boy bikes.  Moved the Brooks saddle from the San Jose to the Bad Boy.  The Bad Boy is my preferred bike by far.  I want to sell my 30 year old single speed Nishiki bike but really don’t know how to go about it.  Craig’s List?

After the chores I had a quick lunch then put on my bike clothes.  My ride today was to Ada along Thornapple River Drive.  I stopped in Ada at the Ada Bike store.  If they would take a trade in I would have bought the new model Bad Boy bike.  The upgrades seem great.  Total bike miles 10.5 miles.  Showered and then took a nap.  

I cleaned off our deck table.  Nancy fired up the grill and cooked a steak and potatoes.  We sat outside and enjoyed a pleasant meal.  Nancy had a mango lemonade with vodka and I had a glass of red wine.  The steak was outstanding.  It was a New York strip steak. Petunia is having a great time cleaning the bone.  We enjoyed watching a Humming Bird feeding on the flowers in the deck’s flower boxes.  What a way to spent a nice summer’s evening.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight.  We spent time catching up.  First time this month we have FaceTimed with Debbie.  Missed her.

Tonight we watched Endeavor on Prime.  The show is written by the same folks that wrote Inspector Lewis.

Correction:  in yesterday’s blog I mentioned that we had watched a Netflix show filmed in Wales.  I said the show was Broadchurch when in fact the show was Hinterland.   Sorry!

Sunday July 29, 2018

Blog time 1200 Sunday.  Sitting in office.

Alarm goes off at 0615.  The sun does not rise until 0630.  Yes, unfortunately, the days are getting shorter.

Nancy and I took our early morning Sunday walk around the block.  We did see a deer on our walk but no other critters.  Total distance is 1.3 miles.  Petunia is not up to this long walk.

Quick breakfast and then we head out for the 0915 service at Trinity Lutheran.  Despite being in peak vacation season the church was crowded.

After church we stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.  Gas today was $3.00 per gallon.  As soon as we got home I took the Taurus to the D&W station to fill it up.  Gas was the same price as Meijer’s.

Spent some time reading the GRP before lunch.  Took my Sunday nap followed by a short bike ride.  

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs.  I had mine with a croissant.  Fired up the dish washer and then took a walk to the corner, 0.7 miles.

We watched 60 Minutes followed by another episode of Endeavour.  The show is ok but not as good as Inspector Lewis.
The nice weather will continue for several days.  Looks like great bike riding weather.


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Friday July 27, 2018

Friday July 27, 2018

Blog time 1145 at Panera

We had partial sun when first went out.  Rain predicted to start around 1100 so I had to hustle to get to Panera before the rain.  Who wants to sit in wet clothes.

Nancy is back on her regular exercise schedule at MVP.  She headed out before me.  I had breakfast and then headed out.  On my ride today I passed Pastor Karen of Trinity Lutheran.  She was out for a walk.  

Halfway through my 7.5 mile ride it started to sprinkle.  It looked like the rain would be short because I noted blue sky off to the west.

Dried my shirt using the hair dryers at the Y.  Today was old home week at the Y.  I met our old OH neighbor Fred Davison, another Civil Engineer, Chuck Olsen and son Stephen’s class mate Brad Verker.  Brad was taking his son to a camp at the Y.

Left the Y in bright sun but it started to pour just after I sat down at Panera.  Summer weather is hard to predict.

This afternoon I wanted to visit Cabelas’ and Duluth Trading Company.  Both stores are located in Grandville near Rivertown Mall.   Nancy came along with me.

I really did not have any thing in mind that I needed but if I came across a solid color long sleeve cotton shirt with two pockets and a button down collar I might buy one.  Spent several hours looking around but made no purchase.  

The Duluth Trading Company is a new store.  I have purchased several items on-line from DTC.  The store was a disappointment.  They had limited stock.  I don’t know how long it will remain open.  The store was empty.

For dinner we headed to Shepard’s Grill.  We have never had a problem getting a table but tonight all the tables were taken and several parties were waiting.  We headed to Brann’s.  Found a table and ordered our usual fare.  A bowl of lobster bisque for me and a sandwich for Nancy.  I also had a glass of wine and Nancy a frozen margarita.

Tonight we watched an episode of Broadchurch.  The show is filmed in a down and out area of Wales.  After Broadchurch Nancy headed to bed and I watched some American Ninja Warrior.  I am hooked on this show.  

Friday, July 27, 2018

Thursday July 26, 2018

Thursday July 26, 2018

Blog time 1040 at Panera

We had a light rain move through last night.  Cool, 60s, and cloudy this morning, high temp today will be 78.

Nancy headed out early for her morning swim at MVP.  After a light breakfast I head to the Y via my short 5 mi route.  Made a quick stop at the ATM to get money for Kim who will clean tomorrow.  For a Thursday the Y was very crowded.  

Where are the turkeys, deer and sand hill cranes?  I have not seen these critters in several weeks.

This and that from the news:

BRexit seems stalled.  Negotiations are confusing.  EU seems like a big incompetent organization.

POTUS’s tariff proposals are keeping everyone off balance.  Is this his intention?

The silly season is upon us.  Nancy and I are so tired of the political ads.

Floods, fires and collapsed dams are creating havoc.

I do not know one active player on the Tigers.  

Why is the stock market doing well despite all the negative news?

At home took quick shower, lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Costco.  Today was our paper run.  We bought toilet paper, nose tissues, and paper towels.  Of course because it is Costco we will not need to buy these products again for several years.

I continued to spend time in my office catching up.  July has been an active outdoor month so I just let things pile up in my in basket.

Found time for a short nap before dinner.  Nancy fixed a great chicken salad for dinner.  A great summer meal.

I took my evening walk after the dishes.  Fixed our cheese and apple snacks before settling down.  We watched an episode of Call the MidWifes before turning in.  

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Wednesday July 25, 2018

Wednesday July 25, 2018

Blog time 1220 at Panera

Back to normal.  Fog and temps in high 60s when got up.  The temp is now 80 and sunny.

I say we are getting back to normal but Ms P is not really back.  The house sitter would take Ms P out at 0500 to do her bigness.  It was 0730 when we took her out this morning.  We noted she left us a reminder on the floor that she also has to get back on schedule.

Nancy will start back at MVP tomorrow.  She is working her shift at the Garden’s this afternoon.

I did some light exercises before breakfast.  After breakfast took the short 5 mile route to the Y.  This morning reduced calisthenics and stretches.  Stepped on scale and was pleasantly surprised that despite three weeks of undisciplined eating only gained two pounds.

It took me forever to complete my vacation blog.  I did not leave Panera until 1300.  

Normal Wednesday activities, laundry, trash and a nap.  Spent some time reading accumulated mail.  Nothing important.

Made a quick run to Meijer’s for a bottle of wine, more reading glasses and some Vortmann Sugar Free Oatmeal cookies.  I love the oatmeal cookies.

Light dinner tonight, after the dishes I took a walk around the block.  We watched an episode of Goliath.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched “Churchill’s Secret Agents” before turning in.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Tuesday July 24, 2018

Tuesday July 24, 2018

California Vacation Update:

Blog time 1100 on Wednesday the 25th sitting in the Cascade Panera:

Nancy and I had a great time in Southern California.  We had a chance to see all the grandkids.

Several observations on California:

California drivers are very polite.  They alway allow folks to change lanes.

Traffic on the freeways is horrific, especially the 405.

I have a lot of rental car anxiety because of the traffic.

Folks in CA have more tattoos than folks in MI.

You don’t see many USA made sedans.

Housing costs are out of site.

Friday July 20:  like every day we were in CA we had sunny skies and temps in low 80s.  Perfect weather.

After breakfast at the hotel we drove to San Pedro.  Our first stop was at an Arts and Crafts pavilion.  I like antiques but not big into arts and crafts.  

Next stop in San Pedro was the fish market.  It was very crowded with tourists.  I ordered a bowl of clam chowder.

In the afternoon we drove to downtown Long Beach and walked the waterfront.  LB has a very pedestrian friendly waterfront.

At 1745 we met Steve’s family at the ball park.  Nancy and I took Granddaughter Alessandra to a local mall for a light dinner.  

Tonight Lucas is playing his last ball game in the 12 and under league.  His team and two other teams had identical records but Lucas’s team did not advance because of some complicated rules.  Lucas ended the game by hitting a winning over the fence home run.  Great memories for the Scott family.

Saturday July 21

Today after breakfast we decided to take a nice drive on surface streets.  We drove north on the 405 and got off at the Sunset Blvd exit.  We drove several hours on Sunset.  Passed through UCLA, Beverly Hills and Hollywood.  Beautiful homes along most of the route.   

Rested for several hours before driving to Missy’s in the Brentwood area of LA.  We had dinner at the Soup Plantation.  Good basic food for a reasonable price.  It was a pleasant evening so we sat outside.

Both Nancy and I were in bed by 2100.  At 2230 we were blasted awake by the hotel’s fire alarm.  We took the stairs to the Lobby.  It was an orderly evacuation.  Alas it was a false alarm.

Sunday July 22

We slept in today.  Leisurely breakfast and then I took a short walk to Von’s to buy a LA Times.  We read the papers before heading out.  

We met Missy and AJ at the California Yacht Club in Marina Del Rey.  I took a long walk along the waterfront.  I could not get over a huge apartment complex being built.  I’ll bet the monthly rents will be over $3,000.

Only in CA can you rent a motorized scooter.  The company that supplies the scooters is named Bird.  They can drive on sidewalks and in the streets.  I think they are popular in upscale areas like Marina Del Rey.

We had lunch at the Yacht Club.  We said our good byes to Missy and AJ before heading back to the hotel.  Once again we were in bed by 2100.  No alarms tonight!

Monday July 22

I am tired of driving on the freeways so for today’s activity we decided to visit the closest Pier.  Hermosa Beach Pier was only 10 minutes away so that was where we headed.  We walked the Pier and boardwalk along the beach.  Hermosa Beach was getting ready for a weekend Beach Volleyball Tournament so we encountered a lot of folks getting ready.  

We noted a lot of nice homes and apartments along the boardwalk.  A lot of units were for rent.  We wondered how much would an apartment rent for in February?

For dinner we met Steve and family at the Boathouse on the Bay at the LB marina.  Once again we sat outside and enjoyed a great meal.   I had a great bowl of clam chowder and half of Nancy’s club sandwich.

After dinner Steve rented an electric boat and we all took a tour of the marina.  Both Nancy and I were impressed at the number of beautiful homes along the marina.  Great way to end a summer’s evening.

Tuesday July 24,

Today we head back to GR.  Breakfast at hotel and then back up the 405 to LAX.  I was relieved when I returned the rental unscathed.  

The flights to Denver and then on to GR were uneventful.  We got home about 2300.  I unpacked my bag and was in bed at midnight.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Thursday July 19, 2018

Thursday July 18, 2018

Blog time 0915 on Friday sitting in hotel room.

Thursday and we are still in our jet lag mode.  Up at 0600 and headed to the hotel lobby for breakfast.  I had oatmeal, banana, yogurt and coffee.  Great free breakfast.  The breakfast room was filled with vacationing families.

The weather was warm and sunny. Temps in high 70s all day.  Perfect for being outdoors.  This morning we decided to walk Venice Beach.  First made a quick stop at mall so Nancy could check out Talbot’s sale items.  I bought a cell phone holder that I hook to my belt.  

We head to Venice Beach.  Traffic was really bad and made worse by heavy construction.  Bottom line we did not make it.  We took a scenic drive along the coast before heading back.

We made a quick stop at Costco for lunch.  I had a hot dog.  We rested at the hotel until 1600.  Tonight while I watch Lucas’s ball game Nancy is taking Alessandra to a mall for dinner and a movie.

Traffic on the 405 was horrific.  Bumper to bumper.  What should have been a 20’ trip took over 90’.  

Steve, Veronica and I had a light dinner at a local cafe.  We made it back to the ball park in time for the 1900 start to the ballgame.  Lucas’s team is played a team from Fallon, Nevada.  Lucas’s team won so they play again tomorrow night.

Nancy and Alessandra returned to the ball park after their night out.  Both said they had a great time.

Traffic was still heavy on the 405 when we left at 1930.  As soon as we got back to our hotel we headed to bed.

Wednesday July 18, 2018


Wednesday July 18, 2018

Blog time 1500 Thursday sitting at desk in room at Homewood Suites, Lawndale, CA

Alarm goes off at 0615, today is our big travel day.  We are going to LA.  Bright sun when I stepped out.  Quick breakfast and then took our bags out.  The taxi is picking us up at 0745.

Check-in was uneventful.  We had downloaded our boarding passes to our iPhones which make everything easy.  Our Global entry passes give us TSA-precheck.  Buying a global entry card was a great investment.

Our flights today take us to Denver and then LAX.  No problems encountered.

Picked up rental at Hertz and headed to the Homewood Suites in Lawndale.  Good room.  

Missy picked up AJ at 1800.  We all had quick dinner/snacks at the hotel.  The wine and snacks were complimentary.

This evening we attended the baseball game of Grandson Lucas.  Exciting game!  Lucas had to pitch the last inning and he succeeded in preserving the win for his team.  Another game tomorrow night.

We hit I-405 at 2130 and traffic was still bumper to bumper.  We headed straight to bed as soon as we got to the hotel.  Long day!

Today is son Stephen’s birthday.  After the ball game Veronica brought out a birthday cake.  We all had a piece and sang Happy Birthday.  The cake was big enough that it was shared with Lucas’s teammates.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Tuesday July 17, 2018

Tuesday July 17, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera.

My new weaker reading glasses, 1.5 strength vs 2.0, are working great.  The same thing happened to Nancy.  Before the cataract surgery she used 3.0 strength reading glasses.  She now does not need reading glasses.

Woke up to bright sun.  Temp was in mid 60s but humidity had dropped significantly.

Took the short route to the Y, 5 miles.  Reduced calisthenics but I continue to do the stretches at the intensity recommended by the PT folks.  I think it helps.

This morning I talked to a hard core regular at the Y.  He is presently running an informal training sessions for several teenagers.  I asked if they were his grandkids.  He said no they played hockey at FHC.  He is their hockey coach.  His name is Guy Gutos.  He was friends with Rick Jensen.  Rick Jensen was son Stephen’s hockey coach at OHHS.  In fact he remembers Steve.  

Lunch and then finished packing.  Nancy and AJ got their hair done in the morning and a mani-pedi in the afternoon.

At 1600 we drove the Meijer’s Garden to see the plant, titan arum or corpse flower, that blooms every 18 years.  We were unlucky because the plant had finished blooming.

We had pizza for dinner.  Watched an episode of Inspector Lewis before turning in.  Big travel day tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Monday July 16, 2018

Monday July 16, 2018

Blog time 1130 at Panera

Good Grief July is half over!  Doesn’t seem fair.  How come February doesn’t move this fast?

Got up at 0615.  It was warm, 72, and humid this morning.

Light exercises, breakfast and then biked to the Y.  I took my normal route.  Despite being an easy ride I was drenched in sweat when I got to the Y.  I dried my shirt under the hair dryer.

The summer youth camps at the Y seem to get bigger and bigger.  The kids are all having fun.

This morning Nancy is taking AJ to the Public Museum.  They have a new show at the planetarium.

POTUS’s visit with Russian President Putin is the main news story.  Our President’s confusing comments about U.K. politics is not making many friends.  The trade wars are said to have a negative impact in the economy but the stock market is holding its own.  Does anyone really understand?

As soon as I get home I grab several items I want to put in our safe deposit box and bike to Macatawa Bank.  Deposited the items and got some cash for our trip to the LA area.

Nancy said the planetarium at the GRPM was boring.  She was also disappointed that the venue she wanted to see was closed.

After lunch I drove to Meijer’s to get some toiletries for our trip.  Also bought apples, bananas and some school supplies for grand kids.

I have been having some problems with my reading glasses.  I used the strength test machine and determined that my glasses, 2.0, were too strong.  I bought a 1.5 strength and they work great.  

I spent some time packing before taking a short nap.  It was so hot and humid that Nancy and AJ left at 1600 for a swim at MVP.  

Nancy called me at 1730 and said AJ had found some friends so they were staying longer.  I took my walk before dinner.

We had a light dinner about 1900.  We watched an episode of Inspector Lewis before turning in.