Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wednesday June 4, 2014

Wednesday my easy day and I have been looking forward to a day off. I slept in and then rode the bike to the Omelette Shop for pancake and eggs. After breakfast I rode around Reeds Lake. When I got home I got in the C2 and ran errands. I stopped at the Chevy place for an oil change and to see about when I can get the recall repairs made. It will take a month to get the parts. I also stopped at U Haul to see about renting a van. The folks said no problem if I order the van on a week day. I also stopped at the post office and Hall Street Bakery to see if they had any day old cookies, they did not. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. It started to rain about noon so I took a quick nap. After the nap I made some calls regarding our move. I called a plumber about moving the washer/dryer from the main floor to the walkout. I talked to our painter about stripping wallpaper. He cannot give me an estimate unless he sees the rooms needing work. I called our Realtor to see in we can get in the condo on Monday for about 30 minutes. I finished the afternoon with a two mile walk. The Buyers of our house had an inspection done and the inspector found our bay window had a seal leak. The window has a life time warranty so we had an installer stop by this evening to measure up the bad window and give us a price for installation. His price was reasonable. Tomorrow we will order a new window. It is now 2000 and the sun is out. We will watch the Stanley Cup before heading upstairs.

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