Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sunday June 1, 2014

Weekend Update: Saturday May 31, 2014: Up at 0700 and since Nancy did not want to go to breakfast I pedaled to Bill's. I had their "Super Breakfast". After breakfast I took a quick ride around Reeds Lake. I put 12 miles on the bike. My longest ride since pneumonia. I am feeling much better except for my drooping right eye lid. Every one I meet asks what is wrong with the eye. Actually the drooping eye is only an inconvenience. I see a Plastic Surgeon on the 10th. I spent some time working on ACAD arranging furniture in our condo. Every thing is fitting. Nancy and I spent some time looking for carpets for the walkout. Our first stop was Home Depot. The nice young lady explained how their scheduling works. It does not appear that Home Depot can meet our schedule. Our next stop was Sullivan's. Nancy liked their selection and they can meet our schedule. We finished our carpet tour about 1700 so instead of going home we headed to Forest Hill Inn for dinner. Nancy had a burger and I had a tuna sandwich. We talked with Debbie on FaceTime this evening. She has a new kitten. We watch Midsomer Murders on Netflix before heading upstairs. Sunday June 1, 2014: Most weather folks consider June the first month of summer. I agree. We have had a string of sunny warm days. Up at 0700 and we headed to MVP. This is the first time is over a month that Nancy and I have gone swimming. I swam 50% of my normal. Nancy swam a little more. We did our routine weekly shopping at Meijer's. Gas today was $3.88. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I read sections of the GRP before heading up to my Sunday nap. Instead of a nap I continue reading my book on the corruption in LA during the 20s and 30s. It is a great book. Nancy is fixing hamburger/bake bean casserole for dinner. My favorite. We will watch 60 Minutes and maybe a Netflix before heading upstairs.

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