Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday June 5, 2014

No rush on Thursday mornings because I cannot get in the pool until 1045. I had coffee at Starbucks in Breton Village. I have to take a different route to MVP because of work on Burton Ave. It add some distance. I swam 500 meters today. Tomorrow I will see if I can swim outside. The outdoor pool has several lap lanes. Nancy had lunch with several friends from the Blodgett Gift Shop. They ate at the new downtown market. I ordered a new bay window for our living room. The existing window has a seal leak so no charge for the window but we must pay for the installation. I wanted to get in our new condo for about 15 minutes so our painter can see what needs to be done. I called the old owners and they said that they are out of town so we cannot get in until the 14th. Our painter will be on vacation so we must move our painting and carpet installation back a week. I did take a two mile walk today. Lately when I take a walk neighbors stop and ask about our move. Dinner tonight was at Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside for the first time this year. It was very pleasant. Today was a perfect summer day. Temps in the 70s with blue sky and sun. It is now 2000 and I am heading down to watch Big Bang Theory. We will also read the GRP and watch some Netflix.

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