Thursday, June 19, 2014

Wednesday June 18, 2014

Wednesday June 18, 2014 We had a major thunder storm roll through last night. It lasted for hours. Needless to say Ms P went bonkers. We put the thunder shirt on her and it did not work. Both Nancy and I spent time trying to settle her down. We finally gave her a pill that seemed to mellow her out. I do not ride my bike in a thunder storm so i drove to the Omellette Shop for breakfast. After breakfast I stopped at the Hall St Bakery and bought some day old cookies. Spent the rest of the morning wrapping coins. It has been over a year since I emptied the piggy bank. I had $109. Nancy is working at the gardens this afternoon. I took the coins to the bank. A heavy shower rolled through and I got soaked running to the car. I took Ms P around the block. Finished the afternoon with a nap followed by a two mile walk. I do not think I will get my 10,000 steps today. (It is now 2230 and my buzzer just went off saying I reached 10,000) This evening Nancy and I met with the Zweedyk to get the keys to our condo. They gave us a guided tour. We can start moving in on Sunday.

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