Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday June 16, 2014

Up at 0620 and when I went outside with Ms P it was 72. We are having a hot summer day. It is now (1700) 85 and sunny but thunderstorms are coming this evening. The rain will continue through Friday. After my calisthenics I loaded up the single speed and headed to Millennium Park for a ride. I have an eighteen miles course that I like. No vehicular traffic and the course is relatively flat. I averaged 12.5 mph on todays ride. 12.5 is a good time for me. After the ride I stopped at the Wealthy Street Bakery. I used a gift card I got for Father's Day. Iraq still dominates the news. I guess the old Jewish saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is holding true. We are meeting with Iran to talk about a plan to stabilize Iraq. How come when I start a new paragraph on the blog work sheet that the paragraphs do not show up on the final product. I have noticed lately that I transpose letters as I type. I must read the blog out loud in order to find these mistakes. I notice that a lot of news organizations make the same mistake. After a quick lunch I started carrying packed boxes out to the garage. Nancy said our goal should be 8 boxes a day. Today we did twelve. I will rent a van next week to move the boxes to the condo. I finished the afternoon with a shower and nap. We will have a light dinner and then watch the USA play soccer. I still do not understand the game. Have you ever seen a fat soccer player?

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