Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wednesday June 11, 2014

Breakfast Club Wednesday so I get up at 0600. It was raining hard so a rain coat was needed. The Chairman of the BC we in charge of the program and he talked about the Robber Baron, Fisk. It was not one of the better programs. After BC I came home and put on my bike riding clothes and headed to Kava House. I was almost through the WSJ when it really started pouring. I read several more articles. Most of the folks at BC read newspapers and so the talk this morning was about US Rep Eric Cantor of VA losing to a Tea Party candidate, Davis Brat. Did you know that David Brat is a graduate of Hope College in Holland? It stopped raining so I got on the bike and started on my ride around Reeds Lake via Fulton. I was pedaling through Aquinas when I encountered a barricade so instead of getting off the bike I tried to jump a curb. Bad idea. I fell. No broken bones but I had some bad scrapes on my right arm. The bike was ok so I continued on my ride of 9.5 miles. I tried to take a nap but the phone kept ringing. First I have a July 10 appointment with an Ocular nerve doctor. The second call set the date for closing on our house, June 20. Nancy spent most of the morning and afternoon at the Gardens. She is a member of the Japanese Garden construction committee. After this meeting she did her normal Wednesday shift. I just got back from walking to the OH Library to pick up a book for Nancy. Today is Book Club for Nancy. I am leaving right now for beer and pizza.

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