Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sunday June 8, 2014

I love June. We had a gentle shower roll through this morning. A shower that farmers would describe as a million dollar rain. It was still sprinkling at 0730 when we left for MVP. I increased my swim from 500 to 600 meters. Nancy swam a little longer distance. After our swim we stopped at home to get Ms P and then we headed to Meijer's. Gas today was $3.95. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday nap and when I woke the sun was out. The temperature rose to 79 degrees. Sunset tonight is at 2118. I took a 3 mile walk. It is now 1730 and as soon as I finish this blog I am heading downstairs. Nancy is fixing BLT's for dinner. She also made some rhubarb sauce. I love rhubarb. We will finish reading the GRP and then watch an episode of Sherlock on Netflix. June 8, 1938 in Ossineke, MI. Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote that it was a Wednesday and he spent the morning working in the garden. The Sunday School gave their play in the Community House. GGF thought it was very good.

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