Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday June 10, 2014

June 10, 2014 Another ideal night for sleeping. No AC was required. The string of sunny days is ending. Today was cloudy. Rain is expected at sunset. Brazil is having their problems getting ready for the World Cup which I think starts Thursday. The Transport Union appears to be holding the Government hostage. The WSJ had several articles of Doctors ripping off Medicare for millions. I really doubt that the Feds can run anything. The MVP is really crowded now that school is out. They have a lot of camps and other programs. The noise level has increased significantly. I had no problem getting a lane and I swam 600 meters. On Thursday I will increase my distance to 750 meters. After my swim I pedaled home and had a quick lunch. I then headed to my appointment with an eye plastic surgeon. He checked me over and said that I should see a nerve doctor who specializes in eye problems. A blood test showed I had an autoimmune problem. The Doctor said that medicine is available for my problem. They are arranging a visit. This afternoon Clean Sweep came and took all the trash in the garage. Slowly we are downsizing. The big move is in early July. I finished the afternoon with a two mile walk. Nancy is fixing pork chops for dinner. We will watch some TV and read the GRP before heading upstairs.

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