Monday, June 30, 2014

Sunday June 29, 2014

What I did last week: It was a busy week for Bob and Nancy. The weather was warm with a lot of rain. All our activities were geared toward the move to our condo Sunday June 22: We went swimming this morning. After the swim we came right home so Nancy could fix Debbie some of her world famous scrambled eggs. After breakfast we headed over to the condo. The painter is coming tomorrow. We are painting two lower level rooms. One room will become the second bedroom and the other will be Bob and Nancy’s office. Our first job is to remove wallpaper. We bought a tool that puts small holes in the wallpaper at Home Depot on Saturday. I used the tool on one room. We had dinner at Kathi Kothe’s. Debbie liked her house and antiques. Kathi fixed a fine dinner. Monday June 23: Debbie and I spent all day stripping wallpaper. Nancy started cleaning the upstairs. Randy our painter started painting. This is Debbie’s last night in GR so we had dinner at the Green Well on Cherry. For a Monday night the place was jammed. Tuesday June 24: We continued stripping and Randy continued painting. About 1500 Nancy took Debbie to the airport. Debbie came home to sleep one more night in the home she grew up in. We put her to work and both Nancy and I appreciate her efforts. Wednesday June 25: This week I had to be at the condo early so no MVP. Today Kim came to help Nancy clean the main floor. The Condo’s maintenance people used the hose outside the lower level and we noticed a leak. I called a plumber and he found we had a frozen pipe. The plumber removed a section of the wall and fixed the problem. We were very lucky. Now we needed a Drywaller to patch up the wall. The Drywaller will be fix the wall on Friday. Thursday June 26: Nancy had picked out the final colors for the two rooms. The painter put the first coat on all walls. The security firm came this afternoon to reprogram the system. The nice thing about the new system is keyless entry. I no longer have to carry keys. Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. Friday June 27: The painter finished most of his work. He will come back next Tuesday to finish. The Drywaller patched the hole in the wall. The new plaster will dry over the weekend. He will come back early Monday for a final sanding. Nancy continues to get the main floor ready. Every time we leave home we take a box or two. We were very tired so we ordered a pizza. Saturday June 28: I pedaled to the Omelette Shop for breakfast. First time this week I was on a bike. After the ride Nancy and I made several trips to the Condo. We had dinner a the Namy’s. Mary Namey fixed a great dinner. Sunday June 29: Nancy and I went swimming. We stopped at Meijer’s for supplies. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took an afternoon nap. We made one run to the condo. Tomorrow carpet will be installed in the lower level. Nancy fixed sloppy joes for dinner. We watched some TV before retiring.

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