Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday April 25, 2013

It is the last week in April and when I looked out the window this morning it was snowing. The snow did not stick but I had to bundle up for my bike ride to the MAC. I did my tri this morning and I PBs in all events. I have to be home by 1300 because the sprinkler man is stopping by to turn on the system. I stopped at Starbucks in Breton Village. I got home at 1250 and the sprinkler man had already arrived. He turned the system on and checked all the sprinkler heads. Two heads needed replacing. After a quick lunch I got in the C2 and headed to Rylee's to purchase a gas cap for my lawn mower gas can. I then filled up the can. I plan on cutting the lawn tomorrow. I dropped my Kindle this morning and luckily I had a nice soft case protecting it. The mishap made me think I need a case for my AA. I stopped at Best Buy and bought a nice case. I ended the afternoon taking a one mile walk with Ms P. It being Thursday Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I had the French dip and Nancy had a salad. I am now sitting downstairs typing this blog on my AA. Nancy just finished packing Ms Ps food and toys. Kim is picking her up tomorrow afternoon. Nancy and I have both finished packing for our trip to CA. I have to stop now because "A Person of Interest" is on.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday April 24, 2013

Today is my easy day. I had an appointment at the Apple store for 0900. At 0830 I hop into the C2 and head to Woodland Mall. I have scheduled a 30 minute one-on-one section. The instructor was able to transfer my contacts, email and book marks to the Apple Air. However he said that I cannot transfer my tunes that I did not purchase at the Apple store to the AA (Apple Air). I find this very confusing because I have all my tunes on my iPhone. Last year I purchased the old TV series Victory at Sea. The entire series is on 4 discs. Once again I was told because I did not purchase the CDs through Apple I cannot load them on the AA. I don't believe this. I will have to do more research. I am typing this blog on the AA. It has spell check. After my session I headed to the Omlette Shop for breakfast. I had oatmeal and read the papers. I got home as Nancy was leaving for the Gardens. She has the afternoon shift. I played with my AA and started to pack for our CA trip. The sun came out at 1500 so I took Ms P on a mile walk. After her walk I went on a 3.3 mile walk. Tonight we will have a light dinner and watch the news. What else is new? I will read the GRP downstairs on my AA. I might also do some packing. I just started reading a book on Catherine the Great. I got my 30 in today.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday April 23, 2013

It was sprinkling when I headed out for the MAC. I put on my rain suit. The temperature was very mild, 45. I did the tri today in average time. I did not need my rainsuit when I left the MAC and headed to the Kava House. The DFP is really getting bad. They had only a few stories dealing with Michigan or the metro area. I might have to cancel my subscription. The WSJ was loaded with stories on the remaining Boston bomber. Jack Kirkwood an old neighbor came in for coffee and we chatted for several minutes. Everything is ok with the Kirkwoods. It felt like rain when I headed home so I had a quick lunch and then took Ms P on her mile walk. We had perfect timing because it started raining as we were walking up the drive. I spent the afternoon setting up my MacBook Air. I have an appointment at the Apple store tomorrow to make sure I did everything ok. It is 1800 and it is raining hard. The last thing we need is more rain. I saw that the flooding in GR made the Today show. The fish in the window shot is at our eye doctor's office. Nancy is fixed some pulled pork for dinner tonight. We will read the GRP and watch NCIS before heading upstairs.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday April 22, 2013

Weekend Update: Saturday April 20 was a cold windy day. It was in the 20s early this morning with snow on the ground. I bundled up and rode the bike to Bill's for oatmeal. After breakfast I rode around Reeds Lake. We have had so much heavy rain that flooding is everywhere. The road around Reeds Lake was flooded in four spots. Luckily the water was not very deep so I could pedal my bike through the water. I had to change my pants and shoes when I got home. After I got home I got in the C2 and headed out to look at all the flooding and inspect a few bridges. The Grand River reached a record flood stage this weekend. The water exceeded the 1904 record. The good news is that since 1904 the City has constructed flood walls that prevented any serious flooding. It looks like all the bridges on the Grand are not in danger. I looked at several bridges that I had designed on Buck and Plaster Creek and could see no problems. Nancy has been experiencing some email problems so she had to go to the Apple store to try and fix her problem. She might have a virus. She had to contact ATT to change her password. Saturday night Nancy and I headed downtown to have dinner with the Namey's at Leos. It was a birthday party for Ed and myself. Eds birthday is on the 19th and mine is on the 22nd, Earth Day. We all had an excellent dinner. It was a great evening. Sunday April 21, 2013. We are up at 0655 and ready for the MAC. However, today we cannot go swimming because the pool is being used for a triathlon. I did some exercises and walked on the treadmill. Nancy walked on the treadmill. We did go to Miejer's to get some supplies. This evening we are having three couples over for dinner. After a breakfast of Nancy's world famous scrambled eggs we started getting ready. Actually Nancy is getting ready. She has everything all planned. For starters Nancy has four kinds of cheese and crackers. We also had fruit. I bought some Bell's Oberon and Fat Tire beer. We also had wine. For dinner Nancy had pulled pork sandwiches, a barley/apricot dish and a green salid. The pulled pork was a big hit. Nancy had a cheese cake for dessert. After dinner I offered some Springbank scotch from Campbelt, Scotland. All the men wanted a taste. The party was a big success. Monday April 22 and my 75th birthday. In 1938 the year of my birth a new home cost $3,900, a car $860 and gas was $0.10 per gallon. Life expectancy was 59.7 years. On this day in 1938 by Great grandfather Sanborn noted my birth in his diary. He also noted that it was a Friday and very cold in Ossineke, MI. GGF cleaned his chicken coop and had 3 loads of manure. Today, 2013, Nancy is going on a buying trip to the Detroit area. She is going with other buyers from the Gift shop. I headed to the MAC and after had coffee at the Kava House. It is a beautiful day with sunshine and temperatures in the mid 60s. I got several nice birthday presents. I got an Apple Air computer and will start setting it up this evening. I also got a fruit basket and scotch glasses. Nancy got home at 1700. I did not expedt her until later this evening. We will have a light dinner before heading to bed.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday April 19, 2013

We had a light rain last night. The weather folks say that it will be dry most of the day but the winds will be very strong. I had the wind at my back when I rode to the MAC. I have to be home at noon today so I stop at Starbucks in Breton Village for my coffee. The news was dominated by the hunt for the remaining terrorist in Boston. I got home at noon. Today is Kim's day to clean the house. Nancy and I along with Ms P headed to Costco. We had a lot of things to buy today. I finished the Costco trip with a hot dog. On our way home we stopped at Design Plus to look at some recliners for our back room. We found a chair that not only reclines but twirls and rocks. The color was wrong so if we decide to buy the delivery date is two months. It was snowing when we got home. The temperture was above 32 but snow was falling. I took a short nap. For dinner tonight we went to Forest Hills Inn. I had a club sandwich and Nancy had a bowl of soup. After dinner we stopped at Forest Hills Food to get some cheese for Sunday night. All the networks are bringing the manhunt in Boston. At 2030 I headed upstairs to write this blog. I just got a flash on my iphone saying they have captured the fugitive. I will do some reading before turning in. I just looked out the window and the ground is now snow covered. I did get my 30 in today. Did you?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday April 18, 2013

Boy did it rain last night. We had heavy rain, thunder and lightning and high winds. Ms P went bonkers despite the fact that we gave her a pill. I don't ride my bike when I might encounter lightning. I drove to the MAC and the first thing I noticed when I walked in was that a sign said the pool was closed because of electrical storms. I did my non-swim routine. As I was heading to the shower I heard that the pool was now open. I headed back, put on my suit and swam 500 yards. I read my papers at Breton Village today. I did stop by the pet store to see if they had any thunder suits for dogs. A thunder suit is an elastic vest that fits over the dog. I guess the tightness of the vest reduces stress. It was $40 so I though maybe I would do some research. This afternoon I spent reading. I am reading "Naked in DaNang" a book about Air Force spotters during the Vietnam war. The book was loaned to me and I have to have it read by Sunday. I just took Ms P around the block. It has been raining for about two days and we are having some serious flooding around the area. Nancy is attending a wine and cheese party this afternoon. We will not go the Great Lakes Shipping tonight. I am heading to Subway as soon as I finish this blog. Tonight we will read the GRP and watch Person of Interest. The rain will continue until tomorrow morning and then maybe Friday will be dry.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday April 17, 2013

Today is Breakfast Club day. A more apt name would be sinful Wednesday. For breakfast I had scrambled eggs, hashbrowns and biscuits and gravy. It was real good. After BC I headed to Martha's Vineyard to buy a bottle of wine and some cheese for Ed Namey who turns 75 tomorrow. They have a great bakery so I bought a cranberry scone. Speaking of birthdays, today is my grand daughter's fourth birthday. Happy Birthday Alessandra. Nancy and I will try to face time her this evening. Today also would be my Dad's 107th birthday. The weather man said that it will rain this afternoon so when I got home about 1000 I took Ms P on her one mile walk. After the walk I headed to Meijer's to buy some beer for our Sunday night dinner. After Meijers I stopped at the Nameys to leave Ed's birthday gift. Next on my errands was Home Depot. Yesterday when putting up the side and back door screens I noted what bad shape the storm doors were in. I found a door that I think will meet our needs. I stopped at Macatawa Bank to get some money for our trip to CA. They offered cookies to their customers so I had one. They were so good that I had another. Sinful Wednesday continues. My final stop was at the Starbucks in Breton Village. I bought a coffee and read my papers. The bombing in Boston, the situation in Korea and Congress' efforts to pass a gun and immigration bill dominated the news. I got home at 1330 and the rain had not started yet so I put on my rain coat and walked 3.34 miles. I beat the rain but despite my efforts to walk fast I cannot get my speed below 17 minutes per mile. As soon as I got inside the thunder and lightning started. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon and she got drenched just getting to her car. This evening we will have a light dinner and watch some TV. I face timed my Sister today. We always talk on Mom and Dad's birthdays. They are leaving Tucson next week for Gaylord.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday April 16, 2013

The weather man said it would be sunny all day and he was right. It is really nice to be able to chuck the winter clothes. Today was my tri day and I had the swimming pool all to myself. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House. Today is "free refill Tuesday". Of course the main topic in the papers was the bombing in Boston. I had a quick lunch and then took Ms P on her 1 mile walk. I was in a Spring mood so I put up the screen doors. I then started cleaning windows. I started with the downstairs windows and then did the garage windows. Nancy has an OHNA Board meeting tonight. I will watch NCIS before heading to bed. Washing windows is tiring. I hope everyone got their 30 in today.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday April 15, 2013

Finally we are having a warm day with no rain until late in the day. No lined pants, long underwear or rubber boots were required. I only wore a light jacket. After the MAC I stopped at the Starbucks in Gas Light Village for my coffee. I thought it might be crowded with EGR high school kids but it was not. I used my iphone app to buy the coffee. When I got home it felt like rain so I took Ms P on a one mile walk. I am reading a book loaned to me by the husband of Becky Verker. He knew I was in Viet Nam so he gave me this book. It is really good and I must have it finished by Sunday. Ken and Becky are coming over to dinner along with the Mastins and Hartmans. I talked with Debbie this afternoon. She spent some time in England. It was good talking to her. ABout 1500 I got a message on my iphone that there was a bombing at the Boston Marathon. I checked for the story but could find no follow up. Around 1600 Nancy called me down to look at the TV. They were starting coverage of the bombing. I am alway appalled when innocent people are injured in an act of terrorism. What does it accomplish? It is a sad ending to what was going to be a pleasant spring day.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

April 14, 2013

Weekend update: Saturday April 13, and as usual I got on my bike and rode to Bill's for their oatmeal breakfast. I took my rain pants because it is suppose to start snowing at 1000. I left Bill's at 1030 and sure enough it was snowing. I put on my rain pants and rode around Reeds Lake. During my ride my cheap chain quard started rubbing against the wheel crank. I stopped at GR Bike Co in Gaslight amd asked them to take the guard off. I walked home and started checking my email when I got a call from GR Bike saying my bike was done. I had to mail a package at the post office so I put my bike helmet in a back pack and walked to the PO and then to GR Bike. It is great having a bike shop within walking distance. Every time I think of moving to a Condo I wonder if I could find a place that would be as pedestrian friendly as 1555 Mackinaw. I can walk to several coffee shops and restaurants as well as a grocery store, post office and bike shop. I spent some time in my office reading. For dinner Nancy and I went to Russ's. I had the hot turkey sandwich and Nancy had the chicken rice soup. Not much on TV so we headed upstairs early. Sunday April 14 and it is our swim day. We are up at 0655 and get to the MAC at 0745. They let us in early and we were done swimming by 0845. We both swam 1,500 yards. We cannot swim next Sunday because of an event so today was our last Sunday swim for three weeks. Gas at Meijer's today was $3.45. We are having three couples over for dinner next week so Nancy had some supplies to buy. For breakfast Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs. While we were having breakfast it started to snow hard. The snow was sticking. I took my Sunday nap and when I got up the sun was out and the snow was gone. I took Ms P on a 1 mile walk and then took a 1.5 mile walk. During my absence Nancy facetimed Missy. She appears to be having a busy schedule. Tonight Nancy is fixing hot dogs and baked beans for dinner. A meal that I really like. We will read the GRP and watch 60' before heading upstairs. The things you remember. Today is Billy Ladkau's birthday. Bill and I went K-12 together. I think he is a Methodist preacher in South Carolina.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday April 12, 2013

We had another cold rainy day. When I left for the MAC I thought the drizzle was too mild so I did not put on my rain pants. Big mistake. I did put on my rain pants when I left the MAC for the Kava House. Todays DFP had several articles on the troubles our Governor is having getting his projects approved by the legislature. His biggest obstacle is his own party. The Gov wants to raise the gas tax to fund road and bridge construction. Poll after poll have shown that the citizens want better roads but raising any tax is not on the lunatic fringe's agenda. Actually a gas tax is not really a tax but a user fee. We pay user fees for water, sewer, electric and gas services. The Gov also wants to join the medicaid program under Obamacare. I think it would be foolish not to join the program since the Feds will pay 100% for several years and then 90% after that. We need a third party! I do think we will have an immigration soon. I think most folks think it is long overdue. Good news the State got their permit from the Feds to build a new bridge to Canada. When I got home I had a quick lunch and then took Ms P on a long walk. It stated raining halfway through our walk. I had to towel Ms P off when we got home. We have all our accounts changed over to the new trust so I took the original trust documents to our safe deposit box at Macatawa. I then headed to Woodland Mall to get a birthday card for Ed Namey. Ed is turning 75 on the 18th. I was real tired when I got home so I took a 30 minute nap. Nancy fixed soup and her chicken/rice dish for dinner. I watched the news and was sorry to learn of Jonathan Winter's death. When he first came on TV my mother, who always watched the Tonight Show, thought he was really funny. I think I will see if any CDs are available of his performances. It is now 2035 and I will head downstairs to watch Vegas at 2100. The weather folks say we could get some snow tonight. Think Spring!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday April 11, 2013

Guess what? It was another cold rainy day. We had very heavy winds last night so a lot of areas were without power. My rain suit is now my standard morning garb. Today is my tri day and today I set 2013 PBs in all three. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House. The wind was very strong but it was at my back. A tailwind is always good unless you are landing on an aircraft carrier. The DFP had articles on all the lawsuits against the EM for Detroit. Most of the suits have been thrown out. The stock market continues to set records. I was watching CNBC this morning and several folks were saying that everything is wrong and the market will tumble tomorrow. Who knows? I sure don't. I was real cold when I got home so after lunch I cranked up my electric blanket and warmed up. Despite the cold weather I predict that the trees will be in full bloom in two weeks. Tonight Nancy and I age going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. I will watch "Person of Interest" before going to bed. I have never watched an entire Reality Show. I think they are a lazy way for the networks to make money. I want a good Western or PI series. I hope everyone got their 30 in today.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wednesday April 10, 2013

Today is my biweekly easy Wednesday. I took advantage of my easy day by sleeping in. Is is suppose to rain all day today so I wore my rain suit for my bike ride to Bill's. I had oatmeal and spent about 90 minutes reading the DFP and WSJ. Are you impacted by the Sequester? This was a questions asked of me by the Fox News watchers at the MAC. I don't think across the board cuts are the best way to reduce a budget but at least we are cutting. This is probably the best that our legislators can do. Speaking of budgets I really like the way our Governor attacks budget problems. However, he is having a real problem keeping the right wing legislators in line. These folks are idiots. It was raining when I left Bill's but I was dressed properly so I was going to ride around Reeds Lake. As I got underway the thunder and lightning started. I changed plans and headed home. Nancy and I still needed to get forms from NY Life to change our beneficiary to reflect our new trust. I had tried several times to contact NY Life. I was unsucessful. So today I got in the C2 and drove to their office. A woman in the office knew exactly what to do and she had the forms prepared for our signature in about ten minutes. I also stopped at Costco to purchase some eye drops and contact lens solution. It had stopped raining when I got home so I took Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk. Nancy had to work at the Gardens this afternoon. She has book club this evening so at 1600 I had to heat up the soup in the crockpot. I am picking Ed Namey up at 1745 and we are going to Harmony for pizza and beer. Ed and I were both surprised at how busy Harmony. Not many empty tables when we got there. The pizza was very good as was the beer. I got home at 2000 and book club was still going on. After the meeting I will help Nancy with the dishes and then head upstairs to continue with my Pancho Villa/Gen Pershing book.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday April 9, 2013

The weather folks said that the rain would arrive at 1200. It was a pleasant dry ride to the MAC. I had a good swimming time today. As I was leaving I looked out the window at the MAC and saw that it was raining hard. I had packed a pair of rain pants so I put them on. I pedaled to the Starbucks at Breton Village. I used my super duper app on my iphone to buy my coffee. Unlike other days today I read the DFP first. It took about 5 minutes. The only thing I learned was that a consultant had recommended that the Detroit City Council should reduce their salaries and fire their staff. Each council member has a staff of seven. The annual savings would be $37M. It sounded like a good idea to me. I find that I like the WSJ's general news reporting. They give me a good feel of what is going on in the world. I left Breton Village at 1230 and headed home in a heavy rain. At 1300 an inspector from the City's Building Department arrived to inspect the water heater installation. It took him about ten minutes. I stayed up late last night wtaching the UM game so I was tired. I took a short nap. At 1430 it had stopped raining so Ms P and I took a 1.5 mile walk. Nancy had a denist appointment this afternoon and she got home about 1600. At 1700 we had a heavy thunder storm roll through. Tonight Nancy is fixing soup and sandwich. I will watch NCIS and read the GRP. We only get the GRP delivered three days a week so I look forward to reading a hard copy. I wish I could get it on my Kindle. The DFP is also only delivered three days a week. Will we see a day when the newpapers stop printing paper copies? Seventy five years ago today Great grandfather Sanborn wrote that the Devil's River had a big run of smelt. He walked 1/2 mile upstream. The smelt run is very important to the folks in Ossineke and this was all GGF reported.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday April 8, 2013

It was dark and gloomy this morning. I left for the MAC at 0900 and wore lined pants and layers to keep warm. I also packed some rain pants. It was raining hard when I left the MAC at 1030. I stopped at Starbucks in Breton Village to get my coffee. It was still raining when I headed home. After a quick lunch Nancy and I headed to a Catholic gift shop. We bought a First Communion gift for Lucas. When we got home I put all nine of our yard waste bags at the curb. I spent the rest of the afternoon in my office catching up. I might have more office time this week because the forecast calls for three more days of rain. Nancy has Book Club this week so she was cooking chicken in the crock pot. She is making chicken noodle soup. We are also having three couple over on the 21th for dinner. It is a lot of work but Nancy seems to enjoy it. She is a great host. Tonight UM plays for the NCAA BB title. The game does not start until 2123. I hope I can stay awake.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday April 7, 2013

It is catch up time. Wednesday April 3, 2013: Breakfast Club at 0700. The speaker talked about the new $30M Farmer's Market being built. The new market is a lot like the West Side Market in Cleveland. I left BC club early because I had to be home at 0900. Sommerdyke Plumbing installed a new water heater. It took about 90 minutes to install. After lunch I got my thatching rake out and started raking the front yard. This is the most difficult yard task that I have. I did only the yard in front of the house and it took 3 hours. I was so tired that I did not feel like turning on the computer. Thursday April 4: Wednesday was a sunny clear day and Thursday was more of the same. I did my tri today. I had to be home by 1300 so I took my coffee and papers at the Starbucks in Breton Village D&W. I got home at 1300 and B&B Chimney Sweeps were waiting for me. The GR Building Code required that for our new water heater we needed a chimney liner. The liner folks were very efficient and they were done in an hour. They inspected the top of the chimney and said I needed some brick work done beacuse we had loose bricks. I have noted the loose bricks but did not want to do the work. B&B gave me an estimate and I think later this summer I will have the top of the chimney repaired. I continued my yard work in the afternoon. I raked the planter strip and the east side front yard. I am alway amazed at how much loose grass I pick up. I spent another 3 hours in the yard. Ms P joined me on all my work outside. She is getting old so all she does is sniff around the bushes for rabbits and follows me around. Kim cleaned today so our house looks good. We had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. I had the fish and chips. I did manage to stay awake until 2100 so I could watch "Person of Interest". Friday April 5: My yard work is begining to catch up with me. However, it was another nice sunny day so not only did I do my full exercise schedule but I spent 3 hour raking the back yard. I was too tired to go out to dinner so we ordered a pizza. I did stay awake to watch "Vegas". I like that show. Saturday April 6: I slept in until almost 0830. Instead of going to Bill's I pedaled to the Kava House and had a coffee and scone. I finished the yard work today. It only took about two hours. It was cloudy and windy today with rain expected later in the day. I was glad I got the yard raked before it rained. I hate raking but I have been doing it for the last five years and the grass has never looked better. Even several neighbors have commented how nice the grass looks. I am glad the job is done but during my efforts I kept thinking that condo living does have it advantages. Nancy has also made the same comment lately. Nancy fixed me a soup and sandwich for dinner. I stayed awake long enough to see the first half of the UM BB game. Sunday April 7, 2013: It rained last night so I was glad the yard work was done. We got up at 0655 and headed to the MAC. We both swam 1,500 yards. Gas at Meijer's was $3.64 this morning. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday nap. After the nap I turned on my computer for the first time in five days. As soon as I finish this blog I am going for a walk. Nancy is fixing sloppy joes and soup for dinner. Sounds good. We will watch 60 minutes and read the GRP before going to bed.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuesday April 2, 2013

Like yesterday it was cold and sunny this morning. The wind was above 10 mph so the wind chill was in the low 20s. I, of course, wore layers. I did have a PB on my 1,000 yard swim this morning. Nancy and I have a busy afternoon so I stopped at Breton Village Starbucks for my morning coffee. I used my Starbucks app on my iphone to pay for the coffee. I read both the WSJ and DFP. I can read the DFP in less than 10' but the WSJ takes over an hour. I got home a little after 1300 and had a quick lunch. Nancy and I then took our new Trust papers and headed out. Our first stop was Wells Fargo to change our accounts from our individual trusts to our joint trust. Did you know that the first bank Nancy and I had a joint account with was Wells Fargo. We were living in CA at the time. After WF we stopped at the Kent County Credit Union. It took about 20' to make the change. After the KCCU we stopped at Fidelity on 28th Street. It took about 40 minutes to make the change. Except for New York Life we have changed all our account over. We are glad that it is done. I have a Grand Rapids Building Authority meeting tomorrow. It is our first meeting of the year. I had to read our Annual Financial Statement. The Statement was over 50 pages. For dinner tonight we finished the ham, potatoes and beans from our Easter dinner. It was real good. It is now 1956 and I am heading downstairs to watch a rerun of NCIS. According to the weather report we will have two more nights when the temps are below freezing. After that no more freezing temps. I hope Spring is finally here! I did get my 30 in today.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday April 1, 2013

Boy April came in with a cold blast. We had snow on the grass this morning. It was very windy with wind chills in the teens. I am glad I wore my long underwear this morning. This is Spring Break week so the MAC was empty. The Tigers open their season in Mn this afternoon. I would not want to play, let along watch, a baseball game on a cold day. I had my coffee at the Kava House today. I was so cold when I got home I turned the electric blanket on full blast and spent about 20 minutes getting warm. Now for the good news. The construction of the new Christian school at the old Iroquois has made homes in the OHNA hot property. Every week we get letters from real estate agents letting us know they have buyers for our house. Well last week Jack Lensink let us know that he had a buyer that was interested in our house. Jack stopped by with the buyer. As the saying goes: they made an offer we could not refuse. I was surprised how much Nancy was for the sale. Now for the good news: today we made an offer on a house located on Lake Huron south of Alpena. The house was owned by an old classmate of mine, Maury Cohen. I have been to the home and it is perfect. Four bedrooms with a great sand beach. Our agent in Alpena is also a classmate of mine and she said that she is positive the owners will accept our offer. We have to be out of our house by the end of July. We are under a tight schedule but it is do-able. As the saying goes: you must strike while the iron is hot.