Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wednesday October 3, 2012

Today is Breakfast Club. It was sprinkling when I left for BC. Today's speaker is the Kent County Drain Commission. I have to introduce the speaker. BC was not very well attended today. It is disappointing because the food was good, scrambled egg and French toast, and so was the speaker. I stopped at the Kava House so I could read the WSJ. I did not have time to read the DFP. Tonight is the big debate. I do not know if I will watch it. I have already made up my mind. Did you know that I watch the first debates on TV, Kennedy/Nixon. Nancy's cold is not getting any better. She had a tough night. When I got home from the Kava House I took a quick nap. My sister arrived about 1230. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. Helen drove her pickup so I had to clean the C2 before going downtown. The three of us visited the GR Art Museum and then the Bob. Don's knees were giving out so Helen and I visited some more venues while Don had a coffee. We visited the GR Public Museum, Gerald Ford Museum and saw the displays on the Gillette Pedestrian Bridge. We walked through the Amway and the DeVos convention center. On our way back to the Bob to pick up Don we saw the displays in the 54 Monroe Building. Helen and I walked for three hours. We were able to see six of the top ten entries. Nancy was not yet home when we arrived so I got Helen a glass of wine and Don and I had a beer. Nancy fixed lasagna and a salad for dinner. It was very good. After dinner we retired to the living room for conversation. At 2100 we all headed upstairs. It was a pleasant day.

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