Friday, October 5, 2012

Thursday October 4, 2012

October 4 and today is Lucas's seventh birthday. Happy Birthday Lucas. It rained nearly all night. I took Ms P out at 0500 but she did not want to get wet. Everyone slept in until about 0800 this morning. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for Helen and Don. The rain stopped just before Helen and Don left at 1000. I got on my bike and headed to the MAC. Today I did not do the tri. I just swam 1,000 yards. I got to the Kava House about 1200. The DFP continues it coverage of the corruption trial of Detroit's ex mayor. I cannot believe all the alleged things the mayor and his buddies did to rip off the city. The WSJ said that Romney won the debate. I don't think his winning will influence the outcome of the election. I found an article in the WSJ about the cost of getting minerals out of Afghanistan very interesting. The cost of building a RR might be greater than the value of the minerals. In 1966 I worked on a study on getting copper out of Tanzania. Charles McCandless Consultants, my employer, had a contract with the Stanford Research Institute to provide cost estimates for building a road to carry copper to the Port of Dar es Salaam. We also investigated the cost of building a RR. It was a very interesting project. In fact McCandless asked me if I would be interested in going to Tanzania for a year to further study the alternatives. I asked if I could take Nancy and Debbie. I came home and asked Nancy if she would want to go. She said yes. Next day I told my boss and he said great. However, the next day my boss said the SRI folks said I could not take my family. I said no family no deal. The sun came out about noon and temperature was 74 when I left the Kava House. After a quick lunch I took Ms P around the block. I then got in the C2 and headed to the Vets. Ms P was out of heartworm and flea medicine. I also made an appointment for her annual physical in November. The kids toilet is acting up. I stopped a Rylee's to see what it would cost to get a new operating system would cost. I started thinking why fix an old toilet when we should be considering a new one. I came home and told Nancy my thoughts and she said that we had already agreed on putting in all new fixtures in the room. I must have selective memory. Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Friday at 2000: Dinner at GLS was great. On our way home we stopped at the bank to get some money for Kim, the cleaning lady, who comes tomorrow. I also stopped at Fitzgerald's to pick up a pair of pants that was being altered. We watched some TV before heading upstairs.

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