Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday October 29, 2012

It was real cold when I took Ms P out at 0530, 33⁰. I went back to bed and did not get up until 0720. I really put on the layers for my ride to the MAC. It worked because I did not get cold. The WSJ had several articles on Asia and Europe that I found interesting. They love to report on the ruling elite in China and I like to read about it. Since I have already voted I do not read the political articles. After lunch I took Ms P around the block. Ms P must know it is hunting season because she chases every rabbit and squirrel she sees. I spent part of the afternoon calling doctors. The biopsy I had done on my hand showed skin cancer so I made an appointment to have more skin removed. Nancy had the same problem so she will go in Dec 4 and I will go in December 5. I called our GP, Dr Kutsche, about the cost of my annual physical. In the past Medicare has paid most of the cost. I was told that Medicare no longer covers annuals. Can I thank ObamaCare? I also called Carol Smith about our cell phones. Scott Civil pays for both Nancy's and my phone. I am thinking of getting a iphone. Carol said that an arrangement can be made to add an iphone. I would pay the difference in cost. I also called the company that put a paint sealer on the C2. I have a Friday appointment to get the sealer renewed. My last task for the afternoon was to drive to D&W and get some coffee filters. Tonight we will have a light dinner and then watch some TV. I hope to read the GRP on-line before dinner. I checked my facebook and saw a picture of AJ making sand angels at the beach. I called Missy and she said they were at a Mexican beach just south of the border. They went with a friend last weekend.

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