Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Monday October 22, 2012

Monday morning and Ms P let me know that I have to be ready to take her out at 0530. Today I am not going to the MAC because I have a 0900 doctor's appointment. I did my at home calisthenics, took a quick shower and then headed to the doctor's office. I had a spot on my hand that I thought was infected. In fact it looked like a boil. Dr Mary said it was not infected but looked like a skin cancer spot. She got out her knife and took a slice of the spot for a biopsy. After the doctor I headed home. I got on my bike and headed to the Kava House. I have a new Kindle Light and I think it is great. Amazon added many new features but the one I really like is the light. I can read in bed with the lights off. The Light has the same reading area but the overall dimensions are smaller than my original Kindle. They eliminated the keyboard and went to a touch screen keyboard. Politics in California often appears squirrely. However, I do like the way they decide winners in primaries. The two top vote getters are in the General Election regardless of party. So it is possible to have two politicians from the same party contesting for an elected office. This process seems to favor candidates with moderate positions. Goodbye commies and tea party folks. After the Kava House I rode my bike around Reeds Lake. When I got home I noticed that Nancy had a bandage on her face. Nancy also had an appointment with Dr Mary and she took a slice of Nancy's face to do a biopsy. After lunch I did some shopping for a 10,000 mile T-shirt. I also stopped by Dr Kutsche to get my flu shot. We had a light dinner ant then watched some TV. The big debate was on but we only watched a small portion. I watched the Lions get beat by the Bears.

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