Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday October 5, 2012

Ms P and I went out at 0530 and I got up to do my calisthenics at 0700. Today I followed my Friday routine. I was going to wear the pants I got from Fitzgerald's last night but the pants were too long. I marked the length I wanted and put the pants in my backpack. The MAC was not very crowded today. I was disappointed in my time for the 1.5 mile run. It took 16 minutes. I think when I get back from CA that I will try running on a treadmill. I can better control my pace. I want to run a 10' mile. After the MAC I stopped at 53rd bank to cash a check. I then took my pants into Fitzgerald's to get the legs shortened. I had my coffee and read the papers at Breton Village. I did not get home until 1330. As soon as I got home Nancy and I, including Ms P, headed to the Woodland Animal Hospital to inspect their kennel. We took Ms P inside with us. I visited the kennel last week but I wanted Nancy to see it before we signed Ms P up. We make a tentative booking for Ms P over Thanksgiving. We then headed to Costco so I could pick up a prescription. I had a hot dog for lunch. I did take a short nap this afternoon. For dinner we finished the lasagna that Nancy had fixed for my sister. We watched some TV before heading upstairs at 2200.

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