Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tuesday October 2, 2012

Tuesday, 1530: Today is another beautiful fall day. The trees are a brilliant red the temperature is in the 60s and not a cloud in the sky. We have had spectacular weather the past 10 days. However, it is suppose to rain tomorrow the day my sister is coming down to see Art Prize. Today being Tuesday is a tri day. I have changed my swimming strokes so I alternate between the crawl and breast stroke. It has not changed my time for 1,000 yards. It is still 30 minutes. It is very hard to figure out what to wear because it is in the 40s when I leave for the MAC and in the high 60s when head to the Kava House. Layers seem to be the answer. I can always take a layer off and put it in my backpack. I spent almost 90 minutes reading both the WSJ and DFP. The WSJ dedicates a lot of space to the economic trouble in the EU. Everyone thinks that it will be at least three years before things in Europe turn around. The DFP had several articles on Detroit's ex mayors corruption trial. Detroit also has another problem because the folks running the wastewater plant (sewage plant if you are over 50) are on strike. The workers are mad because a recent report recommended major reductions in staff at the plant. Does the plant need a man to put on horse shoes when the plant has no horses. After a quick lunch I walked Ms P around the block. I then started cleaning the guest bathroom to get is clean for Helen and Don. Before dinner I will make a quick trip to D&W to get some beer for me and Don. We plan on a light dinner and then we will watch the news and read a paper copy of the GRP. Tonight we will watch the NCIS shows. We had no problem with the NCIS shows but fell asleep watching Vegas. Bummer.

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