Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday October 24, 2012

Wednesday and it is my easy day. Nancy took Ms P out at 0530 while I stayed in bed. When I got up at 0700 it was pitch black outside. We need to change to regular time soon. I left shortly after 0800 and I needed to use by bike lights. I was going to have healthy oatmeal for breakfast but when I got to Bill's I was so hungry I ordered the super special, eggs, potatoes, sausage and toast. It was great. Today's WSJ had quite a few good articles. In fact it took me 90 minutes to read the WSJ. The problems with the US economy are scary. They had several stories on the military shakeup in China. I do not know why I have such an interest in China. I read every article I can find. The DFP was all about the Tigers and today's big game. I had to be careful when riding my bike because last night's rain made all the leaves on the road very slippery. After breakfast I rode around Reeds Lake. I then got in the C2 and ran some errands. I am trying to find some good quality open toed walking sandals for Nancy. We will be doing a lot of walking on our Vietnam trip. I found a pair and tomorrow I will take Nancy to see if they will fit. Today was a great Indian Summer day. The temperature reached 77 and the sun was out most of the day. In fact it was such a great day I loaded up the kayak and paddled around Reeds Lake. The lake with very quiet with only two fishermen on the lake. All the docks are out so I could get close to shore to get a good view of all the great homes around the lake. The water must still be warm because dozens of turtles were sunning themselves. When I got home I got my growler and headed to Harmony to get it filled. Tonight we grabbed Ms P and delivered some OHNA flyers. It seemed like all the neighbors were out blowing leaves. Tonight we will watch some of the Tiger game before heading to bed. Tomorrow is going to be our last Indian Summer day. Friday the high temperature is predicted to be 48⁰. I got my 30 in today did you? I hope everyone follows my Grandfather Scott's advice. GF Scott said that every day you have to work up a good barn yard sweat.

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