Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday October 28, 2012

Saturday morning was very cold with temperatures in the high 30s. I put on some long underwear the I bought at Costco for my ride to Bill's. Like on Wednesday I had the super breakfast instead of healthy oatmeal. After Breakfast I rode around Reeds Lake. When I got home I got out the rake and started raking leaves. I filled about 6 GR yard bags. It was a beautiful fall day. Nancy also spent some time trimming back flowers. Ms P really likes the cooler weather. After the yard work was complete we got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. I bought some more long underwear and we also got peanut butter, mouthwash and sandwich rolls. Just a note that every once in a while Costco has some super bargains on clothing. The recent stocking of winter underwear is a good example. I took Ms P around the block and then watched some football on TV. Nancy fixed black bean soup with turkey sandwiches for dinner. We took our 1 mile walk and then I settled in to watch the UM/Nebraska football game. It was disappointing. Sunday morning and all the alarms went off at 0655. We got up and headed to the MAC for our morning swim. I swam 1500 yards. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's. Gas at Meijer's was $3.51. I took two bags of bottles back for the refund. Five of the six machines were down so it took nearly 30 minutes to do something that usually takes 5. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I did take my afternoon nap. After the nap I put on the storm doors for the side and rear entrances. I emptied the bird feeder and stored the top until spring. I also took Ms P around the block. Speaking of Ms P yesterday we went to the Chow Hound to get some dry dog food. The clerk suggested that we upgrade her dry food to a high protein chicken based food. This food has no grain. This morning I put out the new food. Nancy also fixed her wet meal with a hidden pill mixed in. Ms P ate the dry food but not the wet. Usually it is the other way around. I did watch several minutes of 4th quarter of the Lion's game. Tonight Nancy is fixing soup and hot dogs for dinner. We will take our walk and then finish reading the GRP and watch some TV before going to bed.

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