Saturday, October 27, 2012

Friday October 26, 2012

The weather folks were right. It got cold last night, 42⁰ at 0700. I really layered up for my bike ride. Today for the first time since we have been back from CA I did all my exercises at 100%. It was dark and gloomy on my ride to the MAC but when I left the MAC the sun was out full force. The WSJ had an article on how the Iranians are funding aid projects in Afghanistan, especially in communities near their border with Afghanistan. Our smart folks in Washington are spending billions on a nation that really does not like us and when we leave in 2014 all our effort in dollars and lives will have been wasted. Will we ever learn? Michigan voters are voting on a referendum that if passed would stop construction of an International bridge between MI and Ontario. The Canadians desperately want the bridge. In fact Canada is funding the bridge and has paid Michigan's share. The Governor, all business groups and construction unions are for the bridge. The Feds will allow Michigan's share, paid by Canada, to be used for local match on all Federal Highway projects. That means that Cities and Counties will be able to fund highway and bridge projects. This is a windfall of almost a billion dollars worth of construction. A lot of false advertising has been run opposing the bridge. The ads were paid for by the owner of the Ambassador Bridge. He has a monopoly and does not want any competition. I think I have ranted on this issue before so I will say no more. After I quick lunch I walked Ms P around the block and then took a short nap. Tonight Nancy and I are going to the GR Symphony. The Moleski's gave us tickets. We are taking the Moleskis out for dinner at the Bull's Head in downtown GR. We had great seats at the concert. Surprise! Surprise! I liked the concert. We were home by 2230.

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