Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday October 31, 2012

I had to get up early this morning because I have breakfast club. It was pitch black on my ride downtown. Today's speaker was from the GR Public Museum. The City of GR no longer funds the Museum so they have to find other sources of funds. A three county millage has been proposed but no decision has been made. It was a very interesting presentation. I happen to think that museums and parks all enhance quality of life. I always support public taxes to support these facilities. After BC I stopped at the Kava House and read the WSJ. Almost the entire issue was about Sandy and its aftermath. It is a major problem. "The best laid plans of mice and men are often screwed by Mother Nature. When I got home Nancy was on her way to see the Doctor about blood pressure medication. After we walked around the block I put Ms P in the C2 and headed to Rylee's. I punched a small hole in my office wall so I wanted to purchase a fixture that would cover the hole but could also serve as a hanger. I got the right stuff and it only cost $0.79. Eat your heart out Home Depot. Nancy got home about 1200 and she had some prescriptions sent to Costco. The Doctor also prescribed some stomach medicine for me to take on our trip to SE Asia. Nancy is working at the Gardens and Ms P and I are heading to Costco. Today is Halloween my least favorite holiday. Last year we had bus loads of kids and adults knocking at our door. We quit counting at 300. Tonight we are turning our lights out and not participating. The Dental folks will thank us. I just got back from a 2 mile walk ( had to get my 30' in). It has been raining all day and the rain and wind have taken about 80% of the leaves off the trees.

Tuesday October 30, 2012

It was cold and windy last night. It was raining hard at 0500 when I took Ms P out. She saw the rain and immediately went inside. I was going to drive to the MAC today because of the rain. However, when I went outside it appeared the rain had stopped. I got on my bike and headed to the MAC. I made great time because the wind was at my back. Today was my tri day. It was lightly raining when I left the MAC so I ended up at Breton Village. Today's papers were loaded with stories about Sandy. I got wet on my ride home from Breton Village. The first thing I did was to put my outerwear into the dryer. I had a quick lunch and then checked some mail before taking a short nap. Nancy is fixing pork chops with stuffing for dinner, yum. I am going to take Ms P around the block and then continue reading the Sanborn family book. Did you know the first Sanborn came to the North America in 1632. They sailed from South Hampton, England, March 9, 1632 aboard the "William Francis" and landed in Boston on June 3, 1632. Nancy had a 1700 meeting with a vendor so I ate dinner alone. I watched the news and read the GRP. We watched the NCIS shows and I tried to stay awake for Vegas but failed.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Monday October 29, 2012

It was real cold when I took Ms P out at 0530, 33⁰. I went back to bed and did not get up until 0720. I really put on the layers for my ride to the MAC. It worked because I did not get cold. The WSJ had several articles on Asia and Europe that I found interesting. They love to report on the ruling elite in China and I like to read about it. Since I have already voted I do not read the political articles. After lunch I took Ms P around the block. Ms P must know it is hunting season because she chases every rabbit and squirrel she sees. I spent part of the afternoon calling doctors. The biopsy I had done on my hand showed skin cancer so I made an appointment to have more skin removed. Nancy had the same problem so she will go in Dec 4 and I will go in December 5. I called our GP, Dr Kutsche, about the cost of my annual physical. In the past Medicare has paid most of the cost. I was told that Medicare no longer covers annuals. Can I thank ObamaCare? I also called Carol Smith about our cell phones. Scott Civil pays for both Nancy's and my phone. I am thinking of getting a iphone. Carol said that an arrangement can be made to add an iphone. I would pay the difference in cost. I also called the company that put a paint sealer on the C2. I have a Friday appointment to get the sealer renewed. My last task for the afternoon was to drive to D&W and get some coffee filters. Tonight we will have a light dinner and then watch some TV. I hope to read the GRP on-line before dinner. I checked my facebook and saw a picture of AJ making sand angels at the beach. I called Missy and she said they were at a Mexican beach just south of the border. They went with a friend last weekend.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday October 28, 2012

Saturday morning was very cold with temperatures in the high 30s. I put on some long underwear the I bought at Costco for my ride to Bill's. Like on Wednesday I had the super breakfast instead of healthy oatmeal. After Breakfast I rode around Reeds Lake. When I got home I got out the rake and started raking leaves. I filled about 6 GR yard bags. It was a beautiful fall day. Nancy also spent some time trimming back flowers. Ms P really likes the cooler weather. After the yard work was complete we got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. I bought some more long underwear and we also got peanut butter, mouthwash and sandwich rolls. Just a note that every once in a while Costco has some super bargains on clothing. The recent stocking of winter underwear is a good example. I took Ms P around the block and then watched some football on TV. Nancy fixed black bean soup with turkey sandwiches for dinner. We took our 1 mile walk and then I settled in to watch the UM/Nebraska football game. It was disappointing. Sunday morning and all the alarms went off at 0655. We got up and headed to the MAC for our morning swim. I swam 1500 yards. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's. Gas at Meijer's was $3.51. I took two bags of bottles back for the refund. Five of the six machines were down so it took nearly 30 minutes to do something that usually takes 5. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I did take my afternoon nap. After the nap I put on the storm doors for the side and rear entrances. I emptied the bird feeder and stored the top until spring. I also took Ms P around the block. Speaking of Ms P yesterday we went to the Chow Hound to get some dry dog food. The clerk suggested that we upgrade her dry food to a high protein chicken based food. This food has no grain. This morning I put out the new food. Nancy also fixed her wet meal with a hidden pill mixed in. Ms P ate the dry food but not the wet. Usually it is the other way around. I did watch several minutes of 4th quarter of the Lion's game. Tonight Nancy is fixing soup and hot dogs for dinner. We will take our walk and then finish reading the GRP and watch some TV before going to bed.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Friday October 26, 2012

The weather folks were right. It got cold last night, 42⁰ at 0700. I really layered up for my bike ride. Today for the first time since we have been back from CA I did all my exercises at 100%. It was dark and gloomy on my ride to the MAC but when I left the MAC the sun was out full force. The WSJ had an article on how the Iranians are funding aid projects in Afghanistan, especially in communities near their border with Afghanistan. Our smart folks in Washington are spending billions on a nation that really does not like us and when we leave in 2014 all our effort in dollars and lives will have been wasted. Will we ever learn? Michigan voters are voting on a referendum that if passed would stop construction of an International bridge between MI and Ontario. The Canadians desperately want the bridge. In fact Canada is funding the bridge and has paid Michigan's share. The Governor, all business groups and construction unions are for the bridge. The Feds will allow Michigan's share, paid by Canada, to be used for local match on all Federal Highway projects. That means that Cities and Counties will be able to fund highway and bridge projects. This is a windfall of almost a billion dollars worth of construction. A lot of false advertising has been run opposing the bridge. The ads were paid for by the owner of the Ambassador Bridge. He has a monopoly and does not want any competition. I think I have ranted on this issue before so I will say no more. After I quick lunch I walked Ms P around the block and then took a short nap. Tonight Nancy and I are going to the GR Symphony. The Moleski's gave us tickets. We are taking the Moleskis out for dinner at the Bull's Head in downtown GR. We had great seats at the concert. Surprise! Surprise! I liked the concert. We were home by 2230.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Thursday October 25, 2012

The wind really started blowing last night. Today is suppose to be our last hot day, 78⁰ tonight, the temperature is suppose to drop to 45⁰ and it might snow this weekend. Today is another tri day and I did not leave the MAC until 1130. It was noon when I got to the Kava House. I got home at 1400. After a quick lunch I took Ms P around the block. The strong wind is blowing all the leaves off the trees. It is kind of nice walking through all the fallen leaves. I have been looking for a pair of open toe walking sandals for Nancy. I finally found a good pair at Gazelles. Nancy tried them on and said they will do the trick. Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. It has been three weeks since we have visited GRS. After dinner we will take our walk and Nancy will start breaking in her shoes. I checked through my records and found several letters I wrote Mother from the Civil Engineer's Officer School in Port Hueneme, Ca. On 15 October 1961 I wrote Mom telling her how hot it was in CA. I had been to the beach and got a first class sunburn. I was kind of goofing off at the school and my grades kind of reflected it. We had a large number of Naval Academy (southern Maryland small boat and repair school) graduates in the class. They all had the rank of LTjg while us OCS graduates were just lowly Ensigns. I then told Mom that on Friday the 13th, yes Friday the 13th, I got my orders to Midway Island. I told Mom I wanted to go to a CB battalion but no billets were open. I told her to locate Midway draw a line between SF and Tokyo and Midway was halfway between. The Island was 1.5 miles long and 0.75 miles wide. On an upbeat note I said the tour was for only 12 months. I send my mother a short letter on 16 October 1961 along with a check for $230. I told Mom to keep $50 and to put the rest in my savings account. I asked Mom if Dad and Penny had shot any partridge. I signed off by saying I was on my way to the gym. The navy base had great recreational facilities. October 22, 1961. Another week of school and I told Mom that I was not setting the top of the curve. The Navy had filled all my cavities and next week I was getting a pair of Navy issue glasses. I bought a transistor radio at the Navy exchange. It cost $16. I asked Mom since I would not be home for Christmas if she wanted any of the many items offered at the Navy Exchange (free of all taxes) for a present. I also asked about Dad and Helen. Next week I was getting all my shots needed for overseas.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday October 24, 2012

Wednesday and it is my easy day. Nancy took Ms P out at 0530 while I stayed in bed. When I got up at 0700 it was pitch black outside. We need to change to regular time soon. I left shortly after 0800 and I needed to use by bike lights. I was going to have healthy oatmeal for breakfast but when I got to Bill's I was so hungry I ordered the super special, eggs, potatoes, sausage and toast. It was great. Today's WSJ had quite a few good articles. In fact it took me 90 minutes to read the WSJ. The problems with the US economy are scary. They had several stories on the military shakeup in China. I do not know why I have such an interest in China. I read every article I can find. The DFP was all about the Tigers and today's big game. I had to be careful when riding my bike because last night's rain made all the leaves on the road very slippery. After breakfast I rode around Reeds Lake. I then got in the C2 and ran some errands. I am trying to find some good quality open toed walking sandals for Nancy. We will be doing a lot of walking on our Vietnam trip. I found a pair and tomorrow I will take Nancy to see if they will fit. Today was a great Indian Summer day. The temperature reached 77 and the sun was out most of the day. In fact it was such a great day I loaded up the kayak and paddled around Reeds Lake. The lake with very quiet with only two fishermen on the lake. All the docks are out so I could get close to shore to get a good view of all the great homes around the lake. The water must still be warm because dozens of turtles were sunning themselves. When I got home I got my growler and headed to Harmony to get it filled. Tonight we grabbed Ms P and delivered some OHNA flyers. It seemed like all the neighbors were out blowing leaves. Tonight we will watch some of the Tiger game before heading to bed. Tomorrow is going to be our last Indian Summer day. Friday the high temperature is predicted to be 48⁰. I got my 30 in today did you? I hope everyone follows my Grandfather Scott's advice. GF Scott said that every day you have to work up a good barn yard sweat.

Tuesday October 23, 2012

The weather folks are forecasting an Indian Summer day with temps in the 70s. Rain is also possible. Today is my tri day. Despite the layoff my times in all three exercises was normal. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House. The WSJ has really been pursuing corruption in the Chinese ruling families. They have had several really interesting articles lately. I think that China has some real internal problems and it might implode. The trial of the ex-mayor of Detroit continues. If what the witnesses say are true the ex-mayor and his buddies should be put away for a long time. I did not get home until 1330. After a quick lunch Ms P and I walked around the block. Nancy just got home and said it was raining outside. I spent the afternoon cleaning up my desk. I even found the football tickets for the UM/NW game. Steve and Lucas are flying in for the game. Nancy fixed a shrimp with rice dish for dinner it was really good. We watched the NCIS shows and I stayed awake for the Vegas show. Have I told you how much I like my new Kindle. It was raining hard when I shut the TV off but no thunder so Ms P was mellow.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Monday October 22, 2012

Monday morning and Ms P let me know that I have to be ready to take her out at 0530. Today I am not going to the MAC because I have a 0900 doctor's appointment. I did my at home calisthenics, took a quick shower and then headed to the doctor's office. I had a spot on my hand that I thought was infected. In fact it looked like a boil. Dr Mary said it was not infected but looked like a skin cancer spot. She got out her knife and took a slice of the spot for a biopsy. After the doctor I headed home. I got on my bike and headed to the Kava House. I have a new Kindle Light and I think it is great. Amazon added many new features but the one I really like is the light. I can read in bed with the lights off. The Light has the same reading area but the overall dimensions are smaller than my original Kindle. They eliminated the keyboard and went to a touch screen keyboard. Politics in California often appears squirrely. However, I do like the way they decide winners in primaries. The two top vote getters are in the General Election regardless of party. So it is possible to have two politicians from the same party contesting for an elected office. This process seems to favor candidates with moderate positions. Goodbye commies and tea party folks. After the Kava House I rode my bike around Reeds Lake. When I got home I noticed that Nancy had a bandage on her face. Nancy also had an appointment with Dr Mary and she took a slice of Nancy's face to do a biopsy. After lunch I did some shopping for a 10,000 mile T-shirt. I also stopped by Dr Kutsche to get my flu shot. We had a light dinner ant then watched some TV. The big debate was on but we only watched a small portion. I watched the Lions get beat by the Bears.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday October 21, 2012

Sunday and Bob and Nancy got back to our normal Sunday, a swim, trip to Meijer's for supplies (gas was $3.51) and Nancy's world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I took my afternoon nap. After the nap I walked Ms P around the walk and then took a 1.2 mile walk. Monday I have an early morning Doctor's appointment so I did my calisthenics this afternoon. Today is a perfect fall day, bright sunshine, wonderful color, and the temperature in the 60s. Nancy is fixing sloppy joes for dinners. After dinner we will take a 1 mile walk. We will finish off the evening by reading the GRP and watching some TV. I hope to be in bed by 2130.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday October 20, 2012

I'm Back! After a busy two weeks I am back in GR and have a lot to report on about the last two weeks. My adventure began on Monday October 8. I got up at 0400 and Nancy and Ms P drove me to the airport. I had to catch a flight to San Francisco via Chicago. I got into San Francisco at 1130. I picked up my rental car from Hertz and drove down the 101 to Debbie's condo in Santa Clara. The purpose of my trip was to help Debbie move into her new house in San Jose. Nancy was flying out on Thursday to also assist. Debbie was taking the week off to make the move. When I got to the condo Debbie had already packed most of her belongings. Boxes were everywhere. Debbie had taken great pains to mark each box so that the movers would know where to place them in the new house. My job was to do anything Debbie wanted me to do to help with the move. I got to see the new house on Monday. Debbie was having new wood flooring installed. The flooring was tongue and groove solid black walnut. It was beautiful. The installer was very competent. In fact I was impressed with all of Debbie contactors. In addition to the floor she had to hire an alarm contractor, a gas fireplace installer, an electrician, a locksmith, and a couple to install new blinds and shutters. All the contractors arrived at the new house at the same time making it very hectic. In addition Comcast had to install the TV and the gas company had to check out her system. There were some tense moments like: could the new refrigerator fit in the space allocated for it. It fit with 1/4" to spare. On Tuesday and Wednesday we both made many trips between the condo and the new house. Debbie used the freeways but I used local streets. We did take some time to eat and Debbie took me to several restaurants near her home that had good beer and food. I even found a Starbuck's that was within easy walking distance of her new house. Thursday October 11 and the movers arrived at 0830. The moving crew consisted of 5 men and a very large truck. Also at 0930 I had to head to the airport to pick up Nancy. I was surprised at how easy it was to find a parking space near the baggage claim area. Nancy and I arrived at the same time. We got back to Debbie's condo about noon. The movers were almost done loading up. It took them 5 hours to load and 3.5 hours to unload. I was very impressed with the movers. They were very professional. Nancy really liked Debbie's new house. It is very open and airy. She has a fenced in back yard and a large front porch that runs the full length of the house. We got the beds set up for our first night in the new house. Debbie took us to the Brewery for dinner. We all slept well in Debbie's new house. The first thing I did, Friday morning, was to walk to Starbucks for my morning coffee. We then started unpacking all the boxes. Nancy and Debbie stocked shelves and I flattened the cardboard boxes and took care of disposing all of the packing paper. We had to make several runs back to the condo to use the condo's trash bins. We also made several trips to Home Depot and other stores to get wall hangers and other hardware needed to move into a home. Friday night we had dinner with Debbie's friend Jena at an Italian restaurant. Saturday we continued putting things away. We got a big surprise Saturday morning when Missy and AJ showed up. It was good to see them. Missy helped with the setup. For dinner a friend of Debbie's brought over enchiladas. We all sat around Debbie's dining room table and had the first evening meal in the new house. Debbie opened a bottle of wine and we all drank to her new house. It was nice. Sunday was kind of an easy day. We continued unpacking and did make several runs to Costco and Home Depot. For dinner we had some pinwheel sandwiches from Costco. Monday morning and Missy and AJ were up early and left for LA before 0800. Nancy and Debbie kept unpacking and I ran errands. Nancy and I bought Debbie a new TV for her bedroom. We bought it at Costco. Monday night we finished the pinwheel sandwiches. Tuesday we hung several pictures. We had lunch at a cafe that specialized in French dip sandwiches. The place was crowded with Apple engineers and technicians. The sandwiches were very good. For dinner we had Nancy's world famous scrambled eggs. Wednesday and Debbie has to go back to work. Nancy and I head to the airport at 0830. Our flight to Chicago was smooth. When we got to Chicago we found out that our flight to GR was cancelled. UA gave us a list of hotels that offered discount rates to distressed travelers. We stayed at the Wyndham in Glenview, IL. Thursday morning we get up at 0500 and take the shuttle to the airport. We arrived in GR at 0900. I spent the rest of the morning running errands. In the afternoon GRapids Irrigation stopped by and winterized our sprinkler system. Nancy had to work at the Gardens in the evening so I finished the pot pie left over from Nancy's Book Club. Friday morning and Nancy and I are back to normal. We both went to the MAC. I had to drive because it rained all day. Kim brought Ms P back home. In the afternoon Nancy and I headed to Costco. We bought a chicken for dinner. Friday night was a quiet night watching TV. Saturday morning I get up and ride my bike to Bill's. I was going to have their oatmeal but I was so hungry I had the pancake breakfast. After breakfast I rode the bike around Reeds Lake. Around 1100 I started cutting the grass. It had not been cut in two weeks but it was not too long. I did not edge or trim today. Ms P wore herself out chasing balls. Nancy also worked in the yard trimming flowers and getting ready for winter. I placed some mulch over the rose bushes. I took a shower and then a short nap. I got up in time to see the UM/MSU game. This game brings back memories of my youth when Mom, UM, and Dad, MSU, would harass each other about the game. My Mom was a real football fan and the type of UM grad that make MSU fans grit their teeth. I was glad UM was able to win. We finished the chicken for dinner and we each had a glass of wine. Tonight we will watch some TV before turning in.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sunday october 7, 2012

Sunday and of course we are going swimming. Nancy is still not 100% so she just swam 30 minutes. I swam 1500 yards. After swimming we headed to Meijer's for supplies. I filled up the Taurus and gas was $3.89. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. After breakfast I took my afternoon nap. I spent most of the afternoon getting ready for my departure tomorrow for CA. Nancy was getting ready to print my boarding pass when she realized that I was leaving at 6 PM not 6 AM. We had to change flights. I am now leaving at 0800 and will be in San Francisco at noon. Air travel is amazing despite all the hang-ups. Seven hours to travel over 2,000 miles is amazing. Ms P and I did take a walk to deliver some neighborhood dues to the OHNA's treasurer. Nancy fixed butternut squash soup and a turkey sandwich for dinner tonight. We watched 60 Minutes and then headed upstairs at 2100.

Saturday October 6, 2012

It was cold and gloomy when I started pedaling to Bill's. I thought it was too cold to rain. I had an oatmeal breakfast. Instead of going home I decided to ride around Reeds Lake. I experienced a very light rain. However, the rain was light enough that I thought the grass would be dry enough to cut by 1300. I was right. I started cutting at 1330 and was done by 1630. Ms P was out with me the entire. time. She seems to like the cooler weather because she was full of energy. After a quick shower I finished packing for my trip to Debbie's. At 1720 Nancy and I headed out to Licaris a pizza place on Knapp Avenue. We met the Namey's. The food was good. After dinner we came back to our house and Nancy served ice cream w/strawberries, cookies and coffee. We spent an enjoyable two hour talking. We were both in bed by 2200. Today was the first time since April that we had to turn the heat on. I got my 30 in today did you?

Friday, October 5, 2012

Friday October 5, 2012

Ms P and I went out at 0530 and I got up to do my calisthenics at 0700. Today I followed my Friday routine. I was going to wear the pants I got from Fitzgerald's last night but the pants were too long. I marked the length I wanted and put the pants in my backpack. The MAC was not very crowded today. I was disappointed in my time for the 1.5 mile run. It took 16 minutes. I think when I get back from CA that I will try running on a treadmill. I can better control my pace. I want to run a 10' mile. After the MAC I stopped at 53rd bank to cash a check. I then took my pants into Fitzgerald's to get the legs shortened. I had my coffee and read the papers at Breton Village. I did not get home until 1330. As soon as I got home Nancy and I, including Ms P, headed to the Woodland Animal Hospital to inspect their kennel. We took Ms P inside with us. I visited the kennel last week but I wanted Nancy to see it before we signed Ms P up. We make a tentative booking for Ms P over Thanksgiving. We then headed to Costco so I could pick up a prescription. I had a hot dog for lunch. I did take a short nap this afternoon. For dinner we finished the lasagna that Nancy had fixed for my sister. We watched some TV before heading upstairs at 2200.

Thursday October 4, 2012

October 4 and today is Lucas's seventh birthday. Happy Birthday Lucas. It rained nearly all night. I took Ms P out at 0500 but she did not want to get wet. Everyone slept in until about 0800 this morning. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for Helen and Don. The rain stopped just before Helen and Don left at 1000. I got on my bike and headed to the MAC. Today I did not do the tri. I just swam 1,000 yards. I got to the Kava House about 1200. The DFP continues it coverage of the corruption trial of Detroit's ex mayor. I cannot believe all the alleged things the mayor and his buddies did to rip off the city. The WSJ said that Romney won the debate. I don't think his winning will influence the outcome of the election. I found an article in the WSJ about the cost of getting minerals out of Afghanistan very interesting. The cost of building a RR might be greater than the value of the minerals. In 1966 I worked on a study on getting copper out of Tanzania. Charles McCandless Consultants, my employer, had a contract with the Stanford Research Institute to provide cost estimates for building a road to carry copper to the Port of Dar es Salaam. We also investigated the cost of building a RR. It was a very interesting project. In fact McCandless asked me if I would be interested in going to Tanzania for a year to further study the alternatives. I asked if I could take Nancy and Debbie. I came home and asked Nancy if she would want to go. She said yes. Next day I told my boss and he said great. However, the next day my boss said the SRI folks said I could not take my family. I said no family no deal. The sun came out about noon and temperature was 74 when I left the Kava House. After a quick lunch I took Ms P around the block. I then got in the C2 and headed to the Vets. Ms P was out of heartworm and flea medicine. I also made an appointment for her annual physical in November. The kids toilet is acting up. I stopped a Rylee's to see what it would cost to get a new operating system would cost. I started thinking why fix an old toilet when we should be considering a new one. I came home and told Nancy my thoughts and she said that we had already agreed on putting in all new fixtures in the room. I must have selective memory. Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Friday at 2000: Dinner at GLS was great. On our way home we stopped at the bank to get some money for Kim, the cleaning lady, who comes tomorrow. I also stopped at Fitzgerald's to pick up a pair of pants that was being altered. We watched some TV before heading upstairs.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wednesday October 3, 2012

Today is Breakfast Club. It was sprinkling when I left for BC. Today's speaker is the Kent County Drain Commission. I have to introduce the speaker. BC was not very well attended today. It is disappointing because the food was good, scrambled egg and French toast, and so was the speaker. I stopped at the Kava House so I could read the WSJ. I did not have time to read the DFP. Tonight is the big debate. I do not know if I will watch it. I have already made up my mind. Did you know that I watch the first debates on TV, Kennedy/Nixon. Nancy's cold is not getting any better. She had a tough night. When I got home from the Kava House I took a quick nap. My sister arrived about 1230. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. Helen drove her pickup so I had to clean the C2 before going downtown. The three of us visited the GR Art Museum and then the Bob. Don's knees were giving out so Helen and I visited some more venues while Don had a coffee. We visited the GR Public Museum, Gerald Ford Museum and saw the displays on the Gillette Pedestrian Bridge. We walked through the Amway and the DeVos convention center. On our way back to the Bob to pick up Don we saw the displays in the 54 Monroe Building. Helen and I walked for three hours. We were able to see six of the top ten entries. Nancy was not yet home when we arrived so I got Helen a glass of wine and Don and I had a beer. Nancy fixed lasagna and a salad for dinner. It was very good. After dinner we retired to the living room for conversation. At 2100 we all headed upstairs. It was a pleasant day.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tuesday October 2, 2012

Tuesday, 1530: Today is another beautiful fall day. The trees are a brilliant red the temperature is in the 60s and not a cloud in the sky. We have had spectacular weather the past 10 days. However, it is suppose to rain tomorrow the day my sister is coming down to see Art Prize. Today being Tuesday is a tri day. I have changed my swimming strokes so I alternate between the crawl and breast stroke. It has not changed my time for 1,000 yards. It is still 30 minutes. It is very hard to figure out what to wear because it is in the 40s when I leave for the MAC and in the high 60s when head to the Kava House. Layers seem to be the answer. I can always take a layer off and put it in my backpack. I spent almost 90 minutes reading both the WSJ and DFP. The WSJ dedicates a lot of space to the economic trouble in the EU. Everyone thinks that it will be at least three years before things in Europe turn around. The DFP had several articles on Detroit's ex mayors corruption trial. Detroit also has another problem because the folks running the wastewater plant (sewage plant if you are over 50) are on strike. The workers are mad because a recent report recommended major reductions in staff at the plant. Does the plant need a man to put on horse shoes when the plant has no horses. After a quick lunch I walked Ms P around the block. I then started cleaning the guest bathroom to get is clean for Helen and Don. Before dinner I will make a quick trip to D&W to get some beer for me and Don. We plan on a light dinner and then we will watch the news and read a paper copy of the GRP. Tonight we will watch the NCIS shows. We had no problem with the NCIS shows but fell asleep watching Vegas. Bummer.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monday October 1, 2012

Ms P and I both answered natures call at 0430. I finally got up at 0700. Nancy has to meet a Vendor this morning so she is not going to the MAC. Her cold is just a bit better. I am still only going 2/3rds on the exercises. My cold is better but I do not want to overdo it. I read the WSJ, DFP and drank my coffee at Breton Village today. Both the WSJ and DFP had articles on the referendums that are on our ballot. All of the referendums were placed on the ballots by special interests. I hate referendums and will vote against them all. The family that owns the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario has been running ads against a new bridge to Canada that the Canadians sorely want. The ads are outright lies. I am surprised that all the parties that want the bridge have not taken a stronger stand. The big three, our governor, the Detroit and Michigan Chamber of Commerce and all the construction trade unions want the new bridge. It is really frustrating. I had my coffee at Breton Village so I could get home earlier. However, I walked by Fitzgerald's and saw a pair of pants that I liked. I bought the pants. I got home at 1300 and after a quick lunch Nancy and I headed downtown to visit more Art Prize Venues. Spent about 3 hours visiting several new sites. Downtown was crowded and we ran into several old neighbors. We also saw Missy's old hearing teacher, Ms Bittrick, and Debbie's French teacher, Ms Boyd. We got home at 1700. We had a light dinner and then watched the news. No paper copy of the GRP today so I read it on my computer. The quality of reporting has declined big time since the GRP eliminated delivery on 4 days. We watched the only decent show on Monday, Major Crimes, before going to bed.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Sunday September 30, 2012

Another nice day is in store for GR. I cannot believe that it is the last day of September already. Nancy said she is not feeling much better but she still wanted to go to the MAC. After a short swim she was going to spend some time in the steam room. Sweat the cold! I swam 1,000 and so did Nancy. We ended up at Meijer's. Gas was $3.87 today. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. After reading a few sections of the GRP I headed upstairs to take a nap. Nancy did the same. It is now 1437 and I am going to walk Ms P around the block and then take a 2 mile walk. Stay tuned. Mission accomplished. The trees are slowly turning colors. The reds are really brilliant this year. Nancy fixed big juicy hamburgers for dinner. I also had a bowl of tomato soup. We finished reading the GRP and then watched some TV before heading upstairs.