Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wednesday August 17, 2011

The alarm went off at 0555. I got up and dressed for Breakfast Club. I arrived at BC right on time and did not see any cars in the lot. I got a notice in the mail and then remembered that the mail was mail that was held by the USPO while we were away. I was a week off. I came home, changed clothes and pedaled to Bill's for a pancake breakfast.

Instead of coming straight home I pedaled around Reeds Lake. I had 15 miles on the bike when I got home.

Today I have to cut the lawn. It took about 3 hours to cut, trim, edge and cleanup. Today was another sunny warm day. After lunch I took a short nap.

Tonight is Book Club for Nancy. Tom Moleski and I are meeting at Vitale's for dinner. Before heading out I was playing with Nancy's ipad when all of a sudden Debbie's photo is on the screen. I can both see and hear Debbie. The ipad has a program like Skype built in. I think it is called facetime. Debbie was calling from her new iphone. I think you need the 4G model to send visual messages.

For dinner, I had spaghetti instead of pizza. The doc would be proud. I also had wine with dinner instead of beer. They had a 1/2 off special for wine. I got home about 2000 and Nancy got home at 2030. We watched some TV, read the GRP and at 2130 headed upstairs.

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