Monday, August 29, 2011

Saturday August 27, 2011

Saturday morning and today is Nancy's birthday. After our morning greetings we both head our separate ways. Nancy goes to Body Pump at the MAC and I pedal to Bill's for a pancake breakfast. I pedaled the Retro to Bill's. When I got home I loaded the AT on the rack and headed to Riverside Park. Today I rode 31 miles in 2h37'. It was a beautiful day for a ride. I did note some color on the trees.

After a quick lunch I took a quick nap. Tonight we are meeting the Namey's at Charley's Crab for dinner. It is a birthday dinner for both Nancy and Mary Namey who have birthdays in August. As we are getting ready to leave who should pull in but Missy, AJ and Ms P. Missy and AJ wanted to wish Happy Birthday to Nancy in person.

We had a great dinner at Charley's Crab. We even had a hot fudge sundae for dessert. After dinner we headed back to our house for cookies and coffee. Missy and AJ joined us. I think Nancy enjoyed her birthday.

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