Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monday August 1, 2011

I can't believe that it is the first of August already. Where has the summer gone? Nancy took AJ and Zoe to the MAC this morning. AJ went to day care and Zoe went swimming. I performed my normal Monday routine at home and at the MAC.

I was reading the WSJ at the Kava House when who should drive up but Missy, AJ and Zoe. They were on their way visit Missy's college room mate Adri and family. Adri is visiting her family in GR. She was accompanied by her husband and two children. Adri lives in Budapest, Hungary. Missy was going directly from Adri's to Cleveland. She had stopped by to say good bye. I bought Missy and Zoe a coffee. AJ got a cookie. We sat down and talked awhile before they headed out.

After lunch I got out the lawn mower and cut our grass. It was very hot so I took several lemonade breaks. Nancy and I spent a quiet evening at home.

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