Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tuesday August 23, 2011

Today at the MAC I did my 15-15-15. I rowed 15', ran 15' and swam 15'. The papers were loaded with articles on Libya and the banking problems. I think because it is August most people are not paying attention.

After a quick lunch I got my clip board and started re-inspecting the OHNA Street lights. We have 53 lights and I inspected 36 today.

Tonight I am helping Nancy work at the concert at Meijer Gardens. We arrived at 1630. Nancy worked in the ticket office and I stood outside and took tickets. The weatherman says we might have rain, however, the sun was out while we were working. We worked until 1930.

I had a PB&J for dinner. I added a slice of onion to the sandwich. The onion gives the sandwich a special taste. We watched a rerun of NCIS and then headed to bed.

It started to rain hard about 2100 and we hoped the concert was over. We lost power before midnight and it was off about 30 minutes. I had to reset all the clocks espeically the coffee pot.

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