Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday August 29, 2011

Monday morning and I get up at 0700. Today I do my rowing and other exercises at home. When done I take a quick shower. This morning Nancy and Bob are taking AJ to Meijer Gardens. We get to the gardens a little after 0900. We spent 100 minutes in the Gardens. AJ had a good time. She played in the wading pool and got thoroughly soaked. Nancy brought a change of clothes. We got home about 1100.

Today Nancy is having lunch with Linda Moleski. I got on my retro and pedaled to the MAC. I ran my 15' and then did dead lifts and chinups. I shave my head on Mondays and today was no exception. I got home about 1300.

Missy and AJ left for Ohio about 1600. I think Ms P was very worried that she would be left behind. She perked up when I put her in the car.

For dinner I had a bowl of oatmeal that Nancy prepared yesterday. I really like the oatmeal after it has aged for 24 hours. We watched several reruns of Law and Order and read the GRP before heading to bed at 2130.

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