Monday, August 22, 2011

Saturday August 20, 2011

The weatherman said it would rain today but it looked good to me, so I rode my bike to Bill's for breakfast. It still wasn't cloudy when I finished breakfast so I rode around Reeds Lake. I had 15 miles on the bike when I got home.

I drove Nancy to Woodland Mall in the early afternoon. It started to pour down rain so we headed home to close the windows. I tried to put the car in the garage but the door would not go up. I finally figured out that our power was off.

After cleaning up around the windows I decided that I would sit in bed and read. Actually I fell asleep. Around 1730 we decided to go to Costco. When got there right before it closed. We were still able to make our purchases.

For dinner we ended up at Brann's. Nancy and I each had a salad. Brann's has the best salads in GR. When we got home our power was still off. We got out the flashlights and headed to bed early.

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