Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tuesday August 16, 2011

Once again I did my rowing and other exercises at the MAC. After finishing my normal routine I swam 5 laps. I did not have time to finish reading all my papers because I have my annual physical at 1300. Are they really papers if read on a e-reader?

My physical went ok except that my LDL was too high. The doctor wanted to put me on pills but I talked him out of it. I promised that I would watch my diet.

I had cereal for dinner. (the doc should be happy) We read the GRP and played with Nancy's ipad. We were able to download all of Nancy's tunes, photos and email info to the ipad. The ipad has a 32GB memory. Nancy has about 700 tunes and 700 photos on the ipad and she still has plenty of room. We headed upstairs about 2130.

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