Monday, August 29, 2011

Sunday August 28, 2011

I get home at 0700 and head to the MAC for a swim. Nancy is staying home to fix breakfast for AJ. After my swim I head home get the coffee orders for Nancy and Missy. I purchase the coffee at the Kava House.

At 1045 we all get in the Taurus and head to Lansing. We are meeting my sister, Helen, and Don for lunch. Joining us for lunch is my cousin Randy Scott and his wife Linn. We met at PF Chang's. We had a good time at lunch and I had the opportunity to catch up on what my cousin and his family were doing. Randy works for MSU in their library. He is a collector of comic books for the MSU library. Randy is considered an expert on comic books. He has travelled the world buying comics for MSU.

Nancy and AJ fixed brownies this morning while I was swimming. After our lunch we had a tail-gate party. The brownies were really good.

I had trouble keeping my eyes open on our ride home. As soon as I got home I took a quick nap. Nancy cooked her world famous egg dishes for dinner. Missy and I had some Campbeltown Scotch as an after dinner drink. We each had to add ice to the drink. Single malt scotch is very strong.

Today was another special day. The weather was perfect and we had time to spent time with family.

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