Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tuesday August 30, 2011

We are anticipating another nice day in GR. It has been a great August. I did some quick wake up exercises then I had a piece of toast with PB. The traffic was kind of heavy on my pedal to the MAC. I think several area private schools are open.

The MAC was empty. I did my 15'-15'-15' routine. The swimming pool was crowded. But I lucked out and did not have to share a lane. I wonder if once school starts that I will be able to swim in the morning between 0900 and 1000. They sometimes have classes scheduled.

After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. Tuesday is a free refill day so I order a smaller size and get it refilled. Us old folks must watch our pennies. I read both the WSJ and DFP. Although I spent 90 minutes reading the papers I did not find any article that I would want to comment on. I got home about 1330 and had a quick lunch.

I ran several errands and at 1600 got ready for Meijer Gardens. Nancy and I are working the concert. My job was to take tickets and Nancy was selling tickets. I worked from 1630 to 1930. I was surprised at the number of folks I knew who were attending the concert. The Tuesday night concerts are free to members and anyone who purchases a ticket to the gardens. Tuesday night features local talent. Nancy fixed a picnic basket. I purchased a beer and ate my picnic lunch. We watched the entire concert. We got home at 2130. After a quick reading of the GRP we headed to bed.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Monday August 29, 2011

Monday morning and I get up at 0700. Today I do my rowing and other exercises at home. When done I take a quick shower. This morning Nancy and Bob are taking AJ to Meijer Gardens. We get to the gardens a little after 0900. We spent 100 minutes in the Gardens. AJ had a good time. She played in the wading pool and got thoroughly soaked. Nancy brought a change of clothes. We got home about 1100.

Today Nancy is having lunch with Linda Moleski. I got on my retro and pedaled to the MAC. I ran my 15' and then did dead lifts and chinups. I shave my head on Mondays and today was no exception. I got home about 1300.

Missy and AJ left for Ohio about 1600. I think Ms P was very worried that she would be left behind. She perked up when I put her in the car.

For dinner I had a bowl of oatmeal that Nancy prepared yesterday. I really like the oatmeal after it has aged for 24 hours. We watched several reruns of Law and Order and read the GRP before heading to bed at 2130.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sunday August 28, 2011

I get home at 0700 and head to the MAC for a swim. Nancy is staying home to fix breakfast for AJ. After my swim I head home get the coffee orders for Nancy and Missy. I purchase the coffee at the Kava House.

At 1045 we all get in the Taurus and head to Lansing. We are meeting my sister, Helen, and Don for lunch. Joining us for lunch is my cousin Randy Scott and his wife Linn. We met at PF Chang's. We had a good time at lunch and I had the opportunity to catch up on what my cousin and his family were doing. Randy works for MSU in their library. He is a collector of comic books for the MSU library. Randy is considered an expert on comic books. He has travelled the world buying comics for MSU.

Nancy and AJ fixed brownies this morning while I was swimming. After our lunch we had a tail-gate party. The brownies were really good.

I had trouble keeping my eyes open on our ride home. As soon as I got home I took a quick nap. Nancy cooked her world famous egg dishes for dinner. Missy and I had some Campbeltown Scotch as an after dinner drink. We each had to add ice to the drink. Single malt scotch is very strong.

Today was another special day. The weather was perfect and we had time to spent time with family.

Saturday August 27, 2011

Saturday morning and today is Nancy's birthday. After our morning greetings we both head our separate ways. Nancy goes to Body Pump at the MAC and I pedal to Bill's for a pancake breakfast. I pedaled the Retro to Bill's. When I got home I loaded the AT on the rack and headed to Riverside Park. Today I rode 31 miles in 2h37'. It was a beautiful day for a ride. I did note some color on the trees.

After a quick lunch I took a quick nap. Tonight we are meeting the Namey's at Charley's Crab for dinner. It is a birthday dinner for both Nancy and Mary Namey who have birthdays in August. As we are getting ready to leave who should pull in but Missy, AJ and Ms P. Missy and AJ wanted to wish Happy Birthday to Nancy in person.

We had a great dinner at Charley's Crab. We even had a hot fudge sundae for dessert. After dinner we headed back to our house for cookies and coffee. Missy and AJ joined us. I think Nancy enjoyed her birthday.

Friday August 26, 2011

Friday morning and I am glad it is Friday because for some reason I am tired. How can a retired person think Friday is special? I do the morning routine at the MAC and then head for the Kava House. It is another nice day. This has been a special summer and I don't want it to end.

This morning I got a call from Grand Rapids Bike Co. that my retro bike was ready for pickup. I had a five speed internal hub installed. I now have five speeds on the retro. I want to ride this bike on some off road trails. After a quick lunch I head to GRBC and pick up my retro. I also bought a speedometer. When I got home I installed the speedometer and took the bike for a spin. I worked through all 5 gears. It worked great.

For dinner we head for Cherios. This is the restaurant that is attached to the MAC. It has been open about 2 months. We sat outside on their desk. I had a club sandwich which I thought was great. The place was not crowded. Nancy and I wonder how long it will last.

We got home in time to watch the news. I stayed up late watching "Fiddler on the Roof" on TV.

Thursday August 25, 2011

I am writing this blog on Monday the 29th. One of the problems with waiting so long is that I have trouble remembering what I did.

I do know that I got up at 0700 and at the MAC I did the 15'-15'-15'. I also spent some time at the Kava House reading the WSJ and DFP.

For dinner Nancy and I sat outside at Great Lakes Shipping. The evening entertainment did not show up. After dinner we stopped at an ATM to get some money because tomorrow Kim comes to clean the house. At home we read the GRP and watched the news. All the coverage is centered on the Hurricane heading for the East Coast.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wednesday August 24, 2011

The alarm goes off at 0550 and I get up and get ready for Breakfast Club. Today's speaker was a local stock broker who said don't panic and everything is going to be ok. We had a sparse crowd.

The breakfast was especially good. We had specially prepared scrambled eggs and French toast. They also had some home made bread. It was very good.

We had a heavy rain last night but I am determined to cut the grass. After BC I stopped at the Kava House and speed read the papers. About 1000 I started mowing the grass. I finished about 1300. I had a quick lunch and then headed downtown to an appointment with my skin doctor.

The skin doctor put some liquid nitrogen on several spots. She also took samples of two spots to try and identify them.

I finished the oatmeal for dinner tonight. We watched some TV and read the papers before heading to bed.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Tuesday August 23, 2011

Today at the MAC I did my 15-15-15. I rowed 15', ran 15' and swam 15'. The papers were loaded with articles on Libya and the banking problems. I think because it is August most people are not paying attention.

After a quick lunch I got my clip board and started re-inspecting the OHNA Street lights. We have 53 lights and I inspected 36 today.

Tonight I am helping Nancy work at the concert at Meijer Gardens. We arrived at 1630. Nancy worked in the ticket office and I stood outside and took tickets. The weatherman says we might have rain, however, the sun was out while we were working. We worked until 1930.

I had a PB&J for dinner. I added a slice of onion to the sandwich. The onion gives the sandwich a special taste. We watched a rerun of NCIS and then headed to bed.

It started to rain hard about 2100 and we hoped the concert was over. We lost power before midnight and it was off about 30 minutes. I had to reset all the clocks espeically the coffee pot.

Monday August 22, 2011

Readers of this blog already know that Monday morning is my busiest morning of the week. After finishing at the MAC I pedaled over to the Kava House to read the papers. Monday was another beautiful day so I decided to go kayaking on Reeds Lake. I spent about 90 minutes paddling. There was a downside to my kayak excursion. I noticed the leaves on the trees were showing some color. Not much but just enough to remind one that summer does not last forever.

Nancy made a big pot of oatmeal for dinner. Actually she made enough oatmeal so I could have some on Wednesday. She put what I didn't eat in the fridge. The oatmeal was the pinhead oatmeal we found in Scotland. It was great.

We spent a typical evening at home. We read the GRP and watched some TV. I did take a 1 mile walk before retiring.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sunday August 21, 2011

The power came on at 0130. I now have to reset all the clocks in the house including the coffee pot and sprinklers. We got up at 0700 and at 0800 we were swimming our laps. Nancy swam 1,500 yards and I lost count. After swimming we headed to Meijer's for gas and groceries. Nancy did fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast.

I took my Sunday nap. At 1730 we got in the Taurus and headed to Meijer Gardens for a concert. Jeff Daniels was the featured artist. I did not know what to expect. They had an opening act that was quite good. Jeff Daniels came on at 2000 and performed for 90 minutes. Both Nancy and I agreed that He was a great entertainer. I liked both his music and jokes. It was a beautiful evening and the place was crowded. We have attended four concerts this year and the weather at all concerts has been great. We got home at 2200 and headed right to bed.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Saturday August 20, 2011

The weatherman said it would rain today but it looked good to me, so I rode my bike to Bill's for breakfast. It still wasn't cloudy when I finished breakfast so I rode around Reeds Lake. I had 15 miles on the bike when I got home.

I drove Nancy to Woodland Mall in the early afternoon. It started to pour down rain so we headed home to close the windows. I tried to put the car in the garage but the door would not go up. I finally figured out that our power was off.

After cleaning up around the windows I decided that I would sit in bed and read. Actually I fell asleep. Around 1730 we decided to go to Costco. When got there right before it closed. We were still able to make our purchases.

For dinner we ended up at Brann's. Nancy and I each had a salad. Brann's has the best salads in GR. When we got home our power was still off. We got out the flashlights and headed to bed early.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Friday August 19, 2011

I must admit that now that I am retired Friday is just another day. Actually today is another nice sunny day. We have had a string of beautiful sunny days. This is the first time this week that I do not have an afternoon appointment. I took my time and read the WSJ and DFP. Banks and banking, especially in Europe, seems to dominate the stories in the WSJ. I think the nice weather compensates for the bad economic news.

I had a quick lunch and then loaded my retro bike (beach bike) and drove to the GR Bike Company. I am having a five speed internal hub put on the bike. I think I will use this bike during bad weather. I hope to ride into the winter this year.

I finished the afternoon off with a 2.25 mile walk. We stayed home and Nancy cooked some hamburgers for dinner. I also had an ear of corn and cottage cheese.

I did take a short mile walk about 1930. Our evenings have been very pleasant. I don't want summer to end. We headed to bed about 2130.

August 1961, Navy OCS, Newport, RI: OCS has developed into a nice steady routine. I have finally figured out the system. I am doing well with most of my classes. Every weekend we are given liberty. Friday nights we have a working party and clean our barracks. I am getting good a running the buffer. We wash and wax the wood floors every week. Liberty starts about noon on Saturday and ends at 1800 Sunday. Usually several of us rent a room and enjoy Newport. We hang out at the Viking Hotel. I have been looking through all my records for a class book from OCS. I know it is somewhere but I cannot locate it. Stay tuned.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Thursday August 18, 2011

It was another sunny day in GR. Today I started my new routine. I do 15' of rowing, run for 15' and swim for 15'. On Tuesdays and Thursdays during the summer the pool is empty most of the morning.

After the MAC I headed to the Kava House to read the papers. I had to cut short my reading because at 1400 Nancy and I meet with our broker. We get downtown about 1345 and we are talking to the broker at exactly 1400. Bob and Nancy are holding their own financially. We spent over a hour in the broker's office.

When we got home I tried to get caught up on my blogs. I need a rainy day because who can stay inside when the sun is shining.

For dinner we headed to Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside. They did not have entertainment.

We watched a little TV and read the GRP before heading to bed about 2100. I hope everyone is getting their 30 in?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wednesday August 17, 2011

The alarm went off at 0555. I got up and dressed for Breakfast Club. I arrived at BC right on time and did not see any cars in the lot. I got a notice in the mail and then remembered that the mail was mail that was held by the USPO while we were away. I was a week off. I came home, changed clothes and pedaled to Bill's for a pancake breakfast.

Instead of coming straight home I pedaled around Reeds Lake. I had 15 miles on the bike when I got home.

Today I have to cut the lawn. It took about 3 hours to cut, trim, edge and cleanup. Today was another sunny warm day. After lunch I took a short nap.

Tonight is Book Club for Nancy. Tom Moleski and I are meeting at Vitale's for dinner. Before heading out I was playing with Nancy's ipad when all of a sudden Debbie's photo is on the screen. I can both see and hear Debbie. The ipad has a program like Skype built in. I think it is called facetime. Debbie was calling from her new iphone. I think you need the 4G model to send visual messages.

For dinner, I had spaghetti instead of pizza. The doc would be proud. I also had wine with dinner instead of beer. They had a 1/2 off special for wine. I got home about 2000 and Nancy got home at 2030. We watched some TV, read the GRP and at 2130 headed upstairs.

Tuesday August 16, 2011

Once again I did my rowing and other exercises at the MAC. After finishing my normal routine I swam 5 laps. I did not have time to finish reading all my papers because I have my annual physical at 1300. Are they really papers if read on a e-reader?

My physical went ok except that my LDL was too high. The doctor wanted to put me on pills but I talked him out of it. I promised that I would watch my diet.

I had cereal for dinner. (the doc should be happy) We read the GRP and played with Nancy's ipad. We were able to download all of Nancy's tunes, photos and email info to the ipad. The ipad has a 32GB memory. Nancy has about 700 tunes and 700 photos on the ipad and she still has plenty of room. We headed upstairs about 2130.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Monday August 15, 2011

I am writing this blog on Nancy's new iPad. Monday was a beautiful day in GR. My first chore today was to head to the lab to have some blood samples taken. I am having my annual physical tomorrow. After the lab I drive to the MAC. I performed all my exercises at the MAC. I force home and got on the bike and headed to the Kava House.

I had a quick lunch and then loaded the kayak and headed to Reeds Lake. I paddled around the lake. Nancy fixed a picnic and we headed to John Ball Park to listen to a jazz concert. The concert was well attended. We got home about 2200.

This iPad is slick. The Scotts have all the toys.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Thursday August 11, 2011: It is back to normal. I ease into my exercises by going 50%. No one at the Kava House asked about my absence. After lunch I tried to get caught up on reading my mail and paying some bills.

For dinner Nancy and I went to Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside and listened to their singer. It was a very pleasant evening to sit outside. We stopped at Talbot's in Breton Village so Nancy could look over their sale items.

We read the GRP and watched some TV before retiring. I am still suffering from jet-lag.

Friday August 12: Today I increased my exercise effort to 67% of normal. I took some time to read all the articles on the debt problems in Europe and the US. I still do not know how all the money transactions are handled on an international level. Buying and selling different currencies and their exchange rates is confusing. Maybe I can find an on-line class.

I took a 2.25 mile walk in the late afternoon. We stayed home Friday night.

Saturday August 13: It rained last night. I had to drive to Bill's for my pancake breakfast because of the rain. The weatherman said that we would have a 3 hour break from the rain in the late morning. I decided that maybe I could sneak in a bike ride. I loaded the bike on the C2 and headed to Millennium Park. I rode 26 miles in 2 hours.

After a quick lunch I took a short nap. At 1800 Nancy and I arrived at the Namey's for dinner. The Moleski's and Tim were also there. Mary Namey cooked a great meal. We left about 2100. When we got home I finished the GRP and then got caught up in a Clint Eastwood movie, Unforgiven. It was about the 10th time I had seen it. I finally went to bed at 2300.

Sunday August 14: We get up at 0700 and we are in the pool at 0800. We both swam for 45 minutes. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. I bought gas and it was $3.65 per gallon. I also returned about 75 pop and beer bottles. We did not purchase many supplies. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap we went to Kohl's because they are having a super sale. I bought some Jockey underwear. I finished the afternoon with a 3.3 mile walk. I had cereal for dinner because tomorrow I have to go in for some blood tests. I have my annual physical on Tuesday and the tests are required. We finished the GRP and watched 60 Minutes. It is now 2150 and I am going to bed.

Wednesday August 10, 2011

Have you missed us? Bob and Nancy spent August 3-10 visiting Stephen and family in Long Beach, Ca. It was a great trip. The following is a brief summary.

Wednesday August 3: Up at 0345, the taxi arrives at 0415. The plane to Chicago is on time. We are upgraded to first class on out trip to LAX. We arrive in LA about 1000. Hertz is having some major problems in LA. We wait 90 minutes for our car. When we get to Steve's house in LB we unpack and walk to the day care center to pick up Alessandra. She was all smiles when she saw her Grandma.

At 1600 we head to the LB Jewish Center (JCC)to see Lucas play water polo. Steve and Veronica meet us there. We all drove to TexMex for dinner.

Thursday August 4: Every morning while in LB I get up early and walk to the local Starbucks, about 1 mile. I have coffee and read the LA Times and WSJ. I ordered the LA Times as soon as I got to CA. Usually Steve will stop by on his way to work. The Starbucks must be one of the diverse stores in the USA. I see all ethnic groups. In fact I call it the third world Starbucks.

At 0830 I put Lucas in the rental and drive him to JCC. He has a morning martial arts class. At 1130 Nancy, Alessandra and I get in the rental and head to the JCC to pick up Lucas. We head to the Signal Hill park for a picnic lunch.

In the afternoon Nancy and the Grandkids make brownies. I later take Alessandra on a 60 minute walk. She slept for 55 minutes. Nancy grilled chicken breasts for dinner.

Friday August 5: We load the kids in the rental and head to a local water park. It is a great park and we spent about 2 hours in the water. Both Lucas and Alessandra had a great time. We had lunch at the water park.

For dinner Steve grilled hamburgs. It was a great meal.

Saturday August 6: Both Alessandra and Lucas have a gymnastics class. After the classes we head to a local Olive Garden for lunch. This is part of Steve and Veronica's normal Sat routine.

In the afternoon I get on Steve's bike and head down to the beach. I was surprised that Long Beach actually has a nice long beach. The beach was very crowded. My trip took about 2 hours.

Tonight Nancy and Bob are babysitting. Steve and Veronica are going out for dinner and a movie. Nancy fixes her world famous scrambled eggs. We also have waffles. The Grandkids really liked it. We watched a Phinius and Ferb movie and ate popcorn.

Sunday August 7: Today when I got back from Starbucks, Steve, Lucas and I head out to a kayak rental store. We rent our kayaks and paddle around some of the most beautiful waterfront homes I have seen. We spent about 80 minutes on the water. We had lunch in the upscale waterfront neighborhood of Belmont Shores. We ate at a Pizza place.

In the afternoon I go for a hour walk. We spent a quiet evening watching TV.

Monday August 8: Today is my sister's 70th. I gave her a call. Today is going to be an easy morning and afternoon. We headed to Signal Park for some play time. In the afternoon we put Lucas and Alessandra down for an afternoon nap. We were not very successful.

Tonight Steve, Lucas and I are going to the LA Dodger game. Nancy, Veronica and Alessandra are going to have high tea at an English Tea shop in Santa Monica. We leave for the ball park about 1600. The game starts at 1900. We get to Chavez Ravine, the ball park, about an hour before game time. We watch batting practice and I think Lucas is excited about his first major league game. A downside to a major league game is the cost of food. Steve ordered, 2 beers, three hotdogs and a lemonade. The bill was over $40. We saw the Phillies star pitcher, Roy H, and also the cousin of a neighbor of Steve's, number 27, who is the star for the LAD. In fact Lucas and I wore #27, Kemp, tee shirts. We stayed until the singing of "Take me out to the ball game" at the end of the 7th. It was a great evening and I was glad Steve let me be part of Lucas's first ball game.

Tuesday August 9: Today we take the kids and drive to a vendor so Nancy can purchase some scarf's for the gift shop. After we found a park in Cerritos Park and spent about an hour playing. Our plane leaves for Chicago at 2332. We head to LAX at 1900. Our flight was delayed and we did not leave LAX until 0032.

Wednesday August 10: The pilot made great time so we were able to make our flight from Chicago to GR on time. We get to GR before 0900. We unpacked and then took a short nap. I spent the afternoon cutting the grass. It was a great vacation but it is alway good to be back home.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday August 3, 2011

It was very hot and humid today. I had a full afternoon planned so I would not be able to take a late afternoon walk for bike ride. Instead after I finished my MAC routine I jumped in the pool and swam 30 minutes. As I age I appreciate the benefits of swimming.

I did read the WSJ and DFP at the Kava House. I had to sit outside because they had the AC jacked up too high. I think running the AC full blast is unhealthy.

I did not get home until 1400. I had a quick lunch and then started packing for our CA trip. We had left overs for dinner. Our reefer is now empty.

This afternoon Nancy talked to Veronica and Missy. I had a long talk with Debbie. Nancy and I both agree on how much we like to talk to our children. Keep the calls coming kids. We love you all.

We headed upstairs early because the taxi is picking us up at 0415. We will be in CA before noon.

Monday August 1, 2011

I can't believe that it is the first of August already. Where has the summer gone? Nancy took AJ and Zoe to the MAC this morning. AJ went to day care and Zoe went swimming. I performed my normal Monday routine at home and at the MAC.

I was reading the WSJ at the Kava House when who should drive up but Missy, AJ and Zoe. They were on their way visit Missy's college room mate Adri and family. Adri is visiting her family in GR. She was accompanied by her husband and two children. Adri lives in Budapest, Hungary. Missy was going directly from Adri's to Cleveland. She had stopped by to say good bye. I bought Missy and Zoe a coffee. AJ got a cookie. We sat down and talked awhile before they headed out.

After lunch I got out the lawn mower and cut our grass. It was very hot so I took several lemonade breaks. Nancy and I spent a quiet evening at home.

Sunday July 31, 2011

Sunday morning and Nancy and I let Missy, AJ and Zoe sleep in. We head to the MAC for our 45 minute swim. After the swim we head straight home. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. Breakfast was a hit with our guests.

Sunday was an easy day for our guests. Missy said she had a great time at her reunion. The reunion was well attended.

I took my Sunday afternoon nap. Nancy took Zoe shopping for shoes. Zoe purchased several pairs.

For dinner Nancy grilled a pork loin. We had new potatoes and peas along with some fine wine. Nancy got rave reviews on the pork. It was very good.