Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday August 18, 2009

It was another dark gloomy start to the day. I performed my morning routine at 75% today. I pedalled over to the bank and got some money for our upcoming adventure. At the Kava House, I had 2 people ask me to give them a demo of my Kindle. I should get a finders fee. However, it give me some perverse pleasure to know that an old guy must explain the new toys to the younger generation. Old Guys Rule!

When I got home our overnight package from NY had arrived. I headed for the office to get a scan made so I could email to Tasha. I spoke with several folks and they all seem very busy. It is great to see, in these tough times, that the company is doing well.

Around noon the sun came out and remained out the rest of the day. This afternoon I mowed the grass. It took about 3 hours because, in addition to cutting, I also edged and blew the grass clippings off the sidewalk. Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping.

I failed to mention that on our trip to TH, IN we saw a large wind farm between Kentland, IN and Boswell, IN. Nancy counted about 100 large windmills. The wind farm appeared larger than the one we saw several years ago in Palm Springs, CA. I will try and find more information on this large facility.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear and warm Thursday. GG attended dinner at the church. The had 2.5 tables and collected $10. GG noted that Kitter worked teams today and it was the third day. (I am assuming the team GG referred to was a team of horses pulling a plow or some other implement.)

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