Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday August 9, 2009

It was our plan to leave for O'Hare at 1100. I got up at 0700 and got on my bike and pedalled around Reeds Lake ending up at the Kava House. I took my trusty Kindle and sure enough as soon as I turned the machine on the Sunday edition of both the DFP and NYT were available.

We left for Chicago on schedule. VRS wondered if Nancy's car had a big enough trunk for all their things. Sure enough the trunk had plenty of room. The trip to O'Hare was uneventful. We did have to make 2 pit stops so LA could water the roadside plants. AC slept all the way. I was very intimidated of O'Hare. However, I found I had no problem getting around. Even the parking was easy and a short distance from the terminal.

On the trip home we stopped at a Wendy's in South Haven. The line was so big and the staff so surly we left. We did stop in Saugatuk at a Subway. We got home a 9 PM. We put nearly 400 miles on the new car. On the highway the car got 27 mph. I was happy with that number.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG did not have much to say on this cool Tuesday. He worked in post office in the afternoon. They drove to Hubbard Lake to chicken dinner and then visited the Bennetts after supper.

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