Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saturday August 8, 2009

Nancy and I slept in until 0800. It has been quite a while since we have slept this late. Nancy blames it on her sore throat and I blame it on the heavy rain outside. In fact we had thunder and lightning so I had to take the Aztek to breakfast. I also took my Kindle. I turned on the machine and today's edition of the NYT and DFP came up. Several people walked by and asked if it was a Kindle. They all thought it was neat.

Today is HC's birthday so I had to call her. She is 3 years younger than yours truly. You figure it out?

The rain kept us inside most of the day. I did fill the Taurus up and ran an errand to the post office. After lunch LA and I took a nap. After the nap we made garden stones for LA and AC. It was really simple, I had to mix the concrete, pour it in a mold. Nancy and VRS put either LA's or AC's name in the wet concrete. For LA's stone we had him make a hand print. AC's stone had her footprint. Nancy will place the stones in a conspicuous location.

Right now LA is taking a bath. Nancy is cooking hamburgers outside. We are having burgers, baked potatoes and corn on the cob. Sounds good doesn't it?

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Monday and GG only said it was a nice day. Julia did the washing and GG was home all day.

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