Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monday August 3, 2009

I set the alarm today for 0636. I think I am putting on too much weight so I am back to exercising. Today I did 50% of what I normally do. I was done by 0800. I did ride my bike in the rain to the Kava House. Not much of interest in today's DFP. Later VRS and I went to CVS to get some medicine for the colds.

This afternoon I took LA to lunch at McDonald's. He had a happy meal, chicken nuggets. I was surprised but LA finished the entire meal. When we got home, I told him he had to take a nap but my orders were ignored.

I took my bike in and got a rear rack installed. The bike is working great, in fact, I rode around Reeds Lake twice. For dinner Nancy cooked a pork loin. We also had baked potatoes, corn on the cob and fresh fruit. It was great.

Tasha emailed us with some good news. Nancy and I are elated. Lately I have been typing my blog in word and then copying and pasting. I hope that many of my grammar mistakes are corrected.

This evening we all stayed home. We just completed a video call to SPS using skype. SPS got to see his entire family. I took LA on a short car ride. I turned up the heat and played my 50s tunes and he was out in five minutes.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a very warm Wednesday. GG made a trip to garden with Julia. Helped Hazel in post office 1 hour because of heavy mail. Went with Glen to park. My grandfather, Rob, and grandmother, Florence, called.

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