Monday, August 3, 2009

Sunday August 2, 2009

Sunday morning and I woke as usual at 0630. I made Nancy some coffee and then got on my bike and headed to the Kava House. I took my thermo and filled it up so I could get home in time to take LA to the Zoo. Nancy said I was too early and suggested I ride around Reeds Lake. I took up her suggestion. When I got home Nancy informed me that LA and VRS were sick and needed to see a doctor. We visited the Urgent Care facility on East Beltline. VRS was impressed with the quick service. The doctor suggested taking it easy.

Visiting the Zoo was out so I decided to take LA to a movie. We saw the 3D version of Ice Age 2. I really liked the 3D. The movie gave us some decent glasses. They had good plastic frames. I think LA also liked the movie although there were some scary parts. We killed a bag of popcorn and two chocolate chip cookies. For dinner we finished the chicken from Saturday night.

Some observations on raising two young children today compared to my generation.
· SPS is a lot more involved in raising the kids than I ever was. Changing diapers was not something I did regularly but SPS does it all the time.
· It requires 50 more pounds equipment to support a kid today. Mandatory car seats are perhaps the biggest change. When we travelled the kids either sat on mom's lap or we let them sit or lay in the back seat. On long trips SPS would lay on the rear window ledge of our sedan. Did you know car seats have cup holders?
· Disciple is a time-out today and a kick in the pants in my day. Today a kick in the pants could land you in jail.
· Electronic toys especially the DVD players are a great way to keep kids quiet on a trip. Nancy and Bob had to sing songs and play stupid car games.

It has been awhile since I have been around two young children. I forgot:
· how much energy they have.
· a child's short attention spans except when watching movies.
· the amount of solid waste generated by a 20# child.

I still think raising kids has not changed that much. Time, love and patience are principal ingredients. Most of the young parents I know agree.

Tonight after dinner LA took a bath and then in order to get him on schedule, I took him for a short ride. I cranked up the heat and the 50s tunes and he was asleep in 10 minutes.

Speaking of electronic toys, today I bought a Kindle. As the saying goes, he who has the most toys wins.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote the following: "another hot day, ice to Laura, Julia after berries, post office in afternoon, Hazel to Alpena".

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