Monday, August 31, 2009

Saturday August 22, 2009

We got up at 0530, packed and headed to the lobby. I paid for our hotel bill using my MasterCard. This was the only time I used a card on this trip. It cost $130 for 2 night. I thought that was very reasonable. Our driver picked us up at 0630 just like he said he would. Throughout our trip I was impressed how prompt everybody was. If we were to be picked up at 0700 the driver was there at 0700.

We were flying Air Astana from Almaty to Qyzylorda. The plane was a turbo prop, German made, Fokkers. The plane was full. Most of the passengers appeared to be business men. Qyzylorda has large oil reserves that are being developed. Canada and China are helping Kazakhstan develop their oil fields. The plane trip took about 2 hours.

Unlike Almaty that appears to get some rain, Qyzylorda is in a desert. Not a blade of grass can be found. The Province that Qyzylorda is located in has the highest population of Muslims and native Kaz people. When we landed we were met by our driver and translator. They drove us to the baby house. We had our first opportunity to meet our new granddaughter. I think she was overwhelmed by all the attention. She did not walk during our 1 hour visit.

We did meet Karen Welsh who was bonding with the little boy she was adopting. Karen works for AID in Almaty. She has a car and drove from Almaty to Qyzylorda. It took her 2 days.

The agency that is working with Tasha provides the driver, translator and also an apartment. Tasha looked at 2 apartments. The one she selected was in a building that was a Soviet era public housing project. We were on the third floor and it was a walk up, no elevator. The apartment consisted of a bedroom, living room, washroom, toilet/shower and kitchen /eating area. It was small. Nancy and I got the bedroom and Tasha slept on the sofa. The apartment was a 2.0 but the stairwell and exterior of the building was 1.0. (4 point scale)

We bought groceries at a supermarket, I use the word loosely, and had lunch at a local eatery. We all took a short nap. Tasha and I took an evening walk down to the River. The roads were in poor shape with many potholes. I also noted that a lot of manholes located in the street and sidewalk had their covers missing. The open manholes were dangerous to cars and pedestrians. Qyzylorda must not have many personal injury lawyers.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Monday with a cool morning and hot afternoon. John C picked up car and drove to shop to fix self starter. It cost GG $3.45 for this work. Murphy delivered 6 cords of wood.

Friday August 21, 2009

We woke up early in Almaty, Kazakhstan, 0630. Looking out the hotel window we had a great view of snow capped mountains. The hotel provided a complimentary breakfast. The breakfast consisted of hard boiled eggs, assorted breads, fruit and cheese. They also had something that looked like soup. I think several of our breakfast mates were Russians. We heard no English spoken.

After breakfast we got a map from the front desk and started walking around Almaty. The people at the desk highlighted several places that we should visit. The street names were in Russian letters and very hard to read. Our first stop was the Visitors Information Center but that was a disaster. No one spoke English. We then stopped at the big shopping mall. The mall was in a huge five story building. The store was empty until we got to the electronic section. That section was jammed with young folks buying cells phones and ipods.

Almaty has several nice parks and they seemed well maintained. We visited one big park that had a huge Russian Orthodox Church. The church had a big golden dome. We walked around Almaty getting a feel for Kazakhstan. I was surprised that in Almaty we saw few signs that we were in a Muslin country. We did see a lot of blond folk. I am assuming that they were Russians who had moved here during the Soviet era. Traffic was fairly disciplined and the cars looked to be of recent vintage. The streets were wide and tree lined. The police did not carry guns. We did note a lot of people smoking.

The exchange rate was $1 = 150 tenge. For dinner we ate at a sidewalk cafe. The meal ended up costing us $30. It was early to bed for Bob and Nancy because we had to get up at 0530 to catch our morning flight to Qyzylorda.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG noted that it was a cool Sunday. Ossineke beat Hubbard Lake 12 to 2 and there were 12 people at church. GG also noted that the self starter on his car burned out.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Thursday Auust 20, 2009

Early Thursday morning we arrived in Frankfurt. The United Airlines flight from Chicago was full. Nancy and I sat in the economy plus section of the airplane. The extra 5" between seats makes the flight much easier. If you are flying United, I highly recommend paying the extra fee, especially on long flights. In Frankfurt we had a short wait for our plane to take us to Almaty, Kazakhstan. We flew Lufthansa to Almaty with one stop in the Kazakhstan capital of Astana. When we got to Almaty, Tasha's adoption agency had a representative meet us. The flight to our final destination, Qyzylorda, was almost full. Only 1 seat was available so Nancy and I told Tasha to take the seat and we would stay in Almaty. An early Saturday morning flight was available. We stayed in the Almaty Hotel.

The reason for the full flight was 30 new Peace Corp volunteers were heading to Qyzylorda. Qyzlorda is spelled many ways. I am using the spelling shown in my World Atlas.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG gave the score of the Friday night baseball game, Ossineke 1, Alpena 3. It was Saturday and the weather was partly cloudy and warmer by noon. GG drove to Alpena and noted that the banks were closed.

Wednesday August 19, 2009

Today is a travel day. Nancy and Bob start their big adventure. We are accompanying our daughter, Tasha, to Kazakhstan. That's right folks, Kazakhstan, in central Asia. I finished packing last night. Tasha said we would have plenty of downtime so I bought 5 books from Amazon and downloaded them to my Kindle.

Bob and Nancy always have a big argument about the correct time to be at the airport. Our plane leaves at 4:20 PM and I want the taxi to pick us up at 2:30. Nancy says that is stupid 3 will get us to the airport in plenty of time. I whine so much she relents and the taxi picks us up at 2:30.

Our flight to Chicago is on time and we meet Tasha in Chicago. Our United flight to Frankfurt was suppose to leave at 6:00 PM. The flight is delayed by 2 hours because of thunder storms in Chicago. At midnight we are some place over the Atlantic Ocean.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It is Friday and GG drove to Alpena. He picked up his coat at the cleaners and bought chicken feed. GG worked in the post office in the afternoon. He also got a haircut and a shave. A barber shave is a luxury. My Grandfather Hughes when he reached 65 use to get a barber shave most every day. This was something that he enjoyed and it let everyone know that Roland Hughes was a successful man.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday August 18, 2009

It was another dark gloomy start to the day. I performed my morning routine at 75% today. I pedalled over to the bank and got some money for our upcoming adventure. At the Kava House, I had 2 people ask me to give them a demo of my Kindle. I should get a finders fee. However, it give me some perverse pleasure to know that an old guy must explain the new toys to the younger generation. Old Guys Rule!

When I got home our overnight package from NY had arrived. I headed for the office to get a scan made so I could email to Tasha. I spoke with several folks and they all seem very busy. It is great to see, in these tough times, that the company is doing well.

Around noon the sun came out and remained out the rest of the day. This afternoon I mowed the grass. It took about 3 hours because, in addition to cutting, I also edged and blew the grass clippings off the sidewalk. Tonight Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping.

I failed to mention that on our trip to TH, IN we saw a large wind farm between Kentland, IN and Boswell, IN. Nancy counted about 100 large windmills. The wind farm appeared larger than the one we saw several years ago in Palm Springs, CA. I will try and find more information on this large facility.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a clear and warm Thursday. GG attended dinner at the church. The had 2.5 tables and collected $10. GG noted that Kitter worked teams today and it was the third day. (I am assuming the team GG referred to was a team of horses pulling a plow or some other implement.)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday August 17, 2009

It rained hard last night. I woke at 0600 and it was still dark outside. Bummer! I am still doing my morning routine at home. I stopped at the post office to send more money to correct my snafu. Tasha talked to the right people and got everything squared away. At the Kava House I took out the Kindle and read the DFP and NYT.

After lunch I had several errands to run. I purchased a 200 V converter and straw hat at the Mall and personal care products at Meijers. Nancy and I started to pack and believe it or not we are both done.

We are spending a quiet night at home. After a hectic weekend it is nice to relax at home. I did talk to Sasha for a short time this evening. She said everything was going ok.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a cool, rainy Wednesday. GG picked 1.5 bushels of corn. In the afternoon they drove to Spruce and then to my Grandparents in Hubbard Lake. GG purchased apples for my Grandmother, Florence and my Aunt Julia. GG purchased the apples at the Hallenback farm.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday August 16, 2009

Sunday is another travel day for Bob and Nancy. We eat our free breakfast at the TH Holiday Inn and head north. I fill up in TH before starting. The new car has a 20 gallon tank and this large tank gives the car a range of 350 + miles. Traffic on 63 and 41, as always, is extremely light. In fact if these roads were to be built today they would be 2 lanes instead of 4. We make only 2 quick stops and complete the trip in 5 hours. The car averaged 29 mpg.

We get home and have a phone message telling us of a snafu in our plans with Tasha. I panic but Tasha settles me down and tells me the problem can be solved tomorrow. Tonight Nancy and I are eating light. After 60 minutes we are heading for bed.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG was very brief. He said that it was a little colder. He went to garden for vegetables. He mentioned they picked a bushel of corn. GG got more ice to Aunt Laura and worked in the post office in the afternoon. Aunt Julia went to Alpena, cousin Sis went with Uncle Guy. Ossineke had 2 hours of heavy rain.

I have often wondered, was GG writing the diary for his records? Or did he intend the diary to be read by future generations. I think he wrote it so that in the future he could get an idea when they picked the first corn, etc. GG was starting his own data base.

Saturday August 15, 2009

Saturday is a busy day for Bob and Nancy. We had breakfast at the Holiday Inn and then took a quick drive around TH. We drove by Nancy's old home on Poplar. It looks in good shape. Generally, TH appears to be going through tough times. However, we did not see a lot of homes for sale.

We attended a luncheon at a local rib house. Dr. Marietta and Nurse Hillary drove with us. Once again a good time was had by all. Of course the meal was a buffet and I had too much to eat. After lunch we visited the Clabber Girl Museum. It was very interesting. After the museum, we dropped Dr. Marietta and Nurse Hillary off at the motel. Nancy and I visited Honey Creek Mall. I walked around and Nancy had some shopping to do. When we got back I took a short nap.

The reunion banquet was held at the TH CC. It is a nice facility. The place was crowded. I think a lot of folks only attended the banquet. A class photo was taken of all the Wiley class mates. We were given a copy and it was real good. The evening meal was also a buffet. What else would you expect in southern IN.

For the Class of 59 the program committee hired an Elvis impersonator. Elvis came on the scene about 1954 and was really popular, especially with the ladies. The impersonator was only 50 and of course he did not have the moves. However, the main reason for a reunion is to interact with old class mates. In this regard I think the reunion was a huge success. We, Nancy, Nurse Hillary, Dr Marietta and yours truly, got home about 11:30.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a very warm Monday. GG worked in the garden in the morning. He also got ice to Aunt Laura. Cousin David went to Hubbard Lake to help my grandfather Scott on the farm. They had thunder storms in the afternoon and evening.

Friday August 14, 2009

Today is a travel day. I sleep in until 0700 and then finish packing for our trip to Nancy's 50th in Terre Haute. It is a good day for travelling. Nancy and I leave about 1030. This is our second long trip with the new Taurus. The trip was uneventful. We did detour around the intersection of I94/I65. I am always amazed how much corn they grow in IN. From 10 miles south in I94 until we get to TH there is nothing but corn fields. TH is 300 mile from GR and the Taurus averaged 28 mpg.

We stayed at the Holiday Inn in TH and attended a casual get-together Friday evening. The reunion involved both Wiley and Garfield HS. Nancy attended Wiley and had 185 people in her class. Nancy connected with her good friends Dr Marietta and Nurse Hillary. They really had a good time talking about old times. In fact, I enjoyed talking with all of Nancy's classmates. One observations was that I did not see any men with earrings or women with tattoos.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm, windy Sunday. GG drove to Grange Hall to see a ball game, Ossineke 10, Indian Reserve 1. It must have been a double header because GG noted that Grange beat Herron. They had a chicken supper at church, the cost was $1 and Arnie Louch showed pictures.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thursday August 13, 2009

I was really tired from my week of catching up so I slept in until 0700. Nancy is also catching up and remains a little under the weather. I did, again, perform my morning routine at home. I have not been to the MAC in 3 weeks. I did have my morning coffee at the Kava House and read the DFP on my trusty Kindle.

Tasha called and gave me some more information on our upcoming excursion. Nancy and I filled out some forms and I got everything mailed this afternoon. I also started to pack for our weekend trip to TH for Nancy's reunion.

This evening Nancy and I worked at Meijer's Garden. We put wrist bands on folks wanting to purchase beer. The evening's concert featured blue grass legend Earl Scruggs. After we got done working we stayed for the concert. Nancy is not into blue grass but I really liked the concert.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote it was a cool Saturday morning but warmed up to 84 degrees in the afternoon. Apparently GG finally got some ice and he gave some to Aunt Laura. GG next entry is "We drove to Ketters evening and parked on US 23 to read paper". Is this what an 82 year old does on Saturday night in Ossineke?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wednesday August 12, 2009

Breakfast Club Wednesday so the alarm goes off at 0545. I have a busy day. The attendance at the meeting was quite small. However, the food was great.

After breakfast I head for Mt Pleasant. I am going to meet HC at the bank and we are going to open Cousin Peg's safe deposit box. We meet at 1100 and sign all the paperwork for the bank. The safe deposit is opened and HC asked me to retrieve the box and see what is in the box. I bring the box up to the table and stick my hand in the box. Guess what, the box was empty. Nothing. We say good bye and I head back to GR.

This afternoon I spent several hours completing changing my office layout. I also got all my clothes back in our bedroom closet. I now have everything the way I want it. This should last for several months.

Also this afternoon I talked to Tasha and she informed me that everything has been scheduled. We must now work out a game plan for Tasha, Nancy, yours truly and Ms P.

Tonight is book club. TM and I met at Pietro's for their summer time special. It was good food at a very reasonable price. I give it an A.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Friday with a clear cool morning, 60, and warm afternoon, 80. GG drove to the garden and picked beans, potatoes and corn. He worked in the post office in the afternoon.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday August 11, 2009

Last night was hot and muggy. We had the AC on all night. This morning we turned the AC off because a cool front was moving through. Like yesterday I did all my routine at home. I took my trusty Kindle to the Kava House. It loaded today's DFP and NYT just fine.

After my coffee I spent several hours getting my office reorganized. It was a tougher job than I thought. I finally got my computer up and running in its new location. Nancy came up and finished editing the photos of the Scott Team's visit. Nancy also informed me that she turned the AC back on because the cold front has been delayed.

I started mowing the grass at 3:30 and finished at 6:30. It was very hot and I was glad when the job was done.

This evening I downloaded the edited photos to a CD. This was my last CD so we lucked out. I also tried to copy and paste from Word to this blog. It did not work. What is the problem?

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a nice Thursday with a cool breeze all day. The church dinner generated $11. GG drove Mrs. Yake and Naggle. The ice in GG ice storage facility is gone. GG got 2 calls from Ranger.

Did you know that in 1938 the life expectancy was 59.7 years. A new house cost $3,900 and the average yearly income was $1,731. A movie ticket cost $0.25 and gas cost $0.10 per gallon.

Monday August 10, 2009

The grand kids are gone so it is back to normal for Bob and Nancy. I performed my entire exercise routine at home. It saves about 35 minutes. I took my Kindle to the Kava House and read the DFP and NYT.

I moved a lot of items out of the main bedroom so that SPS, VRS and kids had sufficient room to store their stuff. Before returning the items I decided to rearrange my office. I purchased a new book case and started to assemble the case after dinner. At the same time I downloaded all the photos we took during the Scott Teams visit. The photos were on my computer so Nancy had to work in my office editing the pics. So Monday evening Nancy and Bob spent 3 hours in the same room. She was editing and I was assembling. No harsh words were said. We decided to go to bed about 10:30. This was a late night for me.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Wednesday and they had 1/2" of rain in morning. Aunt Julia, Cousin Glen and GG went to the garden in the afternoon. They picked potatoes, turnips and corn. GG noted that Ewald Rosinpaltz paid $9.85 on his account. Cousin David sent GG a card.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sunday August 9, 2009

It was our plan to leave for O'Hare at 1100. I got up at 0700 and got on my bike and pedalled around Reeds Lake ending up at the Kava House. I took my trusty Kindle and sure enough as soon as I turned the machine on the Sunday edition of both the DFP and NYT were available.

We left for Chicago on schedule. VRS wondered if Nancy's car had a big enough trunk for all their things. Sure enough the trunk had plenty of room. The trip to O'Hare was uneventful. We did have to make 2 pit stops so LA could water the roadside plants. AC slept all the way. I was very intimidated of O'Hare. However, I found I had no problem getting around. Even the parking was easy and a short distance from the terminal.

On the trip home we stopped at a Wendy's in South Haven. The line was so big and the staff so surly we left. We did stop in Saugatuk at a Subway. We got home a 9 PM. We put nearly 400 miles on the new car. On the highway the car got 27 mph. I was happy with that number.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG did not have much to say on this cool Tuesday. He worked in post office in the afternoon. They drove to Hubbard Lake to chicken dinner and then visited the Bennetts after supper.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Saturday August 8, 2009

Nancy and I slept in until 0800. It has been quite a while since we have slept this late. Nancy blames it on her sore throat and I blame it on the heavy rain outside. In fact we had thunder and lightning so I had to take the Aztek to breakfast. I also took my Kindle. I turned on the machine and today's edition of the NYT and DFP came up. Several people walked by and asked if it was a Kindle. They all thought it was neat.

Today is HC's birthday so I had to call her. She is 3 years younger than yours truly. You figure it out?

The rain kept us inside most of the day. I did fill the Taurus up and ran an errand to the post office. After lunch LA and I took a nap. After the nap we made garden stones for LA and AC. It was really simple, I had to mix the concrete, pour it in a mold. Nancy and VRS put either LA's or AC's name in the wet concrete. For LA's stone we had him make a hand print. AC's stone had her footprint. Nancy will place the stones in a conspicuous location.

Right now LA is taking a bath. Nancy is cooking hamburgers outside. We are having burgers, baked potatoes and corn on the cob. Sounds good doesn't it?

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was Monday and GG only said it was a nice day. Julia did the washing and GG was home all day.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Friday August 7, 2009

Friday morning and again we are expecting a warm sunny day. I took the Kindle to the Kava House and read the instructions for its use. It sound very user friendly. In fact this afternoon I downloaded 2 week trial subscriptions to the NYT and DFP. As soon as I got home from the Kava House I got right back on my bike and ran to the post office and then to the Ottawa Hill Library.

After the errands we loaded up the car and headed for Meijers Garden. We spend some time in the children's section and then VRS and LA took the children's tram ride. Nancy fixed lunch for all of us and then LA and I took a nap. After the nap I played with my Kindle. I also tried to copy yesterday's blog from Word to the blog template. It did not work. I finally had to print out a copy and type it directly into the blog template. I have tried everything but I cannot copy my blog from Word. It has worked fine in past. Help?

Nancy woke up with a class A sore throat. She had a doctor's appointment this afternoon. The doc said that she would have to let the sore throat runs its course. Bummer.

For dinner we had take out from a Mexican Cafe on 28th Street. It was great. LA, VRS and Nancy are watching "Sleeping Beauty" on the DVD.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a warm Sunday, 80 in the shade. GG and GGM went to garden and pulled veggies and 2 ears of corn. GG went to the ball game, Ossineke 8, Spratt 3. At the evening church they had 15 in attendance.

Thursday August 6, 2009

Thursday and another nice sunny day. I performed my morning routine at 50%, rode to the Kava House and read the DFP. The big news in Michigan is that the Feds gave the State several large grants for car battery research. The DFP also had the election returns from Tuesday. There were no big surprises.

When I got home from the Kava House, we decided that LA and I would go to Millennium Park and try out the toys at the playground. We got there about 1100 and the place was crowded. This is a new park so the children's equipment is new. They had a lot of very clever play things. LA and I spent about 2 hours exploring all the exciting climbing, swinging and riding toys. I was very impressed as was LA. I did look over the beach area and thought it looked great. The parking lot for the beach was rapidly filling up. I also noted that the park has a bike trail. I saw several adults unloading their bikes. I will try out the trails later.

LA and I had lunch at McDonald's. LA had a happy meal and grandpa had a Big Mac. LA and I took a nap when we got home. After the nap I rode my bike around Reeds Lake.

This evening we all had dinner at Chuck E Cheese. We got 30 tokens for LA and he spent the entire evening playing on the machines. He was so busy he could not eat all his pizza so I had to finish it for him.

My Kindle arrived via UPS today. I have to charge up the battery before I can use it. I will down load several newspapers tonight.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a Saturday and very hot. GG said 80 degrees in the shade. GG drove to Alpena for chicken feed. The rest of the family spent the day picking berries.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wednesday August 5, 2009

Wednesday is my easy day and I slept in until 0700. I did go to the Kava House and read the DFP. I got to the coffee shop before 8 and I was surprised at how busy it was fetching coffee for people on their way to work. Today's FP did not have any election results from yesterday' municipal elections in Detroit. I think there were 180 folks on the ballot. All city and school board seats were being contested.

Today we were either going to go to the beach or make engraved concrete molds with the grandkids footprints. Instead LA wanted to go kayaking so I loaded up the kayak and we headed for Reeds Lake. LA and I paddled around the lake observing turtles, fish and a lot of waterfowl. Nancy, VRS and AC were walking in the park and took several pictures of LA and his grandfather.

For the second day LA and his grandfather took a nap. After the nap I rode my bike around Reeds Lake. Nancy scrambled some eggs for dinner. We also had sausage and hot biscuits with jelly. We had to hurry eating so that we could go to the neighborhood ice cream party. The neighbors all turned out. We met one of SPS's classmates who met VRS and family. LA played all the games and won a ball and bottle of lemon water. Nancy won breakfast at Wolfgang's. Nancy showed AC around to all our friends. She performed well and I am happy to announce that we have a very proud grandmother.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It appears GG sold a lot for $225. It was Wednesday with no rain. GW Kitter dragged the field and they dug 4 quarts of potatoes. GG also did some hoeing. Cousin David got home from Detroit.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tuesday August 4, 2009

The alarm goes off at 0636 and I get up and perform my exercise at 50%. I am done by 0800. I ride to the Kava House and read a portion of the DFP. I have to get home early today because LA and I are going to the Zoo. Nancy gives me my marching order and LA's 50 pound pack and tells us to have a good time. When I got to the Zoo I had a hard time finding a place to park. The place is packed. I think the fact that it was a bright sunny day helped. LA and I started fast and furious. We saw a neat exhibit when we were entering and decided to visit it first. Unfortunately LA was too short to participate. This was very disappointing so I bought LA and myself a box of ice cream bits. This helped dissipate our disappointment. Except for 2 bathroom visits that always have grandfather worried, LA and I enjoyed the zoo. Because of LA's good behavior I purchased him a big lollypop.

After a quick lunch LA and I took a well earned nap. After the nap I mowed the grass. I got done about 6:30 PM. This evening Nancy and I took LA, AC and VRS to the Green Well for dinner. A good time was had by all.

Today was the 70th birthday of my childhood friend Tom Collins. I called Tom in San Clemente, CA. He is doing well. Tom has 4 grandkids and his immediate family lives within 40 mile of him. We had a nice conversation and I promised to visit next time I visit Sasha or SPS.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG said it was not so hot today, Thursday. He worked in the post office 3 hours. They had a big dinner at the Church. Four tables and about 19 people. GG drove people home.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monday August 3, 2009

I set the alarm today for 0636. I think I am putting on too much weight so I am back to exercising. Today I did 50% of what I normally do. I was done by 0800. I did ride my bike in the rain to the Kava House. Not much of interest in today's DFP. Later VRS and I went to CVS to get some medicine for the colds.

This afternoon I took LA to lunch at McDonald's. He had a happy meal, chicken nuggets. I was surprised but LA finished the entire meal. When we got home, I told him he had to take a nap but my orders were ignored.

I took my bike in and got a rear rack installed. The bike is working great, in fact, I rode around Reeds Lake twice. For dinner Nancy cooked a pork loin. We also had baked potatoes, corn on the cob and fresh fruit. It was great.

Tasha emailed us with some good news. Nancy and I are elated. Lately I have been typing my blog in word and then copying and pasting. I hope that many of my grammar mistakes are corrected.

This evening we all stayed home. We just completed a video call to SPS using skype. SPS got to see his entire family. I took LA on a short car ride. I turned up the heat and played my 50s tunes and he was out in five minutes.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a very warm Wednesday. GG made a trip to garden with Julia. Helped Hazel in post office 1 hour because of heavy mail. Went with Glen to park. My grandfather, Rob, and grandmother, Florence, called.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sunday August 2, 2009

Sunday morning and I woke as usual at 0630. I made Nancy some coffee and then got on my bike and headed to the Kava House. I took my thermo and filled it up so I could get home in time to take LA to the Zoo. Nancy said I was too early and suggested I ride around Reeds Lake. I took up her suggestion. When I got home Nancy informed me that LA and VRS were sick and needed to see a doctor. We visited the Urgent Care facility on East Beltline. VRS was impressed with the quick service. The doctor suggested taking it easy.

Visiting the Zoo was out so I decided to take LA to a movie. We saw the 3D version of Ice Age 2. I really liked the 3D. The movie gave us some decent glasses. They had good plastic frames. I think LA also liked the movie although there were some scary parts. We killed a bag of popcorn and two chocolate chip cookies. For dinner we finished the chicken from Saturday night.

Some observations on raising two young children today compared to my generation.
· SPS is a lot more involved in raising the kids than I ever was. Changing diapers was not something I did regularly but SPS does it all the time.
· It requires 50 more pounds equipment to support a kid today. Mandatory car seats are perhaps the biggest change. When we travelled the kids either sat on mom's lap or we let them sit or lay in the back seat. On long trips SPS would lay on the rear window ledge of our sedan. Did you know car seats have cup holders?
· Disciple is a time-out today and a kick in the pants in my day. Today a kick in the pants could land you in jail.
· Electronic toys especially the DVD players are a great way to keep kids quiet on a trip. Nancy and Bob had to sing songs and play stupid car games.

It has been awhile since I have been around two young children. I forgot:
· how much energy they have.
· a child's short attention spans except when watching movies.
· the amount of solid waste generated by a 20# child.

I still think raising kids has not changed that much. Time, love and patience are principal ingredients. Most of the young parents I know agree.

Tonight after dinner LA took a bath and then in order to get him on schedule, I took him for a short ride. I cranked up the heat and the 50s tunes and he was asleep in 10 minutes.

Speaking of electronic toys, today I bought a Kindle. As the saying goes, he who has the most toys wins.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. GG wrote the following: "another hot day, ice to Laura, Julia after berries, post office in afternoon, Hazel to Alpena".

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Saturday August 1, 2009

Saturday morning, the first day of August, starts cloudy and remains that way all day. I get on my bike and head for D&W to get a NYT. They do not have any nor does Starbucks across the street. This is a good excuse for buying a Kindle. This morning the GRP reported that we had the coldest July on record. The cold I don't mind but all the high winds disrupts my kayak time.

For breakfast this morning the 6 of us ate at Arnie's. The food was good and the waiter gave us some extra sweet rolls. After breakfast SPS headed for O'Hare Airport. SPS has to work next week so he is heading home early.

This afternoon I got my Aztek washed. I put in the back seats and the roof rack. I need the back seat so I can install LA's car seat. The kayak will go on the roof. It isn't easy hauling around a youngster. I also cleaned out the garage and took a spin on the new urban bike around Reeds Lake.

Ossineke, MI this date in 1938. It was a Monday and GG said it was cool in the morning but warm in the afternoon. GG helped Hazel in the post office while Guy went to town with the family. GG said the mail was very heavy.