Saturday, September 20, 2008

Saturday September 20, 2008

Summer is going out with a bang. Today was sunny and warm. After breakfast I loaded the kayak and headed for Gun Lake in Barry County. When I got to the boat launch nobody was around.

I got on the lake about 1030. The water level was high. I paddle around until I found a creek that empties into the lake. Normally I can't go upstream on the creek because the water is too low. Today the creek was in flood stage. I paddled upstream about 45 minutes. It was great. Cattails and reeds were over my head and the channel was only about 3' wide. The creek meandered all over the place.

When I headed back to the launch the lake was crowded. A lot of jet skis were on the lake. Jet skis should be outlawed. The parking lot was loaded with pickups with boat trailers. I guess every one was out for 1 last ride before cold weather.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to Russ's for a bowl of soup and hamburger. We have to get to bed early because the taxi is coming at 0400. I will be off the air until I return. Stay tuned.

Spell check worked the first time but then I added a paragraph and it did not check the new paragraph.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Friday September 19, 2008

After my busy week, I slept until 0630 this morning. The day was warm and sunny.

This afternoon for the first time in over a week I went kayaking. I paddled around Reeds Lake. The lake level was about 1.5' above normal. The high water allowed me to paddle to areas that normally are too shallow. It takes about 75 minutes to paddle around the lake.

After kayaking I started packing for our trip to the elder hostel in Utah. It took about 20 minutes. I hope I have everything.

This evening Nancy and I went to a neighborhood TGIF. I was surprised at the number of people in attendance. The weather was so nice that the party was held in the Davidson's back yard.

I am going kayaking tomorrow also. Nancy and I will eat at home tomorrow because we must be up at 0330 on Sunday in order to catch our 0530 flight out of GR. More on the trip tomorrow. My spell check worked today.

Thursday September 18, 2008

The weather gal said it was going to be cool and sunny all day. She was right.
Today is my big day at the UM. I performed a shortened workout schedule so I could get on the road early.

I drove into the UM parking lot a 1200. I was 3 hours early. I met with the secretary and she provided me with a parking pass and directions to the North Campus Commons. I had lunch at the Commons. When I was at UM, North Campus did not exist. Everything is new. I had the opportunity to tour the civil engineering facilities. I was impressed. The campus is kind of sterile becuase all the buildings look the same but the labs and computer rooms are great. The computer labs have 24" monitors with the latest software. All the software is the current version.

My class has 11 students (9 men, 2 women). Nine are working for a masters and 2 are phd candidates. The students were all in attendance. The classroom was wired and all I had to do was plug in my laptop. Of course I asked a student for help in getting started.

The class was suppose to run from 3-4:30. I started at 3 and at 4 asked if they wanted a break. They said no and I continued until 4:25. I think it went well. I might have covered too much materail at one time, but who knows on a first time endeavor. I expect to get some feed back soon.

I got back home at 7:30. I spent a lot of time getting prepared but I enjoyed the experience.

My spell check did not work. It seems to not work whenever I change the font after I have typed some words. Is this possible?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesday September 17, 2008

Wednesday is my easy day. I got out of bed at 0620 and headed for the pool at the MAC. I have to get in the pool before 0730 in order to get a lane. At 0800 all the old folks arrive for their water aerobics class.

I drove the Aztek because I had a GR Building Authority meeting at 0900. The GR Building Authority has 2 new projects. Both projects are parking structures and each will cost $11,000,000. Did you know that in GR it costs $26,000 for each parking space. One of the parking structures is interesting because a liner building will be attached to two sides of the parking structure. The liner building will contain office spaces, apartments and condos. The city will own the parking garage and a private company will own the liner building.

This PM I had an appointment with Dr Mary my skin doctor. She froze (freon) several basal cell areas and took a slice of skin below my eye for testing. I asked if this is serious and she said no and to stop my whining. She did give me some free samples (lotion) for my chapped hands.

Tomorrow I have to give my seminar. I called UM to get directions and a parking pass. The secretary assured me that a projector and all other visual aids are in the room. It will be interesting.

Today I also mailed LA's birthday present. I have a memory aid for his birthday it is 10-4.

I also talked to Tasha. I told her I will visit in October and we can go tavern hopping.

Today was warm and sunny. Is it too early for "Indian Summer"?

My spell check worked. Why today and not yesterday? Gas is $4.19 per gallon.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday September 16, 2008

This morning was very cool. I wore my winter jacket for my bike ride to the MAC.

After my morning routine, I decided to cut the grass. Since we will be gone next week I decided in addition to the normal mowing that I would also edge, trim and sweep the sidewalks. The grass now looks good. I wonder what it will look like after 2 weeks of no mowing.

One of the trees in our strip between the sidewalk and curb is an ash. Michigan has been hit hard by the ash borer. I think that our ash tree is suffering serious damage from the borer and will soon have to be taken down. I will contact the city when we get back.

Nancy fixed a great dinner tonight. We had grilled chicken breast, broccoli, baked new potatoes, and french bread.

Nancy has a neighborhood meeting tonight. I will watch NCIS by myself. We have to get a TiVO. Is there a monthly charge for TiVo?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday September 15, 2008

The rain has stopped. This morning it was very cool. Nancy and I did not go to the MAC today because Nancy had to have an old persons test today. I had mine several months ago. Everything was okay.

This afternoon I visited the city engineer's office. GR let me use one of their projectors to dry run my PP presentation. It was time well spent. I finally found out that the projector is just another monitor. I was able to open my CAD software and have a drawing projected on screen. I am all set for Thursday.

After the city I went to Meijers to buy some supplies for Nancy and Bob. We don't need much because we are leaving at the end of the week. I also stopped by the PO to have the mail stopped while we are gone.

The only exercise I got was a 3 mile walk. I enjoyed not exercising because I think I might be coming down with a cold.

Tonight Nancy is watching the final show of the "Closer". We also watched all the news on Wall Street's problems. You would think that people making mega millions could manage money better. How come spell check does not work on this blog?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday September 14, 2008

The rain continues. Nancy and I swam our 45 minutes this morning. After the MAC we came home and Nancy fixed me a great breakfast. Since Nancy must fast today, she could not enjoy the poached eggs.

After my Sunday nap, I got in my Aztek and inspected several bridges to see if the recent heavy rains had caused any damage. Flood warnings have been issued for Kent and surrounding counties.

Although the streams are raging torrents I did not see any potential problems. I think because we have had so little rain in August that the streams had sufficient storage capacity to accommodate all the recent runoff.

Right now I am writing this blog and then I will practice my PP presentation. I see that Alpena, UM and the Lions all lost this weekend. Blame it on the weather.

Saturday September 13, 2008

It rained all day. Not even a break so I could go for a walk. After breakfast I headed for the office to print copies of my PP presentation. I got all my printing done and bound in notebooks. I will dry run my presentation on Monday at the city engineer's office. GR is letting me use their projector.

Nancy and I met the Horlings at One Trick Pony for dinner. After dinner we took in a play at the Civic Theater. The play was 1776. It was good. Gas prices have gone up to $4.19.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday September 12, 2008

Today it sprinkled all day. I was lucky enough to miss the rain on the bike ride to and from the MAC. I must make 1 correction to yesterday's blog. I stated that gas was $2.80/gallon. Ever alert Tasha pointed out that it should have been $3.80. Thanks to Tasha for pointing out the error.

After coffee and the paper I got in the Aztek and drove to PreMarc on Chicago Drive. PreMarc makes prestressed concrete bridge beams. I took several pictures of recently made beams for my PP presentation.

The manager of the bridge beam operation is Tom Grumbine. I have known Tom since 1978. Tom and I talked for 1 1/2 hours. Tom never has any one to talk to so he was pretty lonely. I now know all the gossip regarding the bridge building industry.

Tonight Nancy and I had dinner with Ed and Mary Namey. We ate at Grand Rapids Brewing Company. I had the battered white fish. Nancy had a salad. Nancy made the right decision.

It is supposed to rain all week end. The rain is good because I can work on my PP and not feel bad about missing some good kayaking.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday September 11, 2008

Today was a bright sunny day just like in 01. I can still remember watching the Today show when they announced that a plane had hit one of the twin towers. Everyone thought it was a small single engine plane. It was a sad day.

September 11 in 2008 was a good day for me. I followed my normal morning routine. When I got home Nancy wanted to make a trip to Costco. So off we went. I purchased gas for the Ford. Gas was $2.80 per gallon. I also needed some beer so I bought a case. A case at Costco can be either 18, 24 or 28 bottles. I bought 18 bottles of Bud Lite for $10.99. For lunch I had a Costco hot dog.

The afternoon was spent working on my PP presentation. I think I am ready. I will have to print out enough handouts for all students. Since Nancy and I went out Wednesday night and will be going out Friday and Saturday night, we decided to stay home tonight. I did watch a portion of the Beverly Hills Hillbillies. I thought it was funny. Nancy went to bed. No accounting for taste.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday September 10, 2008

Today was my easy day. I left early to get in the pool before the old folks arrive for water aerobics. I left at 0700 and it was cold and dark. I do not have a light on my bike but as the days shorten I will need one.

I did get my swim in before the old folks arrived. After the swim I had breakfast at the Omelet Shop. The oatmeal was good but the people working there are all graduates of rudeness school (magna cum laude).

I worked from 1ooo to 1500 on my PP. I think that I am muddling my through the programming. Everything seems to be working or easily correctable. Watching how young engineers learn software has helped. No manual just try everything.

At 3 PM I rode my bike around Reeds Lake. I stopped at Starbucks for a coffee and I finished reading the Time article on BO. It was very interesting and unbiased.

Tonight was pizza night for Ed, Tom and Bob. We talked about football, travel and of course politics. We all are trying to get a handle on BO and JM. I do not know how I would vote if the election were today.

Nancy said the book club meeting was great. She went to bed early and I am still awake writing this silly blog. Since I initiated my no alarm clock routine, I stay awake longer. Is this good or bad?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday September 9, 2008

This morning was sunny but cool. Temperature was in low 50s. I had to wear long pants.

I spent most of the morning and early afternoon at the office downloading some files and getting help with my PP presentation.

When I got home Nancy asked if I had hired Bob Calloway's lawn service to cut our side and back yard. I said no. I think he cut our grass as a way of telling me that he could save me a lot of grief if I hired his firm. My reply, of course, will be "no thanks".

I did cut the remaining lawn (front yard and strip between sidewalk and curb). I will admit it was easier.

Nancy has purchased our tickets for our November trip to CA. She does a great job in getting the best price. Her skills in purchasing tickets on-line are excellent.

Tomorrow is my easy day so after my swim I will work on my PP. Tomorrow night is Nancy's book club so it is pizza night for Bob, Ed and Tom.

It appears to me that BO looks very tired. His comments lack any enthusiasm. Is he an intellectual and not a scrapper? I think JM likes a good fight. I have some questions about the stamina of a 72 year old man. I have to do this seminar and I become unglued getting prepared. I do not know how I would handle problems like, Russia, the economy, and the whole middle east? Our next president is going to have a really tough job.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday September 8, 2008

We had rain off and on all day today. However, I was lucky I rode my bike to the MAC and back without getting wet.

I had to take my car into the shop today. I had a soft front tire and I thought my muffler had a hole in it. The tire did have a nail in it. The muffler was OK. It cost me $11.40.

I spent most of the day working on my PP presentation. Rick DeVries at the city said I could dry run my presentation with one of GR's projectors.

At 5 PM I was getting tired, so I took a 3 mile walk. Tonight was cereal night and I had a bowl of grape nuts. Nancy and I have a pact. We do not take any solid food after 7 PM. We have been very good.

Not much on TV this evening so I spent some more time playing with the PP. Tomorrow I will have some folks at the office help me put some graphics in the presentation.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sunday September 7, 2008

It rained most of the night. Nancy and I got up at 0700 and at 0730 headed for the MAC for our Sunday morning 45 minute swim. The pool was crowded but we did not have to share a lane. After the swim we headed for Meijer's at Knapp Corner. We must have been low on supplies because the number of bags was much larger than normal. In keeping with the green theme we have purchased reusable bags (2). However, we purchased so much today that we had 3 extra plastic bags. Horrors!

After Nancy's world famous poached eggs, I had to take a nap. Nancy had to work at the Hospital Gift Shop. The sun was shining when I awoke and so I went kayaking on Reeds Lake. Now that I found the kayak only launch site it is very easy to get in and out. Also since I sold my big kayak I did not have to make a decision on what kayak to use. This simplification is very important for us older gentlemen.

I have been playing with PP for my presentation. I found the online site and it appear helpful. Tomorrow I must take the Aztek in to get air in my nitrogen filled tires. I probably will need a new muffler.

I'm glad the spell check is working because I make a lot of spelling errors. 59 days left in the silly season.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Saturday September 6, 2008

Up at 0630 and I head for the Brandywine for breakfast. I did not buy my newspaper at Gaslight Village because today is the Reeds Lake Tri. The traffic and congestion would probably be terrible. Tasha can remember this race.

After breakfast I head for Barry County and put the kayak in Crooked Lake. I selected a lake because the recent heavy rains the would make the rivers too wild. Crooked Lake was nice but very shallow and weedy.

When I got home, Nancy informed me that I had 2 calls regarding my ad in the GR Press for the sale of my big kayak. I called the first caller and he stopped by and bought the kayak. Who needs Craig's List.

I decided to sell the big kayak because it was too long for the Aztek. It also weighted about 20 pounds more than my small kayak. Having only 1 kayak will simplify my life.

I have been experimenting with using PP. DLS gave me some ideas on using excel and other software. I hope to have the presentation put together early next week. I will ask the city of GR if I can dry run my talk using their projector.

Nancy grilled a steak for dinner. We were going to watch the US Open but it was rained out. Instead we watched "Law and Order".

Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday September 5, 2008

It rained all night. The reports said we had 3.5 inches of rain in the past 24 hours. We really needed the moisture.

The day started cool and cloudy but the sun came out at 1200. All the state newspapers were full of the details of the plight and resignation of Detroit's mayor. It is a sad story with no winners.

This PM I continued to work on my seminar. I visited the office once again to get more information on setting up my PP. I worked until 6 PM when Nancy said let us go Pietro's for dinner. We each had 1 pound of spaghetti. It was great.

Nancy then wanted to celebrate the start of school with a soft ice cream cone. We headed for Michigan and Fuller and purchased our cones, a small for Nancy and a medium for RH. As I write this blog I can hear the fireworks going off downtown. GR is having a September Celebration.

The blog spellcheck said I misspelled blog. Is spellcheck 1 or 2 words?

Thursday August 4, 2008

The rain was so heavy this morning I had to drive my car to the MAC. After the workout I headed to Barnes and Noble to buy a book on PowerPoint. I bought PowerPoint for Dummies.

Spent the PM getting familiar with PP. I did stop by the office to get some drawing to use in my seminar. At 4PM I went on a 3 mile walk. Nancy and I met the Horlings at the Blue Water Grill for dinner. A good time was had by all. We did not get home until after 9 so it was time for bed. We missed JM's acceptance speech. The silly season has now officially begun.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday September 3, 2008

Ah Wednesday, I love Wednesday it is my easy day. I slept in until 0600 and then pedalled to the MAC for a 1000 yard swim. After the swim I had breakfast at the Cheri Inn.

In the afternoon I visited the office to download some material for my upcoming seminar. I have to prepare a PowerPoint presentation. I hope to be able to use the city of GR projector to dry run my dog and pony show. Nancy and I also watched the PowerPoint presentation that DLS prepared for my 70th. It was great and brought back so many nice memories.

After the office I went for a 3 mile walk. Because Nancy and I go out on Thursdays, tonight was cereal night.

We are presently switching between the US Open and the GOP convention. I do not know if I can stay awake to listen to the VP acceptance speech.

I just did a spell check and it works. Last night the spell check did not work. How come?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday September 2, 2008

Today was only the 2nd day this year that the temperature exceeded 90. The other day was in early June. On my way to the MAC I stopped at Eastgate Pharmacy to purchase a Detroit Free Press. Much to my surprise the price has been increased $0.25. On Saturday I noted the New York Times had been increased $0.25. I will have to start getting my news off the internet.

After the long weekend I had trouble returning to the normal routine. I was 1 hour behind my normal schedule. However, I ask why is this important, I am retired.

It was so hot that I spent most of the afternoon cleaning off my desk of items that I had ignored all summer. At 5 PM I finished cutting the grass. I only had to do the front yard. After cutting the grass I walked to the Eastown PO to mail some letters and bills that I completed this afternoon. Tomorrow I go into the office to start work on my seminar.

Nancy and I did not watch the GOP convention this evening. We might be saturated with politics.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Monday September 1, 2008

Labor Day 08. Nancy and I got up at 0630 and headed downtown for the 5 mile GR bridge walk. It is a good walk along the Grand River and across 7 bridges. GR has made a good effort in building parks along the river bank. Also partaking of the river walk were the Obermeyers, Skip and his wife. We also chatted with the mayor, George Heartwell.

After the walk Nancy and I went to IHOP for a pancake breakfast. This afternoon I put my kayak in Reeds Lake for a quick trip. The water was very rough because of all the water skiers and jet skis.

After the kayak I cut the the back yard grass and Nancy got out the grill and grilled some steak. While eating dinner we noted 3 kids running through our back yard. We yelled at them and they ran between our house and Callaways. Several minutes later I noted some neighbors on the sidewalk in front of our house. Apparently the kids were seen running with a TV. The police were called and responded with tracking dogs. We do not know if they were caught.

Tonight we were going to watch the GOP convention but it seems Gus upstaged the GOP. Nancy is watching the Closer.

Today the temperature got to 88. We had blue skies all day. We are debating if we should turn the AC on. The morning temperatures lately have been in the comfortable 50s. Oh such big decisions.