Monday, October 9, 2023

October 9, 2023

 It has been a week since my last post.  A lot has happened:

Last Wednesday we attended a party at the University Club.  50 Cook Valley residents were the Guest of Peter Turner a 92 year old resident of Cook Valley.  We had a great 7 course dinner along with plenty of wine.

The leaves are turning fast in GR.  This is a special time of year.  I have been able to ride my bike every day.

Kevin McCarthy losing his Speaker job was something middle of the road folks like me thought was tragic.  The idiots rule.

Hamas’s attack on Israel caught everyone by surprise.  I sure hope a peace settlement is possible.

Nancy had another fender-bender last week at MVP.  She ran into a parked car.  Her foot slipped.  Damage is minor.

The passing of Jimmy Buffett was sad.

Today, Oct 9, we both got up a 0730.  The temperature was 38 and windy.  Typical Fall weather.

Nancy got ready for her swim and I fixed an oatmeal breakfast.  Today I drove both of us to MVP.  We are using the Fusion until the Escape gets repaired.

After our workouts we drove to Panera for our morning coffee.  On our way home we stopped at Forest Hill Foods and bought granola and fiber.

I spent several hours taking summer clothes down stairs and bring up warm weather garments.   Fall weather means Corduroy.  I found three pair of pants and a sport coat.

Took a seven mile bike ride this afternoon.  I wore light weight long underwear under my riding pants.  I also wore a lightweight wool jacket under my bright yellow bike jacket.  My sister gave me the wool jacket for my birthday.  A great jacket.

We had dinner in the Main Dining room tonight.  Nancy had a shrimp cocktail and I had the special mushroom soup with a. Salad.

Tonight we watched two episodes of the “Good Cop”.  It is now 2130.  Nancy just headed to bed and I still have to read the WSJ.

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